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File metadata and controls

179 lines (137 loc) · 13.2 KB

Description of the Dataset

Dataset Purpose

This dataset comes from here and has the purpose to serve of input to help to predict the price a supplier will quote for a given tube assembly.

Dataset Summary

The dataset is comprised of a large number of relational tables that describe the physical properties of tube assemblies. You are challenged to combine the characteristics of each tube assembly with supplier pricing dynamics in order to forecast a quote price for each tube. The quote price is labeled as cost in the data.

Dataset Codes

In this entire dataset, there is no blank cell. Here is the table explaining special codes.

Code Full name
NA Means that a value is not applicable to a specific field property.
0 The value 0 in measurable variables that cannot be 0 means that the value is missing.
Y Used only for boolean values and means Yes.
N Used only for boolean values and means No.
Yes Same as Y
No Same as N
NONE Means that there is no such element on a certain tube assembly or component.
9999 If a measurable variable as this value, then the value of this variable is unknown or missing. In the case the variable is not measurable and refer to an ID, then 9999 is associated with the name Other.

There are also many prefix identifiant codes used in fields [Table]_id. Here is the list:

Code Full name
A Type End Form
B Connection Type
C Component
CP Component Type
EF Tube End Form
SP Specs (for material)
TA Tube Assembly
MJ Mechanical Joint (for plug class code)

Dataset File Descriptions

There are a total of 21 CSV files in this dataset. Here is the list of files with a short description for each one.

FileName Variables Number Sample size Description
train_set.csv 8 30213 Contains information on price quotes from suppliers.
test_set.csv 8 30235 Contains information on quantities. This file will be used to estimate the cost knowing the data in the train_set.csv.
tube.csv 16 21198 Contains information on tube assemblies.
bill_of_materials.csv 17 21198 Contains the list of components, and their quantities, used on each tube assembly.
specs.csv 11 21198 Contains the list of unique specifications for the tube assembly.
tube_end_form.csv 2 27 Contains end types that are physically formed utilizing only the wall of the tube.
components.csv 3 2048 Contains the list of all of the components used with their physical properties.
comp_adaptor.csv 20 25 Contains the list of all of the components that are of type Adaptor used.
comp_boss.csv 15 147 Contains the list of all of the components that are of type Boss used.
comp_elbow.csv 16 178 Contains the list of all of the components that are of type Elbow used.
comp_float.csv 7 16 Contains the list of all of the components that are of type Float used.
comp_hlf.csv 9 6 Contains the list of all of the components that are of type HLF used.
comp_nut.csv 11 65 Contains the list of all of the components that are of type Nut used.
comp_sleeve.csv 10 50 Contains the list of all of the components that are of type Sleeve used.
comp_straight.csv 12 361 Contains the list of all of the components that are of type Straight used.
comp_tee.csv 14 4 Contains the list of all of the components that are of type Tee used.
comp_threaded.csv 32 194 Contains the list of all of the components that are of type Threaded used.
comp_other.csv 3 1001 Contains the list of all of the components that are of type Other used.
type_component.csv 2 29 Contains the names for each component type.
type_connection.csv 2 29 Contains the names for each connection type.
type_end_form.csv 2 8 Contains the names for each end form type.


This file contains information on price quotes from our suppliers. Prices can be quoted in 2 ways: bracket and non-bracket pricing. Bracket pricing has multiple levels of purchase based on quantity (in other words, the cost is given assuming a purchase of quantity tubes). Non-bracket pricing has a minimum order amount (min_order) for which the price would apply. Each quote is issued with an annual_usage, an estimate of how many tube assemblies will be purchased in a given year.

Variable Description
tube_assembly_id The tube assembly ID (TA-xxxxx).
supplier The supplier who quotes the price of a tube assembly.
quote_date Date when the supplier quotes the price on a tube assembly.
annual_usage An estimate of how many tube assemblies will be purchased in a given year.
min_order_quantity Non-bracket pricing has a minimum order amount for which the price would apply.
bracket_pricing Prices can be quoted in 2 ways: bracket and non-bracket pricing. Bracket pricing has multiple levels of purchase based on quantity (in other words, the cost is given assuming a purchase of quantity tubes). Non-bracket pricing has a minimum order amount (min_order) for which the price would apply.
quantity The quantity of tubes to purchase.
cost The cost depends of the bracket price and the pruchase of quantity tubes.


This file will be used to test our prediction algorithms, i.e. estimate the cost for each tube assembly.

Variable Description
id Auto-increment number starting to 1.
tube_assembly_id The tube assembly ID (TA-yyyyy) where yyyyy is an integer not contained amoung the tube assemblies in the train set.
supplier The supplier who quotes the price of a tube assembly.
quote_date Date when the supplier quotes the price on a tube assembly.
annual_usage An estimate of how many tube assemblies will be purchased in a given year.
min_order_quantity Non-bracket pricing has a minimum order amount for which the price would apply.
bracket_pricing Prices can be quoted in 2 ways: bracket and non-bracket pricing. Bracket pricing has multiple levels of purchase based on quantity (in other words, the cost is given assuming a purchase of quantity tubes). Non-bracket pricing has a minimum order amount (min_order) for which the price would apply.
quantity The quantity of tubes to purchase.


This file contains information on tube assemblies, which are the primary focus of the competition. Tube Assemblies are made of multiple parts. The main piece is the tube which has a specific diameter, wall thickness, length, number of bends and bend radius. Either end of the tube (End A or End X) typically has some form of end connection allowing the tube assembly to attach to other features. Special tooling is typically required for short end straight lengths (end_a_1x, end_a_2x refer to if the end length is less than 1 times or 2 times the tube diameter, respectively). Other components can be permanently attached to a tube such as bosses, brackets or other custom features.

Note: there is no tube assembly TA-19491. Also, if there is no bend, then the bend radius is set to 0.

Source of images: Drawing


Variable Description
tube_assembly_id The tube assembly ID (TA-xxxxx).
material_id The material used, represented by his ID, for the tube assembly.
diameter Typical diameter (in inches) of tubes used in this tube assembly.
wall Typical wall thickness (in inches) of tubes used in this tube assembly.
length Total length (in inches) of this tube assembly.
num_bends Total number of bends in this tube assembly.
bend_radius Typical bend radius for this tube assembly.
end_a_1x (Y) If the end straight length is less than 1 times the tube diameter. (N) otherwise
end_a_2x (Y) If the end straight length is less than 2 times the tube diameter. (N) otherwise
end_x_1x (Y) If the end length is less than 1 times the tube diameter. (N) otherwise
end_x_2x (Y) If the end length is less than 2 times the tube diameter. (N) otherwise
end_a ID of end form tube which typically has some form of end connection allowing the tube assembly to attach to other features.
end_x ID of end form tube which typically has some form of end connection allowing the tube assembly to attach to other features.
num_boss Total number of bosses attached to a tube in this tube assembly.
num_bracket Total number of brackets attached to a tube in this tube assembly.
other Total number of other components attached to a tube in this tube assembly.


This file contains the list of components, and their quantities, used on each tube assembly.

Variable Description
tube_assembly_id The tube assembly ID (TA-xxxxx).
component_id_[x] The components used to build this tube assembly, where 1 <= x <= 8 an integer.
quantity_[x] Quantity of components (identified by component_id_[x]) needed to build this tube assembly, where 1 <= x <= 8 an integer.


This file contains the list of unique specifications for the tube assembly. These can refer to materials, processes, rust protection, etc.

Variable Description
tube_assembly_id The tube assembly ID (TA-xxxxx).
spec[x] The specifications used to build this tube assembly, where 1 <= x <= 10 an integer. Note that a tube assembly may not needs any specifications. In that case, spec1 to spec10 have the value NA.


Some end types are physically formed utilizing only the wall of the tube. These are listed here.

Variable Description
end_form_id The end form tube ID (EF-xxx). Note that the ID 9999 means that this end form is other than the ones contain in the list.
forming Boolean value (Yes / No) indicating if the end type is physically formed utilizing only the wall of the tube or not.


This file contains the list of all of the components used. Component_type_id refers to the category that each component falls under.

Variable Description
component_id The component ID (C-xxxx). Note that the ID 9999 means that this component is other than the ones contain in the list.
name The name of the component in uppercase.
component_type_id Refers to the component type that each component falls under.


These files contain the information for each type of components. The main types are: adaptor, boss, elbow, float, hfl, nut, sleeve, straight, tee and threaded. The other components are listed in the file comp_other.csv. These components are not part of the main types.

Note that each component_id is unique. The list of all components used in files comp_[type].csv corresponds exactly to the list of components in the file components.csv.

The column thread_size in the file comp_nut.csv contains codes like M10 for example. The M means metric and the number is the nominal diameter. Source taken from ISO metric screw thread Preferred sizes.


These files contain the names for each feature (type). The types are: Component, Connection and End Form.

Variable Description
type_[type]_id The type ID. Note that the ID 9999 means that this type is other than the ones contain in the list.
name The name of the type.