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Raspberry Pi hardware (source:

Operating System

  • You need a compute with a SD card reader
  • Installing raspberry pi Imager and follow the instructions on this page.
  • For windows launch the downloaded installer. For Ubuntu, install the deb file with:
sudo dpkg -i imager_1.7.2_amd64.deb
  • Install Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit) onto the SD card (available under Raspberry Pi OS (other)).
    • It is important (for julia) to select the 64-bit version.
    • The "Lite" version means that a desktop environement (which we do not need) is not pre-installed.
  • In the advanced settings (Use CTRL + SHIFT + X), see for screenshots.
    • hostname in the form of drifterXY (for example dirfter02, but everybody should use a different number, replace XY with your 2-digit group number).
    • enable SSH (use password authentication)
    • set username: pi (keep default)
    • set password: (will be provided)
    • SSID: GL-MT300N-V2-c2d
    • WiFi password: (will be provided, it is different from your account password)
    • Time zone: Europe/Brussels
    • Make sure that Enable Telemetry is unchecked.
  • Confirm with "Next", confirm that you want to apply costumized setting, double check that you write to the SD storage
  • Put the SD card in the SD card slot of the Rapberry Pi
  • Power-on the Raspberry Pi (via the USB C connector)

Connect to the Raspberry Pi

  • Determine the Raspberry pi IP address (see WiFi router access logs)
  • Open a terminal:
  • Connect your laptop to the same WiFi network as the Raspbery Pi (this is important, otherwise you cannot connect to the Raspberry Pi)
  • Connect via SSH:

where should be the IP adress from the routers admin page. This IP address will be different for every Raspberry Pi. When you connect the first time, you need to confirm the connection by typing "yes".

Note that everybody can connect to the Raspberry PI using the username (pi) and password aslong as your are on the same network.

First step

These are the basic shell commands:

Command Description
ls list all files in current directory
cd directory_name change directory
rm file_name remove a file
cat /proc/cpuinfo see the content of a text file
wget some_url download a file from URL
top see which process is running
nano a simple text editor for the terminal
apt-get install packages (i.e. programs)


Most of the code is written in julia, therefore we need to install julia. Download julia directly on the Rasbperry Pi:


1.10.7 is the current LTS version (as of November 2024). This command will extract all files from the downloaded archive julia-1.10.7-linux-aarch64.tar.gz and install julia in /opt/julia-1.10.7:

sudo tar -C /opt -xvf julia-1.10.7-linux-aarch64.tar.gz

where julia-1.10.7-linux-aarch64.tar.gz is the downloaded file. We put a symbolic link of the julia program in /usr/local/bin to point to the installation directory /opt/julia-1.10.7/bin/.

sudo ln -s /opt/julia-1.10.7/bin/julia /usr/local/bin

So that the operating systems, knows where to find the julia program.

Start Julia by running julia and install the following packages:

using Pkg
Package Description
LibSerialPort issue commands over the serial port (WaveShare Hat is connected over the serial port)
PiGPIO Control the GPIO pin from julia
URIs manipulate web links
StringEncodings handle different string encodings
NMEA Implement the NMEA protocol for reading the GNSS/GPS information

Create the folder ~/.julia/config/ and the file ~/.julia/config/startup.jl with a text editor like nano, emacs or vim.

mkdir ~/.julia/config/
nano ~/.julia/config/startup.jl

Here is a list of shortcuts for nano.

The file ~/.julia/config/startup.jl should have the following content:

push!(LOAD_PATH, joinpath(ENV["HOME"],"drifter-raspberry-pi"))

Now everytime julia starts, it knows where to the code in the folder drifter-raspberry-pi.

Install other software: pigpiod is a daemon for controling the general purpose I/O pins (GPIO). We also set the timezone to UTC.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --yes minicom p7zip-full git emacs-nox pigpiod
sudo timedatectl set-timezone UTC
sudo systemctl enable pigpiod
sudo systemctl start pigpiod

Get the source code:

git clone

Enable serial port

We will connect to the GSM model via the serial port. The serial port has to be enabled using the shell command raspi-config:

sudo raspi-config
  • Select 3 Interface Options
  • Select I5 Serial Port
  • Answer no to the question Would you like a login shell to be accessible over serial?
  • Answer yes to the question Would you like the serial port hardware to be enabled?
  • Check that the output is:
The serial login shell is disabled
The serial interface is enabled

Exit the configuration tool and confirm that you want to reboot if asked.