This file contains the archived list of solutions to the 2021 Advent of Code event.
- 2021
- Solutions
- Ada
- Assembly
- Bash
- C
- C#
- C++
- Clojure
- Common Lisp
- Crystal
- D
- Dart
- Elixir
- Elm
- Erlang
- Excel
- F#
- Go
- Groovy
- Hamler
- Haskell
- Haxe
- HolyC
- Hoon
- Idris
- J
- Java
- JavaScript
- jq
- Julia
- Kotlin
- Lua
- Nim
- Objective-C
- OCaml
- Perl
- Pony
- PowerShell
- Prolog
- Python
- R
- Racket
- Raku
- ReasonML
- Red
- Ruby
- Rust
- Smalltalk
- Scala
- Scheme
- Solidity
- SpectX
- Standard ML
- Swift
- TypeScript
- Unison
- Whitespace
- Zig
- Zsh
- Live Streams
- Solutions
WARNING: All of these likely contain spoilers.
Solutions to AoC in Ada.
Solutions to AoC in APL.
Solutions to AoC in Assembly.
Solutions to AoC in AWK.
Solutions to AoC in Bash.
Solutions to AoC in BQN.
- AlexDikelsky/puzzles
- Detegr/aoc2021
- dancek/bqn-advent2021
- dzaima/aoc
- frasiyav/AoC2021
- icen/aoc21
- leahneukirchen/adventofcode2021
- razetime/AOC2021-BQN
Solutions to AoC in C.
- Fritz179/aoc-2021
- Jamesbarford/advent-of-code-2021
- breakthatbass/advent_of_code2021
- derpicknicker1/AdventOfCode2021
- federicovilla55/Advent-of-Code
- jeromkiller/AoC2021
- mustafaquraish/aoc-2021
- sbancuz/aoc-2021
- vierofernando/ansi-adventure
- happycoder74/adventofcode
Solutions to AoC in C#.
- BlythMeister/AdventOfCode
- DjordjeNedovic/Advent-of-Code
- Hawk1401/AdventOfCode2021
- ShootMe/AdventOfCode
- Virenbar/AdventOfCode
- akaritakai/AdventOfCode2021-Csharp
- eduherminio/AoC2021
- encse/adventofcode
- norrbacka/aoc2021
- ntovas/AdventOfCode
- viceroypenguin/adventofcode
- vladsm/adventofcode-2021-dotnet
- tpetrina/adventofcode
- flerka/adventofcode-2021
- mMosiur/AdventOfCode2021
Solutions to AoC in C++.
- DichromaticLB/AOC2021
- FilipHusnjak/AdventOfCode-2021
- LMesaric/AoC-2021
- PascalGuenther/AdventOfCode
- TheRealMolen/adventofcode21
- akamayu-ouo/AdventOfCode
- bg2b/aoc21
- lento234/advent-of-code-2021
- lvrcek/advent-of-code-2021
- m3m0ry/aoc2021
- sultan308/Advent-of-code-2021
- tbeu/AdventOfCode
- vss2sn/advent_of_code
- annovo/adventofcode2021
- RussellDash332/aoc-2021
- coralkashri/AOC
Solutions to AoC in Clojure.
- amrittuladhar/adventofcode
- erdos/advent-of-code
- madbence/aoc-21-clj
- slotThe/AOC-2021
- unparalloser/advent-of-code-2021
- Ventrosky/advent-of-code-2021
- syncd010/AoC2021
Solutions to AoC in Common Lisp.
- VaclavSynacek/advent-of-code
- akagr/aoc-21
- caseneuve/aoc-2021-clisp
- dwclark/advent-of-code-2021
- guojing0/aoc-2021
Solutions to AoC in Crystal.
Solutions to AoC in D.
Solutions to AoC in Dart.
- S-ecki/AdventOfCode-2021
- dangerground/adventofcode-2021
- julemand101/AdventOfCode2021
- letsar/adventofcode_2021
- timsneath/advent-of-code-2021
Solutions to AoC in Elixir.
- MarcusCemes/advent-of-code-2021
- Tyflomate/advent_of_code
- YauHsien/advent-of-code-2021
- ballpointcarrot/advent-of-code-2021
- edwardzhou/advent_code_2021
- maco/advent_of_code
- memoriesadrift/AoC2021-Elixir
- sevenseacat/advent_of_code
- wasi0013/advent_of_code
- mathsaey/adventofcode
- p88h/aoc2021
Solutions to AoC in Elm and Literate Elm.
Solutions to AoC in Erlang.
Solutions to AoC in Excel.
Solutions to AoC in F#.
Solutions to AoC in Go.
- Alex-Wauters/advent-go-2021
- BorisLeMeec/adventofcode
- Christheoreo/advent-of-code-2021
- CodeHex/advent-of-code-2021
- Maitgon/Advent2021
- SwiftPush/advent-of-code-2021
- angristan/advent-of-code-2021
- chigley/advent2021
- codemicro/adventOfCode
- dellink/advent-of-code
- dergeberl/aoc
- devries/advent_of_code_2021
- erik-adelbert/aoc
- flopp/aoc2021
- ga-paul-t/advent-of-code-2021
- hariskhan14/advent-of-code-2021
- hija/aoc-2021
- jsgv/advent-of-code
- jvgrootveld/advent-of-code
- mbalc/advent-of-code-2021-golang
- nobbs/advent-of-code-in-go
- obalunenko/advent-of-code
- ostcar/aoc2021
- pemoreau/advent-of-code
- pin2t/aoc2021
- pvainio/adventofcode
- ridaamirini/advent-of-code
- shytikov/advent-of-go
- stscoundrel/advent-of-code-2021
- shpikat/advent-of-code-2021
- AndrewSav/adventofcode2021-golang
- alokmenghrajani/adventofcode2021
- nlowe/aoc2021
- MeanderingProgrammer/advent-of-code
Solutions to AoC in Groovy.
Solutions to AoC in Hamler.
Solutions to AoC in Haskell.
- 414owen/advent-of-code
- DestyNova/advent_of_code_2021
- SoleneGK/advent-of-code
- TommasoAmici/advent-of-code
- Vince7778/adventofcode2021
- daggy1234/aoc2021
- ggzor/advent-of-code-2021
- glguy/advent2021
- ilyasm0919/AdventOfCode2021
- jitwit/aoc
- p-kostic/AdventOfCode2021
- prikhi/advent-of-code-2021
- shepherdjerred/advent-of-code-2021
- sonowz/advent-of-code-haskell
- siraben/haoc-2021
- ephemient/aoc2021
- RussellDash332/aoc-2021
- oshyshko/adventofcode
Solutions to AoC in Haxe.
Solutions to AoC in HolyC (TempleOS).
Solutions to AoC in Hoon (Urbit).
- Splined/Advent-of-hoon
- ashelkovnykov/advent-of-hoon-2021
- hanfel-dovned/advent-of-hoon-2021
- taalhavras/advent-of-code-2021
- yosoyubik/advent-of-hoon
Solutions to AoC in Idris.
Solutions to AoC in J.
Solutions to AoC in Java.
- OmarAssadi/advent-2021
- SimonBaars/AdventOfCode-Java
- Sycix-HK/Advent-of-Code-2021
- akaritakai/AdventOfCode2021
- akbence/adventofcode
- amalagraba/adventofcode-2021
- jerchende/advent-of-code-2021
- nsirons/programming-puzzles
- pin2t/aoc2021
- pvainio/adventofcode
- RussellDash332/aoc-2021
- tmrd993/advent-of-code-solutions
- mattjlewis/advent-of-code
- jfriemel/Advent-of-Code
Solutions to AoC in JavaScript.
- jashnniloofar/adventOfCode
- Fritz179/aoc-2021
- JakobMakovac/advent-of-code
- NullDev/Advent-of-Code
- Omay238/advent-of-code
- Pandicon/Advent-of-Code
- Scttpr/Advent-of-Code
- Totto16/AOC-2021
- pstachula-dev/advent-of-code
- carpusherw/advent-of-code-2021
- chinesedfan/adventofcode
- eli6/advent-of-code
- janfabian/adventofcode
- joaomlneto/advent-of-code
- rkeytacked/adventofcode-2021
- sebastian-raubach/advent-of-code
- shadow578/AdventOfCode2021
- thejan14/adventofcode2021
- warriordog/advent-of-code-2021
- xhayper/advent-of-code
- shahata/adventofcode-solver
Solutions to AoC in jq.
Solutions to AoC in Julia.
- CmdQ/AoC
- DearRude/advent-of-code
- JakobSachs/aoc21
- LiquidFun/adventofcode
- Praful/advent_of_code
- goggle/AdventOfCode2021.jl
- iskyd/advent-of-code-julia
- lostella/advent-of-code
- lucifer1004/AoC
- maxwindiff/advent2021
- racinmat/advent_of_code_2021
- Teo-ShaoWei/advent-of-code-julia
- tobijkl/advent-of-code
Solutions to AoC in Kotlin.
- 7rebux/advent-of-code-2021
- ArpitShukIa/AdventOfCode2021
- RaphaelTarita/AoC-2021
- The-Self-Taught-Software-Engineer/advent-of-code-2021
- agrison/advent-of-code
- askeron/advent-of-code-kotlin-2021
- csj/advent-of-code-2021
- edgars-supe/advent-of-code
- hughjdavey/aoc-2021
- lucifer1004/AoC
- marc-bouvier-katas/Kotlin_EduTools_Advent_of_Code_2021
- matios13/advent_of_code
- piotrponikowski/AdventOfCode2021
- sanderploegsma/advent-of-code
- tchojnacki/advent-of-code
- underwindfall/advent-of-code-2021
- zakmat/AdventOfCode2021
- sebdehne/advent_of_code
- ephemient/aoc2021
Solutions to AoC in LDPL.
Solutions to AoC in Lua.
Solutions to AoC in MATLAB (Octave).
Solutions to AoC in Nim.
- AP2008/nim-aoc2021
- codemicro/adventOfCode
- dannyhpy/adventofcode
- vanyle/AdventOfCode
- Archargelod/aoc21-nim
Solutions to AoC in Objective-C.
Solutions to AoC in OCaml.
Solutions to AoC in PHP.
- arxeiss/advent-of-code-2021
- jvancoillie/advent-of-code
- jvwag/advent-of-code
- kirara/advent-of-code
- Lezas/advent-of-code
- ridaamirini/advent-of-code
- vuryss/aoc-php
- jeroenheijmans/advent-of-code-2021
- tbali0524/advent-of-code-solutions
Solutions to AoC in Perl.
Solutions to AoC in Pony.
Solutions to AoC in Prolog.
Solutions to AoC in PowerShell.
Solutions to AoC in Python.
- adamml/advent-of-code
- AkaruiYami/AdventOfCode
- Akumatic/Advent-of-Code
- alihacks/advent-of-code
- alvesvaren/AoC-2021
- AnandSunderrajan/advent-of-code-2021
- Arrezz/AdventOfCode2021
- aufbakanleitung/advent-of-code
- benediktwerner/AdventOfCode
- blackfisch/adventofcode-2021
- cobanov/advent-of-code
- codemicro/adventOfCode
- daggy1234/aoc2021
- daniel-dara/advent-of-code
- derailed-dash/advent-of-code
- DevOFVictory/advent-of-code
- dhimmel/advent-of-code
- dionyziz/advent-of-code
- dplocki/advent-of-code
- ephemient/aoc2021
- ernestoarbitrio/AoC2021
- evaldask/advent-of-code-2021
- filipmlynarski/Advent-of-Code
- fridokus/advent-of-code
- fuglede/adventofcode
- gamma032steam/advent-of-code
- GeertLitjens/advent-of-code-2021
- gjanee/advent-of-code-2021
- grigoresc/adventofcode.2021
- happycoder74/adventofcode
- IanFindlay/advent-of-code
- IsaacG/Advent-of-Code
- James-Ansley/adventofcode
- jhrcook/advent-of-code_2021
- JohnScolaro/advent-of-code
- jopein/aoc2021
- k2bd/advent-of-code-python
- KevinL10/advent-of-code
- kresimir-lukin/AdventOfCode2021
- lostella/advent-of-code
- lucifer1004/AoC
- lukacupic/Advent-Of-Code-2021
- lypnol/adventofcode-2021
- martino-vic/advent
- MasterMedo/aoc
- mathstrains21/Advent-Of-Code
- mebeim/aoc
- MonitSharma/Advent-of-Code
- nhrade/advent-of-code
- NimVek/advent-of-code
- nitekat1124/advent-of-code-2021
- noah-kg/AdventOfCode
- novoselov-ab/adventofcode-2021-python
- npanuhin/Advent-of-Code
- orfeasa/advent-of-code-2021
- pranasziaukas/advent-of-code
- prashnts/advent-of-code--2021
- python-b5/advent-of-code-2021
- red-clown/advent-of-code
- redraw/aoc
- roronoasins/adventofcode
- rosscon/rosscon_advent_of_code
- merlinscholz/adventofcode-2021
- RussellDash332/aoc-2021
- sejaldua/advent-of-code-2021
- smetanin-av/advent-of-code
- SwampThingTom/AoC2021
- taddeus/advent-of-code
- TechnoTone/AdventOfCode2021
- twobiers/AoC-2021
- TomDufall/prog-puzzles
- Vasile-Hij/AOC-2021
- viliampucik/adventofcode
- vlopezferrando/advent-of-code
- w-m/aoc
- Widdin/advent-of-code
- xanthoko/Advent-of-Code
- yspreen/adventofcode
- zedrdave/advent_of_code
- TurtleSmoke/Advent-of-Code
- vil02/adv_2021
- AbdeI1/AdventOfCode
- jromero132/advent-of-code
Solutions to AoC in R.
- CharnelMouse/AdventOfCode2021
- Zedseayou/advent_of_code
- bigfarts/aoc2021
- czeildi/advent-of-code
- midoriyama0323/adventofcode2021
- plannapus/Advent_of_Code
- rrrlw/advent-of-code
- tyler-richardett/advent-of-code
- KT421/advent-of-code
Solutions to AoC in Racket.
- Bogdanp/aoc2021
- filiplajszczak/advent-of-code-2021
- lojic/LearningRacket
- parry84/aoc2021
- bhrgunatha/aoc-2021-racket
Solutions to AoC in Raku.
Solutions to AoC in ReasonML.
Solutions to AoC in Red.
Solutions to AoC in REXX.
Solutions to AoC in Ruby.
- damyvv/advent-of-code-2021
- danhealy/advent-of-code-2021
- narze/advent-of-code-2021
- zsarge/advent-of-code-2021
- erikw/advent-of-code-solutions
Solutions to AoC in Rust.
- connorslade/advent-of-code
- scpchicken/advent-of-code
- ManevilleF/AdventOfCode2021
- agubelu/Advent-of-Code-2021
- akaritakai/AdventOfCode2021-Rust
- asdrubalinea/aoc
- believer/advent-of-code
- dominikstanojevic/advent-of-code-2021
- fee1-dead/aoc
- fspoettel/advent-of-code-2021
- ga-paul-t/advent-of-code-2021
- hashedone/aoc2021
- jakeledoux/advent
- janreggie/aoc-rs
- jdlambert/advent-of-code-2021
- jurisk/advent-of-code
- lsartory/
- martwz/adventofcode-2021-rust
- mayjs/advent_of_code_2021
- megatank58/adventofcode
- nickyvanurk/advent-of-code
- pemoreau/advent-of-code
- poyea/aoc-mmxxi
- richardneililagan/adventofcode-2021
- sathwikmatsa/aoc21
- sergree/aoc2021
- sigma67/aoc21
- lmnzx/adventofcode-2021
- stevejb71/rust-advent-of-code-2021
- timvisee/advent-of-code-2021
- tobiges/advent-of-code-2021
- tumdum/aoc2021
- varunmehrishi/AdventOfCode2021
- yeurch/advent-of-code
- ziegfried/advent-of-code
- zsacul/AdventOfCode2021
- fpalmier/rust-aoc-2021
- voidash/AOC2021
- jkaczmarkiewicz/advent-of-code-answers
- ephemient/aoc2021
- d-bucur/aoc21-rust
- sivertjoe/Advent-of-Code
- ofersadan85/advent_of_code
- zargony/advent-of-code-2021
- JannikNickel/AdventOfCode
Solutions to AoC in Smalltalk.
Solutions to AoC in Scala.
- 2m/adventofcode2021
- FlorianCassayre/AdventOfCode-2021
- fdlk/advent-2021
- ggzor/advent-of-code-2021
- gnmathur/AdventOfCode
- maneatingape/advent-of-code-scala
- matelaszlo/advent-of-code-scala
- mzielinski/advent-of-code-2021
- sim642/adventofcode
- williamhaw/advent-of-code-2021
Solutions to AoC in Scheme.
Solutions to AoC in Solidity.
Solutions to AoC in SpectX.
Solutions to AoC in SQL.
Solutions to AoC in Standard ML.
Solutions to AoC in Swift.
- Frugghi/Advent-of-Code-2021
- bence-t0th/Advent-of-Code-2021
- bhargavg/AdventOfCode
- davedelong/AOC
- fguchelaar/AdventOfCode2021
- onevcat/advent2021
- scottluxenberg/AdventOfCode2021
- gereons/AoC2021
Solutions to AoC in TypeScript.
- Charlesworth/adventOfCode2021
- DarthGandalf/advent-of-code
- atme/advent-of-code-2021
- caderek/aoc2021
- fstreicher/advent-of-code
- marcobiedermann/advent-of-code
- pierreyoda/advent-2021-svelte
- radoslawgrochowski/advent-of-code-2021
- sanraith/aoc2021
- vbmaarten/AoC2021
- Wodorek/advent-of-code-JS
Solutions to AoC in Deno (TypeScript).
Solutions to AoC in Unison.
Solutions to AoC in VB.NET.
Solutions to AoC in Whitespace.
Solutions to AoC in Zig.
Solutions to AoC in Zsh.
Folks who are live streaming their process.