This web service updates the Solr cores in response to changes in the legacy Oracle databases. It is a simple pass-through web service with no smarts whatsoever, all the logic is in the Oracle database. This means that Oracle needs to know a lot about Solr, but it was the better of two bad options.
Feeding from CPRD:
Feeding from NAMESP:
This application requires a Flask SECRET_KEY
to do secure cookie hashing. Never commit keys to the repository, and
never use a key in more than one namespace. The application deployment will read the key from an OpenShift secret. In a
Python console:
>>> import os, binascii
>>> binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(24))
Copy the big_long_key_in_hex
and create a secret in OpenShift (make sure you're in the right project):
C:\> oc create secret generic solr-feeder --from-literal=flask-secret-key=[big_long_key_in_hex]
- Authorization is missing. Some options are keycloak, static bearer tokens, or client certificates
- Configure logging of info for the app and warn of all else
- Change the solr.update_core log statement from debug to info
- Set the host in to but link in PyCharm doesn't work (use localhost)
- Add version numbers to requirements.txt
- Fix the warning for the dotenv import in
- Fix desktop to run on port 8080, not 5000