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jonri edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 7 revisions

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Adds a steerable rudder to a HydroRigidBody.


This will generate a rudder of a given size and calculate the forces along with the rest of the hull. As with the rest of the hull, only the submerged portion of the rudder will function.


Property Descriptions

  • float depth
Setter set_depth(value)
Getter get_depth()

The extent of the rudder below the origin.

  • Vector3 direction
Setter set_direction(value)
Getter get_direction()

The direction the rudder will face. Change the direction to steer the rudder.

  • float length
Setter set_length(value)
Getter get_length()

The length of the rudder in the specified direction.

  • Vector3 origin
Setter set_origin(value)
Getter get_origin()

The location of the rudder.

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