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1326 lines (1115 loc) · 36.4 KB

Class-16 React-3





1.1 什么是一个好的component

  • Q:什么是一个好的component,什么是一个好的component划分界限

面试时,谈到react好处,可能会按照下面思路谈下去->declarative,component based->component based->什么是一个好的component

  • readable:以前一个300多行的html,被划分成了几个文件,原来的html仅变成了10几行非常易读,易维护
  • reusable
  • maintainable

1.2 两种程序员

码畜 VS 码农

  • 码畜:机械重复的写代码,看到别人写就写
  • 码农:像农民一样,努力的呵护自己的庄稼,写完代码后,去反思,是否足够好,有没有可改进的空间,有没有可学习的空间

1.3 styled-components

styled-components: 让样式也成为components,让样式也获得可复用性地提升

1.4 学习阶段不要经常call api

作为前端开发,我们应该目标远大,而不是只把自己变成一个API Caller。

1.5 问题答疑

  • Q: 老师 styled-components能对bootstrap原生css进行更改吗
    • A:除非你在工作中遇到了这样的项目,身为一个好的程序员不要把自己往低的地方拉,而是往好的地方看,弄清原理,自己写
  • Q:怎么在react中用font-awesome
    • A: google,会发现font-awesome早已将变成了react official component,所以可以像component一样用font-awesome
  • Q:工作中styled components一般和jsx写在同一个文件里吗?
    • A: 是的
    • Q: 你写jsx的时候,希望跟styled component写在一个同文件里面
      • A:RMR
  • Q:那假如说一个项目有主题颜色,可能包含两三种颜色,我如果想复用这些颜色的话是应该单独把颜色的css写成一个组建么?还是有办法弄个什么全局变量可以所有组件调用?
    • A: 后几节课会讲,这个东西叫 theming,可以google theming styled components自学一下
  • Q:好的前端应该尽量避免使用架构吗?这个度该怎么把握,例如珊格系统是该自己重新实现还是用架构
    • A:好的前端是全程手写的,因为所有东西都在自己手写范围里,但是这样cost是很高的。对于度,自己去把握,调用api,成本低,可交付快。好的前端在不考虑其它因素的情况下,要尽量少用别人写好的东西,“授人鱼不如授人以渔”,调用api,永远是在吃别人嚼过的东西。好的程序员,尽量少调用库。
      • Q:但是我写的就是不如别人好怎么办
        • A:班上永远有比你学习好的同学,你会直接去抄他答案吗?

1.6 解决jsx中的warning代码块

React在编译的同时会检查你的html错误,同时会对html中的class这一写法疯狂warning, 这是因为jsx有些html attribute 与原生 html attribute不同,例如

  • class -> className
  • for -> htmlFor

为什么这两个会被改名,而href,id等没有,是因为class,for都是js关键字, 因此我们也极力避免以上情况。


1.7 解决频繁 run build

每次修改完成,我们都要npm run build一下,才能跑

  • 程序语言发展到现在,应该不会有地方让你感觉不舒服,但是这里为什么每一次要这么麻烦,所以你要学会google
  • webpack-dev-server,或者装plugin



  • 事出反常必有妖:但是这样会占用浏览器资源



    1. 更新Page.js,加入if
      import React from 'react';
      import HomePage from './components/HomePage';
      import ResumePage from './components/ResumePage';
      import Services from './components/Services';
      const page = 'RESUME';
      const Page = () => {
      if (page === 'HOME'){
          return (
          <div className="pages">
              <HomePage />
      if (page === 'RESUME'){
          return (
          <div className="pages">
              <ResumePage />
      if (page === 'SERVICES'){
          return (
          <div className="pages">
              <Services />
      if (page === 'BLOG'){
          return (
          <div className="pages">
              <div id="BLOG" className="page"></div>
      if (page === 'CONTACT'){
          return (
          <div className="pages">
              <div id="CONTACT" className="page"></div>
      export default Page;
    1. 更新HomePage.js, main.css
      import React from 'react';
      const HomePage = () => (
          <div id="HOME" className="page">
          <div className="page__header homepage__header">
          <img className="homepage__avatar" src="./assets/avatar.png" alt="Avatar" />
          <div className="homepage__title">
              <h2 className="homepage__name">Tifa Lockhart</h2>
              <div className="homepage__position">Final Fantasy VII</div>
              <div className="homepage__socialMedias">
              <i className="fab fa-twitter homepage__socialMediaItem"></i>
              <i className="fab fa-facebook-f homepage__socialMediaItem"></i>
              <i className="fab fa-instagram homepage__socialMediaItem"></i>
          <div className="page__content homepage__content">
              <h3 className="homepage__aboutMeHeader">
              <span className="homepage__aboutMeHeaderHighlight">Me</span>
              <div className="homepage__aboutMeContent">
              Bright and optimistic, Tifa always cheers up the others when they're down. But don't let her looks fool you, she can decimate almost any enemy with her fists...
          <table className="homepage__contact">
                  <td>Level 3 / 57 Coronation Drive, Brisbane</td>
                  <a href="mailto:[email protected]">
                      [email protected]
                  <td>+0123 123 456 789</td>
      export default HomePage;
    * {
          font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
          box-sizing: border-box;
      body {
          margin: 0;
      a {
          text-decoration: none;
          color: #377e9a;
      .container {
          max-width: 1000px;
          margin: auto;
          min-height: 100vh;
          display: flex;
          flex-direction: column;
      .main {
          background-color: #f5f5f5;
          background-image: url(./assets/main_bg.png);
          background-size: cover;
          background-repeat: no-repeat;
      .nav {
          padding: 15px 0;
          display: flex;
          align-items: center;
      .nav__left {
          flex: 1;
      .logo {
          font-size: 1.5rem;
          font-weight: 500;
      .logo__highlight {
          color: #377e9a;
      .navbar {
          display: flex;
      .navbar__item {
          padding: 16px;
          text-decoration: none;
          color: #49515d;
          font-size: 15px;
          opacity: 0.6;
          display: block;
          transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out;
      .navbar__item::after {
          content: "";  
          width: 0;
          border-bottom: 3px solid #377e9a;
          margin: auto;
          margin-top: 4px;
          display: block;
          transition: width 0.3s ease-in-out;
      .navbar__item:hover {
          opacity: 1;
      .navbar__item:hover::after {
          width: 24px;
      .navbar__item:last-of-type {
          padding-right: 0;
      .pages {
          padding: 15px 0;
          position: relative;
          flex: 1;
      .page {
          display: block;
          position: relative;
          visibility: visible;
          opacity: 1;
          border-radius: 16px;
          background: white;
          transition: visibility 0.3s, opacity 0.3s ease-in-out;
          box-shadow: 0px 15px 25px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
      .page__header {
          padding: 32px 64px;
          background-color: #377e9a;
          color: white;
          background-image: url(./assets/main_bg.png);
          background-size: cover;
          background-repeat: no-repeat;
          border-top-left-radius: 16px;
          border-top-right-radius: 16px;
      .page__title {
          margin: 0;
          text-align: center;
          font-size: 44px;
      .page__content {
          padding: 32px 64px;
          background-color: white;
          border-bottom-left-radius: 16px;
          border-bottom-right-radius: 16px;
      .homepage__header {
          display: flex;
          padding-bottom: 0;
          align-items: center;
      .homepage__title {
          flex: 1;
          display: flex;
          flex-direction: column;
          align-items: center;
      .homepage__avatar {
          border-radius: 4px;
          width: 250px;
          height: 250px;
          margin: 24px 0 -24px;
          border: 3px solid white;
          box-shadow: 0px 3px 8px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
          transition-property: transform, box-shadow;
          transition-duration: 0.3s;
          transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
      .homepage__avatar:hover {
          transform: translateY(-8px);
          box-shadow: 0 18px 24px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
      .homepage__name {
          margin: 0;  
          font-size: 3rem;
          font-weight: 500;
      .homepage__position {
          font-size: 1.25rem;
          margin-top: 8px;
      .homepage__socialMedias {
          margin-top: 16px;
          display: flex;
          justify-content: center;
      .homepage__socialMediaItem {
          display: flex;
          align-items: center;
          justify-content: center;
          box-sizing: content-box;
          width: 16px;
          height: 16px;
          margin: 0 4px;
          color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
          background-color: white;
          padding: 8px;
          border-radius: 100%;
      .homepage__content {
          padding-top: 56px;
      .resumePage__sub {
          display: flex;
          justify-content: space-between;
      .homepage__content > div,
      .resumePage__sub > div {
          flex-basis: calc(50% - 32px);
      .homepage__aboutMeHeader {
          margin-top: 0;
          font-size: 1.5rem;
          font-weight: bold;
      .homepage__aboutMeHeaderHighlight {
          color: #377e9a;
      .homepage__aboutMeContent {
          line-height: 1.75;
      .homepage__contact {
          border: 0;
      .homepage__contact td {
          padding: 4px 0;
      .homepage__contact td:first-of-type {
          padding-right: 42px;
      .homepage__contact td:last-of-type {
          color: #9e9e9e;
      .footer {
          color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
          text-align: center;
          margin: 8px 0;
      .resumeSub__title {
          margin-top: 0;
      .timelines {
          border-left: 2px solid #dadada;
          padding: 8px 0 8px 48px;
      .timelines > div {
          margin-top: 16px;
          margin-bottom: 16px;
      .timeline {
          position: relative;
          padding: 16px 20px;
          border-radius: 4px;
          box-shadow: 0px 3px 8px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
          border-left: 2px solid #377e98;
          margin-left: -5px;
      .timeline::before {
          content: "";
          width: 48px;
          border-bottom: 2px solid #377e98;
          position: absolute;
          left: -48px;
          top: 8px;
      .timeline::after {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          left: -52px;
          width: 10px;
          height: 10px;
          border-radius: 100%;
          border: 2px solid #377e98;
          top: 2px;
          background: white;
      .experience__title {
          margin: 0 0 8px;
      .experience__meta {
          font-size: 0.8rem;
          margin-bottom: 8px;
      .experience__year {
          color: #377e98;
      .experience__divider {
          border-right: 1px solid #dadada;
      .experience__company {
          color: #49515d;
      .experience__description {
          line-height: 1.75;
      .resumePage__sub + .resumePage__sub {
          margin-top: 32px;
      .resumeSub__titleHighlight {
          color: #377e98;
      .skill {
          margin: 16px 0;
      .skill__title {
          margin: 0 0 8px;
          font-size: 0.8rem;
      .skill__level {
          position: relative;
          height: 16px;
          background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
      .skill__level:after {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          left: 0;
          top: 0;
          bottom: 0;
          background-color: #377e98;
      .skill__level--webDesign:after {
          width: 80%;
      .skill__level--graphicDesign:after {
          width: 70%;
      .skill__level--printDesign:after {
          width: 75%;
      .skill__level--htmlDesign:after {
          width: 90%;
      .skill__level--cssDesign:after {
          width: 85%;
      .skill__level--jsDesign:after {
          width: 70%;
      .services__titleHightLight {
          color: #377e9a;
      .services {
          display: flex;
          justify-content: space-around;
          margin: 48px 0;
      .serviceItem {
          width: calc(100%/3);
          margin: 0 32px;
          display: flex;
          align-items: center;
          flex-direction: column;
      .serviceItem__imageContainer {
          width: 125px;
          height: 125px;
          display: flex;
          align-items: center;
          justify-content: center;
          background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);
          border-radius: 100%;
      .serviceItem__image {
      .serviceItem__name {
          font-size: 18px;
      .serviceItem__description {
          text-align: center;
          line-height: 1.5;
          font-size: 14px;
          color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
      .clients {
          display: flex;
          justify-content: space-around;
          align-items: center;
      .clientItem {
          width: 150px;
      .blogs {
          display: flex;
          justify-content: space-between;
          flex-wrap: wrap;
      .blog {
          width: calc(100%/2 - 16px);
          margin: 16px 0;
      .blog__image {
          border-radius: 16px;
          width: 100%;
          height: 100%;


    //渲染为home page
    const page = 'HOME';
    //渲染为resume page
    const page = 'RESUME';


3. 改造以上写法中的if-else


3.1 回顾js中的key-value map,改造if-else

const student = {
    name: 'LONG',
    age: 29,

const myAge = student.age;//29
const myAge = student['age'];//29

const key = 'age';
const myAge = student[key];//29



  • 可以,




import React from 'react';
import HomePage from './components/HomePage';
import ResumePage from './components/ResumePage';
import Services from './components/Services';

const page = 'HOME';

const Page = () => {
  //key,value map
  //javascript variable
  const currentPage = {
    HOME: (<HomePage />),
    RESUME: (<ResumePage />),
    SERVICES: (<Services />),
    BLOG: (<div id="BLOG" className="page"></div>),
    CONTACT: (<div id="CONTACT" className="page"></div>),

  return (
    <div className = "pages">
      { currentPage }

export default Page;

3.2 改造if-else, jsx中我们更常见的写法

虽然上面的代码量是最小的,但是在jsx中,我们并不想看到一个东西up and down,上面的写法在工作中,我们更常见的写法是:

import React from 'react';
import HomePage from './components/HomePage';
import ResumePage from './components/ResumePage';
import Services from './components/Services';

const page = 'HOME';

const Page = () => {
  return (
    <div className = "pages">
      { page === 'HOME' && (<HomePage />) }
      { page === 'RESUME' && (<ResumePage />) }
      { page === 'SERVICES' && (<Services />) }
      { page === 'CONTACT' && (<div id="CONTACT" className="page">CONTACT</div>) }
      { page === 'BLOG' && (<div id="BLOG" className="page">BLOG</div>) }

export default Page;

3.3 课间提问

  • Q:龙哥嫂子也是程序媛吗2333
    • A:不是。之前她想做P1的网站,用了wordpress
  • Q:龙哥,只有react是组件式的前端开发么
    • A:不是,所有能火起来的前端开发,一定是组件式的。组件式一定是大潮流。一定是declarative和component-based
  • Q:组件 怎么能够准确,我用HTML +CSS 都会这里多一块,格式控制不好;就是格式不准确,比如多一点。
    • A:CSS一定是基本功,如果是padding,margin少一点,这种问题可以不用关心;但是position absolute,relative,要不要用position,还是用flex,这种问题一定要清楚
  • Q:龙哥现在大公司都上云是不是?
    • A:是,小公司也上云,你们P2都上云
  • Q:需要考证吗?
    • A:前端不需要,DevOps可以需要
  • Q:前端框架进化淘汰频繁吗
    • A:相对于后端,一定是频繁的;前端程序员一定是比后端程序员学的多一些,但是不等于说后端程序员不用学习。前端为什么更新快,是因为人的审美变化快,前端项目迭代快,前端永远可以不停尝试新技术。
  • Q:转行的,在澳洲学这个能吃一辈子不。。。
    • A:这个不好答...但是今年来问,学it还是会计,还是it;学it还是金融,如果想赚的多,还是学金融;所以特定问题,特定分析
  • Q:啊我一直以为前端经常被后端鄙视的
    • A:后端心理不服气
  • Q:但是国内后端比前端赚得多
    • A:现在在it行业,工资最高的是data miner,数据分析类;然后是devops;再其次是前端;垫底的是后端。比如阿里的P7,纯前端可以拿到120~140W的package,纯后端的可能拿不到100W
    • 市场Average情况下,程序员工资:6w5 -> 22w5:Jnr -> Mid -> Snr -> Principle
    • 想看salary的推荐glassdoor去看看,linkedin也可以,但是澳洲Linkedin上写的工资是偏低的,
  • Q: 从junior到mid需要多久
    • A: 龙哥的经历:
      • 2016 -> 2021:Jnr -> Principle: 4w -> 20w
      • 从Jnr到Mid用了半年,7个月的时间,前提是看你多努力
  • Q:这个 junior mid senior title 是自然晋升的 还是跳槽 换title的?
    • A: 如果你认为自己达到了mid,可以跟你的领导谈,问他review下你的title;或者你可以跳槽到别的公司做mid
  • Q: 报Salary expectation多少合适
    • A:对于我们现在的学生,报7W5是没错的
    • Q:对方会砍价吗
      • A:砍价的很少见
    • Q:这个salary offer前 一定会问吗
      • A:一般都会问

4. 引入变量page,使header active与当前页面渲染一致


  • false,null,undefined,[](空array)
  • {} (空object)不会被接受
  • 0会被渲染出来
  • {true}是不是也出不来:true也不会被渲染出来


    1. 从新写回css
.navbarItem {
    padding: 16px;
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #49515d;
    font-size: 15px;
    opacity: 0.6;
    display: block;
    transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out;
.navbarItem::after {
    content: "";  
    width: 0;
    border-bottom: 3px solid #377e9a;
    margin: auto;
    margin-top: 4px;
    display: block;
    transition: width 0.3s ease-in-out;
.navbarItem:hover {
    opacity: 1;
.navbarItem:hover::after {
    width: 24px;
.navbarItem:last-of-type {
    padding-right: 0;
    1. 改写Header.js
import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import Flex from '../../components/Flex';
import './components/NavbarItem/NavbarItem.css';

const Highlight = styled.span`

const Logo = styled.div`
    font-size: 1.5rem;

const Nav = styled(Flex)`
    padding: 15px 0;
    align-items: center;

const Left = styled.div`
    flex: 1;

const Right = styled.div`

const Header = () => (
                <a className = "navbarItem navbarItem--active" href="HOME">Home</a>
                <a className = "navbarItem" href="RESUME">Resume</a>
                <a className = "navbarItem" href="SERVICES">Services</a>
                <a className = "navbarItem" href="BLOG">Blog</a>
                <a className = "navbarItem" href="CONTACT">Contact</a>

export default Header;
  • 3.继续修改Header.js,引入page变量


import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import Flex from '../../components/Flex';
import './components/NavbarItem/NavbarItem.css';

const Highlight = styled.span`

const Logo = styled.div`
    font-size: 1.5rem;

const Nav = styled(Flex)`
    padding: 15px 0;
    align-items: center;

const Left = styled.div`
    flex: 1;

const Right = styled.div`

const Header = () => {
    const page = 'HOME';

    return (
                <a className = {`navbarItem ${page === 'HOME' && 'navbarItem--active'}`} href="HOME">Home</a>
                <a className = {`navbarItem ${page === 'RESUME' && 'navbarItem--active'}`} href="RESUME">Resume</a>
                <a className = {`navbarItem ${page === 'SERVICES' && 'navbarItem--active'}`} href="SERVICES">Services</a>
                <a className = {`navbarItem ${page === 'BLOG' && 'navbarItem--active'}`} href="BLOG">Blog</a>
                <a className = {`navbarItem ${page === 'CONTACT' && 'navbarItem--active'}`} href="CONTACT">Contact</a>

export default Header;
  • 4.进一步引入getNavBarItemClassName
import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import Flex from '../../components/Flex';
import './components/NavbarItem/NavbarItem.css';

const Highlight = styled.span`

const Logo = styled.div`
    font-size: 1.5rem;

const Nav = styled(Flex)`
    padding: 15px 0;
    align-items: center;

const Left = styled.div`
    flex: 1;

const Right = styled.div`

const Header = () => {
    const page = 'HOME';

    const navbarItems = [
        { key: 'HOME', value: 'Home' }
        { key: 'RESUME', value: 'Resume' }
        { key: 'SERVICES', value: 'Services' }
        { key: 'BLOG', value: 'Blog' }
        { key: 'CONTACT', value: 'Contact' }

    const getNavBarItemClassName = (key) =>  `navbarItem ${page === key && 'navbarItem--active'}`;

    return (
                <a className = {getNavBarItemClassName('HOME')} href="HOME">Home</a>
                <a className = {getNavBarItemClassName('RESUME')} href="RESUME">Resume</a>
                <a className = {getNavBarItemClassName('SERVICES')} href="SERVICES">Services</a>
                <a className = {getNavBarItemClassName('BLOG')} href="BLOG">Blog</a>
                <a className = {getNavBarItemClassName('CONTACT')} href="CONTACT">Contact</a>

export default Header;
  • Q: 插一句哈,我看prettier自动格式是全改成双引号,不过看龙哥这里是js单引号,html部分双引号?
    • A: 首先我们在jsx里写的是html片段,在html原生的attribute写的是双引号,这就是我们在jsx里html部分写的都是双引号的原因。在js中,遇到string,我们采用单或者双引号是取决于这个项目要求。现在jsx的书写规范,单引号要多于双引号。只要保证项目内部一致性就好,html里只要是值永远都是双引号。

4.1 复习模板字符串

const name = 'Long Zhao';
const age = 29;

const s = 'my name is ' + name + ', ' + age + ' years old.';


const s = `my name is ${name}, ${age} years old.`;


  • 5.从第4步继续,因此Header可进一步简化为:
import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import Flex from '../../components/Flex';
import './components/NavbarItem/NavbarItem.css';

const Highlight = styled.span`

const Logo = styled.div`
    font-size: 1.5rem;

const Nav = styled(Flex)`
    padding: 15px 0;
    align-items: center;

const Left = styled.div`
    flex: 1;

const Right = styled.div`

const Header = () => {
    const page = 'HOME';

    const navbarItems = [
        { key: 'HOME', value: 'Home' },
        { key: 'RESUME', value: 'Resume' },
        { key: 'SERVICES', value: 'Services' },
        { key: 'BLOG', value: 'Blog' },
        { key: 'CONTACT', value: 'Contact' },

    const getNavBarItemClassName = (key) =>  `navbarItem ${page === key && 'navbarItem--active'}`;

    return (
                { => (
                <a className = {getNavBarItemClassName(navbarItem.key)} href = {navbarItem.value} >

export default Header;
  • Q: 老师 ·navbarItem ${false}· 这样输出的class会不会变成 narbarItem false
    • A: 是的
  • Q: 我觉得刚才用模版字符串一句话挺方便的,真实工作中有必要这么先搞两个函数么?
    • A: 工作中代码是不需要两个const的,刚刚的两个const是教学需要,因此Header的最后优化版为
      import React from 'react';
      import styled from 'styled-components';
      import Flex from '../../components/Flex';
      import './components/NavbarItem/NavbarItem.css';
      const Highlight = styled.span`
      const Logo = styled.div`
          font-size: 1.5rem;
      const Nav = styled(Flex)`
          padding: 15px 0;
          align-items: center;
      const Left = styled.div`
          flex: 1;
      const Right = styled.div`
      const Header = () => {
          const page = 'HOME';
          const navbarItems = [
              { key: 'HOME', value: 'Home' },
              { key: 'RESUME', value: 'Resume' },
              { key: 'SERVICES', value: 'Services' },
              { key: 'BLOG', value: 'Blog' },
              { key: 'CONTACT', value: 'Contact' }
          return (
                      { => (
                    className = {`navbarItem ${page === navbarItem.key && 'navbarItem--active'}`} href = {navbarItem.value} >
      export default Header;


5.1 map映射

map 使一个array经过一个处理,获得一个新的array,即
array -> map(映射) -> 新array

['鸡肉','蘑菇'] -> map(切菜) -> ['切好的鸡肉','切好的蘑菇'] 
const 切菜 = (菜) => '切好的${菜}'

map, reduce, filter是映射的三个高级用法

5.2 props值传递的实现原理

Header.jspage = 'HOME'
Page.jspage = 'HOME'

const a = () => {

const b = () => {
    const s = 'ABC';

const c = () => {
    const s = 'ABC';


const a = () = {
    const s = 'ABC';


const b = (s) => {


const c = (s) => {


5.3 props值传递的实现步骤

    1. 更改App.js,定义page,并传递arg
import React from 'react';
import Header from './app/Header';
import Page from './app/Page';
import Footer from './app/Footer';

const App = () => {
    const page = 'HOME';

    <div className="main">
        <div className="container">
        <Header arg = {page} />
        <Page arg = {page} />
        <Footer />

export default App;

html attribute是一个key,value的形式
在这里, className = main,attrib中,key = arg, value = page,

    1. 更改Page.js, 接收page
import React from 'react';
import HomePage from './components/HomePage';
import ResumePage from './components/ResumePage';
import Services from './components/Services';

const page = 'HOME';

const Page = ({
  }) => (
    <div className = "pages">
      { arg === 'HOME' && (<HomePage />) }
      { arg === 'RESUME' && (<ResumePage />) }
      { arg === 'SERVICES' && (<Services />) }
      { arg === 'CONTACT' && (<div id="CONTACT" className="page">CONTACT</div>) }
      { arg === 'BLOG' && (<div id="BLOG" className="page">BLOG</div>) }

export default Page;


import React from 'react';
import HomePage from './components/HomePage';
import ResumePage from './components/ResumePage';
import Services from './components/Services';

const page = 'HOME';

const Page = (props) => {
  const { arg } = props;
    <div className = "pages">
      { arg === 'HOME' && (<HomePage />) }
      { arg === 'RESUME' && (<ResumePage />) }
      { arg === 'SERVICES' && (<Services />) }
      { arg === 'CONTACT' && (<div id="CONTACT" className="page">CONTACT</div>) }
      { arg === 'BLOG' && (<div id="BLOG" className="page">BLOG</div>) }

export default Page;

5.4 props值传递的总结

props传参:传递一个object(把所有attributes作为一个object,叫做props),component拿到props后,通过解构,可以拿到里面相应的东西,例如 App.js中这样定义了props:

<Page foo = "bar" name = "Long Zhao"/>



import React from 'react';
import HomePage from './components/HomePage';
import ResumePage from './components/ResumePage';
import Services from './components/Services';

const page = 'HOME';

const Page = ({arg,}) => {
    <div className = "pages">
      { arg === 'HOME' && (<HomePage />) }
      { arg === 'RESUME' && (<ResumePage />) }
      { arg === 'SERVICES' && (<Services />) }
      { arg === 'CONTACT' && (<div id="CONTACT" className="page">CONTACT</div>) }
      { arg === 'BLOG' && (<div id="BLOG" className="page">BLOG</div>) }

export default Page;


  • Q: 好奇问一下,这里props是从上层组件往下面传递,请问有没有可能,能从下面组件往上传递?

    • A: 可以,后面会将,但不是你想象中的那种可以
    • React的简单理解——某个组件就是个基于state和props的函数,state是自己的,props是外来的,他们俩不管谁变了就重新渲染一遍
  • Q:前端是不是不需要学习很多aws

    • A:作为Junior不需要太多
  • Q:怎么能变得跟老师一样厉害?

    • A: (龙哥自谦)技术上理解还是比较浅的,但是很理解澳洲的文化,会把他跟中国文化做一个结合,结合中国文化的长处,比如执行力;理解了澳洲的圈子后,发挥了中国文化的优点
    • 澳洲为什么招一个23年经验的,因为懒;澳洲人认为一个星期可以完成的,中国人一天就能完成;所以23年的经验,你可能几个月就弥补过来,每天哪怕五小时,真的敲代码,对澳洲人来讲 也是作弊的
    • 所以你做为一个Junior去面试,澳洲人会先入为主的代入你实际的代码工作总时长其实不长,从而非常反感你去聊技术;他更关心你,每天磨工8小时你得到了什么锻炼,学到了什么东西