- The version string of the running Gochan server
The following are modules that can be loaded via require("modulename")
. See ./examples/plugins/ for usage examples.
- set_tag(tag string, handler bbcode.TagCompilerFunc))
- Registers a new BBCode function to handle the given tag. Struct-table fields are expected to use snake case (e.g., name instead of Name)
- config.system_critical_config()
- Returns the SystemCriticalConfig
- config.site_config()
- Returns the SiteConfig
- config.board_config(board string)
- Returns the BoardConfig for the given board, or the default BoardConfig if
is an empty string
- Returns the BoardConfig for the given board, or the default BoardConfig if
- events.register_event(events_table, handler_func)
- Registers
for the events inevents_table
. If any arguments are passed to the event when it is triggered, it will be sent tohandler_func
- Registers
- events.trigger_event(event_name string, data...)
- Triggers the event registered to
and passesdata
(if set) to the event handler.
- Triggers the event registered to
- gclog.info_log()
- Creates and returns a zerolog Event object with an info level.
- gclog.warn_log()
- Creates and returns a zerolog Event object with a warning level.
- gclog.error_log([error_message string])
- Creates and returns a zerolog Event object for the error log. If a string is used as the argument, it is used as the error message.
- gcsql.query_rows(query string, args...)
- Returns a Rows object for the given SQL query and an error if any occured, or nil if there were no errors.
if given will be used for a parameterized query.
- Returns a Rows object for the given SQL query and an error if any occured, or nil if there were no errors.
- gcsql.execute_sql(query string, args...)
- Executes the SQL string
with the optionalargs
as parameters and returns a Result object and an error (or nil if there were no errors)
- Executes the SQL string
- gcsql.scan_rows(rows, scan_table)
- scans the value of the current row into
and returns an error if any occured, or nil if there were no errors.
- scans the value of the current row into
- gctemplates.load_template(files...)
- Loads the given file paths into a Template, using the base filename as the name, and returns the template and an error if one occured.
- gctemplates.parse_template(template_name string, template_data string)
- Calls gctemplates.ParseTemplate with the given template name and Go template data, and returns a Template and an error object (or nil if there were no errors).
geoip.country_name(abbr string) (string, error)
- Returns the country name, given its abbreviation, and an error if any occured
geoip.register_handler(name string, handler table) error
- Calls posting.RegisterGeoIPHandler with the given handler info and returns an error if any occured. The table is expected to have the following fields/values:
Key | Type | Explanation |
init | func(options map[string]any) error | The function to initialize the GeoIP handler with options. If it needs no initialization, the function can return null |
get_country | func(request http.Request, board string, errEv zerolog.Event) geoip.Country, error | The function to get the requesting IP's country, returning it and any errors that occured |
close | func() error | The function to close any network or file handles, if any were opened, returning an error if any occured |
- manage.ban_ip(ip string, duration string, reason string, staff string|int, options table)
- Bans the given IP for the given duration and gets other optional ban data from the
table below
- Bans the given IP for the given duration and gets other optional ban data from the
Key | Type | Explanation |
board | string|int|nil | The board directory or ID that the IP will be banned from. If this is nil or omitted, it will be a global ban |
post | int | The post ID |
is_thread_ban | bool | If true, the user will be able to post but unable to create threads |
appeal_after | string | User can appeal after this duration. If unset, the user can appeal immediately. |
appealable | bool | Sets whether or not the user can appeal the ban. If unset, the user is able to appeal. |
staff_note | string | A private note attached to the ban that only staff can see |
- manage.register_manage_page(action string, title string, perms int, wants_json int, handler func(writer, request, staff, wants_json, info_ev, err_ev))
- Registers the manage page accessible at /manage/
to be handled byhandler
. See manage.RegisterManagePage for info on howhandler
should be used, or registermgmtpage.lua for an example
- Registers the manage page accessible at /manage/
- serverutil.minify_template(template, data_table, writer, media_type)
- Calls serverutil.MinifyTemplate with the given
(as variables passed to the template),writer
, andmedia_type
. See registermgmtpage.lua for an example
- Calls serverutil.MinifyTemplate with the given
- uploads.register_handler(ext string, function(upload, post, board, filePath, thumbPath, catalogThumbPath, infoEv, accessEv, errEv))
- Registers a function to be called for handling uploaded files with the given extension. See pdf_thumbnail.lua for a usage example.
- uploads.get_thumbnail_ext(upload_ext string)
- Returns the configured (or built-in) thumbnail file extension to be used for the given upload extension
- uploads.set_thumbnail_ext(upload_ext string, thumbnail_ext string)
- Sets the thumbnail extension to be used for the given upload extension
- url.join_path(base string, ext...string)
- Returns a string representing a URL-compatible path, with
joined tobase
- Returns a string representing a URL-compatible path, with
- path_escape(path string)
- Returns a string with any special characters escaped to be compatible with URL paths
- path_unescape(escaped string)
- Attempts to unescape the given string, and returns the result and any errors (or nil if it was successful)
- query_escape(query string)
- Escapes the given string so that it can be used in a URL query
- query_unescape(escaped string)
- Attempts to unescape the given query-escaped string, and returns the result and any errors (or nil if it was successful)
This is a list of events that gochan may trigger at some point and can be used in the plugin system.
- Triggered after gochan successfully connects to the database but before it is checked and initialized (db version checking, provisisioning, etc)
- Triggered after the database is successfully initialized (db version checking, provisioning, etc)
- Triggered after the SQL views have been successfully reset, either immediately after the database is initialized, or by a staff member
- Triggered by the
package when an upload is attached to a post. It is triggered before the upload is entered in the database
- Triggered by the
- Triggered when an incoming post or post edit is about to be formatted, event data includes the post object and the HTTP request
- Triggered when the boards and sections array needs to be refreshed
- Triggered when gochan is about to shut down, in
as a deferred call
- Triggered when gochan is about to shut down, in
- Triggered when gochan first starts after its plugin system is initialized. This is (or at least should be) only triggered once.
- Triggered by the
package when an upload is saved to the disk but before thumbnails are generated.
- Triggered by the