This chapter of the documentation shows how to implement common grammar patterns like lists & repetitions in a way that's most efficient for a LALR(1) parser like Dissect.
->is('Foo+', 'Foo')
->call(function ($list, $foo) {
$list[] = $foo;
return $list;
->call(function ($foo) {
return [$foo];
With some practice, it's very easy to see how this works: when the
parser recognizes the first Foo
, it reduces it to a single-item array
and for each following Foo
, it just pushes it onto the array.
Note that Foo+
is just a rule name, it could be equally well called
, ListOfFoo
or anything else you feel like.
->is('Foo*', 'Foo')
->call(function ($list, $foo) {
$list[] = $foo;
return $list;
->is(/* empty */)
->call(function () {
return [];
This works pretty much the same like the previous example, the only
difference being that we allow Foo*
to match nothing.
The first example of this chapter is trivial to modify to include
commas between the Foo
s. Just change the second line to:
->is('Foo+', ',', 'Foo')
The second example, however, cannot be modified so easily. We cannot just put a comma in the first alternative:
->is('Foo*', ',', 'Foo')
since that would allow the list to start with a comma:
, Foo , Foo , Foo
Instead, we say that a "list of zero or more Foo
separated by commas" is actually "a list of one or more Foo
s separated
by commas or nothing at all". So our rule now becomes:
->is(/* empty */)
->call(function () {
return [];
->is('Foo+', ',', 'Foo')
One of the principal advantages of LR parsers over alternatives like LL or recursive descent is the ability to handle left-recursive rules, which are a natural expression of many grammar patterns. However, not only do LR parsers handle left recursion, they actually work better with left-recursive rules than with right-recursive ones in terms of memory, since a left-recursive rule can be recognized using a constant amount of memory, whereas for right-recursive rules, the amount of memory required grows lineary with each round of recursion.
You may have noticed that all the examples above use left recursion for two reasons: efficiency and naturalness (you read arrays from left to right, not the other way around, right?).
In short, when you can comfortably express your rule using left recursion, do so.
A grammar for very basic mathematical expressions is described in the chapter on parsing. It would require some modifications to allow for other operators, function calls, ternary operator(s), but there's a lot of grammars for practical programming languages on the internet that you can take inspiration from.
For a familiar (although slighty less readable) example, take a look at this grammar for PHP itself.