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File metadata and controls

355 lines (285 loc) · 45.1 KB

Design Document


The database for Public Art includes all entities necessary to faciliate the documentation of public art. As such, included in the database's scope are:

  • Objects, including information on works of art that meet the definition of "public art"
  • Installations, including information on the placement of an object on at least one location
  • Agents, including information on individuals or groups of individuals that have a relationship to at least one record in at least one entity
  • Objects-Agents, including information on the association between object(s) and agent(s)
  • Role Types, including information characterizing an object-agent association
  • Incriptions, including information on intentional textual inscription(s) on an object
  • Locations, including information on physical places that have a relationship to at least one record in at least one entity
  • Assets, including information on digitized media associated with at least one object
  • Asset Types, including information characterizing an asset
  • Assets-Objects, including information on the association between asset(s) and object(s)
  • Databases, including information on databases where assets are stored
  • Assets-Databases, including information on the storage location of digitized copy of an asset
  • Rows, including information on a record from select entities
  • Attributes, including information on an attribute in a row entity
  • Verifications, including information on verification of an attribute entity
  • References, including information on sources of information used in a verification entity
  • Users, including information on users who can perform CRUD operations on the database

At least in the initial iterations of the database, the following are out of scope:

  • The actual assets themselves, since they are to be stored in NoSQL databases.
  • Non-factual information about the objects, such as art criticisms, aesthetic interpretations and other forms of opinion writing.
  • An object's full provenance. For objects that are temporary installations, the database will only concern itself with information about the installation immediately before and after the current installation, with "current" referring to the installation at the time of its record entry in the database.
  • Attributes not selected to undergo a verification process.

Functional Requirements

This database will support:

  • CRUD operations by users
  • Tracking assets stored in other databases
  • Implementing principle of least privilege
  • Verifying select attributes from select entities

Note that the database will not support CRUD operations on the assets, which are saved on other data stores, except on the metadata saved on the database.


Entities are captured in Postgres tables with the following schema.


The database includes the following entities:


The objects table includes:

Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of this object record '' > 0 1
api_id VARCHAR(13) Public facing unique identifier of this object '' > "PADAPI-000000" "PADAPI-000001"
title VARCHAR(256) Official name of this object '' '' "Flamingo"
title_display VARCHAR(256) Public facing name of this object null '' "Flamingo"
title_alt VARCHAR(256) Documented alternative name(s) of this objects null '' null
date_display DATE Public facing year to date this object null -9999 - 9999 1974
medium TEXT Description of construction material null '' "Sculpture: steel plates, painted; Base pads: granite."
dimensions VARCHAR(256) Non-standardized text description of the physical dimensions of this object null '' "1,620 cm (636 in)"
has_inscriptions BOOL Whether object has inscriptions or not False "True, False" True
description TEXT General description of this object null '' "Three quarter-inch-thick steel plates..."
date_commission DATE Year when order for or authorization for production of object was given null -9999 - 9999 null
date_fabrication_start DATE Year when production of object started null -9999 - 9999 1973
date_fabrication_end DATE Year when production of object ended null -9999 - 9999 1973
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null -9999 - 9999 null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00


The installations table includes:

Attribute Key Data Type Description Value range Default range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the installation '' > 0 1
object_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the object associated with the installation '' > "PADAPI-000000" "PADAPI-000001"
latitude NUMERIC Latitude coordinate of the centroid of the installation null -90 to 90 41.878809
longitude NUMERIC Longitude coordinate of the centroid of the installation null -90 to 90 -87.62968
location_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the location of the the installation '' > 0 1
is_permanent VARCHAR(8) Whether the installation is permanent or temporary "Tbd" "Yes, No, Tbd" Yes
description TEXT Description of spatial setting of object at location null '' "Located on the middle south edge of a plaza fronting the post office."
commissioning_entity FK INTEGER Unique identifier of agent who commissioned the installation v. commissioning agent for object null > 0 2
date_assembly_start DATE Start date of post-production assembly for the installation null -9999 - 9999 1974
data_assembly_end DATE End date of post-production assembly for the installation null -9999 - 9999 1974
date_display_start_official DATE Start date of the installation usually refers to official public dedication null -9999 - 9999 1974
date_display_end_official DATE End date of this installation usually refers to total removal of object from location null -9999 - 9999 null
installation_pre FK INTEGER Unique identifier of installation immediately prior to the installation associated with the record null > 0 null
installation_post FK INTEGER Unique identifier of installation immediately after the installation associated with the record null > 0 null
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00


The agents table includes:

Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the agent '' > 0 1
agent_type VARCHAR(16) Name of type of agent "Tbd" "Individual, Couple, Group, Tbd" "Individual"
name_display VARCHAR(128) Pubic facing name of the agent '' '' "Alexander Calder"
name_first VARCHAR(128) First name of agent if type is individual null '' "Alexander"
name_middle VARCHAR(128) Middle name of agent if type is individual null '' null
name_last VARCHAR(128) Last name of agent if type is individual null '' "Calder"
name_alt VARCHAR(128) Alternative name(s) of the agent null '' null
nationality VARCHAR(128) Nationality associated with the agent null '' "United States"
city VARCHAR(128) Full name of the city associated with the agent null '' "New York"
country VARCHAR(128) Full name of the country associated with the agent null '' "United States"
address VARCHAR(128) Full postal physical address associated with the agent null '' null
date_begin DATE Year of start of a time period null -9999 - 9999 1898
date_end DATE Year of end of a time period null -9999 - 9999 1976
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00

Role Types

The role_types table includes:

Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the agent type '' > 0 1
name VARCHAR(32) Name of the agent type '' '' "artist"
description VARCHAR(128) Description of the agent type null '' "Lead artistic creator of object"
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00

Agent-Object Relationships

The r_agents_objects table includes:

Attribute Key Data Type Description Value range Default range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the object-agent relationship '' > 0 1
object_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of object associated with the object-agent relationship '' > 0 1
agent_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of agent associated with the object-agent relationship '' > 0 1
role_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the agent role associated with the object-agent relationship '' > 0 1
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00


The inscriptions table includes:

Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of this inscription record '' > 0 1
object_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of agent who conducted audit '' > 0 1
inscription TEXT Transcription of text intended to be integral part of the object '' '' "(artist monogram)\n73"
inscription_visual FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the asset documenting the inscription in situ '' > 0 1
is_signature VARCHAR(8) Whether or not inscription is the artist signature "Tbd" "Yes, No, Tbd" "Yes"
dimension_width INTEGER Width of the inscription area null '' null
dimension_height INTEGER Height of the inscription area null '' null
dimension_label VARCHAR(16) Unit of measure of dimensions null '' null
location TEXT Text describing the location of the inscription null '' "Center left of north west side"
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00


The locations table includes:

Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the location '' > 0 1
name VARCHAR(128) Official full name of the location '' '' "Chicago Federal Center"
name_display VARCHAR(128) Public facing name of the location '' '' "Chicago Federal Center"
name_alt VARCHAR(128) Alternative name of the location null '' null
centroid_lat NUMERIC Latitude coordinate of the polygon shapefile centroid of the location null -90 to 90 41.879057
centroid_lng NUMERIC Longitude coordinate of the polygon shapefile centroid of the location null -90 to 90 -87.62965
city VARCHAR(128) Full name of the city of the location null '' "Chicago"
country VARCHAR(128) Full name of the country of the location null '' "United States"
address VARCHAR(128) Full physical address of the location null '' "219 S Dearborn St Chicago IL USA"
owner_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of agent who is the owner on record of this location '' > 0 2
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00


The assets table includes:

Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the asset '' > 0 1
asset_name VARCHAR(128) File name of the asset '' '' "calder_flamingo.png"
asset_name_display VARCHAR(128) Public facing display name of the asset null '' "Flamingo"
asset_label TEXT Public facing display label of the asset null '' "Flamingo by Alexander Calder"
asset_type FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the type of the asset '' > 0 "image"
asset_type_sub FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the type format of the asset '' > 0 "png"
asset_description TEXT Text description of the asset null '' "An image of Flamingo by Alexander Calder"
asset_content TEXT Text to describe content of the asset to people with low or no vision null '' null
asset_agent_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of agent who created the asset '' > 0 3
asset_copyright VARCHAR(128) Public facing copyright notice of the asset null '' "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0"
asset_date_created DATE Date the asset was created null -9999 - 9999 2024-01-01
asset_date_acquired DATE Date the asset was acquired from source agent null -9999 - 9999 2024-01-01
asset_size VARCHAR(16) Description of the size of the digitized on the database null '' "100 MB"
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00

Asset Types

The asset_type table includes:

Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the asset type '' > 0 1
name VARCHAR(128) Name of the asset type '' '' "image"
description VARCHAR(128) Description of the asset type '' '' "Photograph"
is_subtype_of FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the asset type to which it is a child of '' > 0 1
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00

Asset-Object Relationships

The r_assets_objects table includes:

Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the asset-object relationship '' > 0 1
asset_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the asset in the asset-object relationship '' > 0 1
object_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the object in the asset-object relationship '' > 0 1
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00


The databases table includes:

Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of this entity '' > 0 1
name VARCHAR(32) Name of the database instance '' '' "padapi"
host VARCHAR(32) Name of the provider of the database '' '' "AWS"
type VARCHAR(32) Type of the database '' '' "Relational"
type_sub VARCHAR(32) Subtype of the database '' '' "PostgreSQL"
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00

Asset-Database Relationships

The r_assets_databases table includes:

Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the document-database relationship '' > 0 1
document_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the document in the document-database relationship '' > 0 1
database_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the database in the document-database relationship '' > 0 1
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00


Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the row '' > 0 1
table VARCHAR(32) Name of the source table of the row '' '' "objects"
table_row FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the row at the source table '' > 0 1
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00


Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the attribute '' > 0 1
column_name VARCHAR(32) Name of the attribute '' '' "dimensions"
column_type VARCHAR(32) Date type of attribute '' '' "VARCHAR(256)"
column_value TEXT Value of the attribute '' '' "1,620 cm (636 in)"
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00


Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the verification '' > 0 1
column_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of column '' > 0 1
reference_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the reference associated with the verification '' > 0 1
reference_page VARCHAR(16) Page(s) of the reference used for the verification null '' "54-55"
user_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of the user who conducted verification '' > 0 1
date_verification TIMESTAMP Public facing date when verification was conducted '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00


Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the reference '' > 0 1
citation TEXT Full citation of the reference in the APA format '' '' "Bach, I. J., & Gray, M. L. (1983). A Guide to Chicago's Public Sculpture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press."
isbn VARCHAR(16) 13-digit identifier of the reference null '' "9780226033983"
asset_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of asset associated with the reference null > 0 null
record_remarks TEXT Remarks associated with the record null '' null
record_date_created TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated TIMESTAMP Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00


Attribute Key Data Type Description Default value Value range Example
id PK SERIAL Unique identifier of the user '' > 0 1
name_first VARCHAR(64) First name of the user null '' "Alex"
name_last VARCHAR(64) Last name of the user null '' "Colder"
username VARCHAR(16) Username of the user '' '' "alex"
hash VARCHAR(128) Hashed password '' '' "##########"
role VARCHAR(16) Name of user role "default" "admin, curator, default" "admin"
agent_id FK INTEGER Unique identifier of agent if user is also an agent null > 0 3
record_date_created ISO 8601 date and time Date and time the record was created '' > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00
record_date_updated ISO 8601 date and time Date and time the record was edited null > 2024-01-01 12:00:00 2024-01-01 12:00:00


The below entity relationship diagram describes the relationships among the entities in the database.

ER Diagram

As detailed by the diagram, here are the most important relationships:

  • One object, which refers to a work of art, including all its constituent parts, is part of one to many installations. An installation is comprised of one and only one object.
  • An installation is installed in one and only one location. A location contains zero to many installations.
  • An installation is preceded by zero to one installation. Similarly, an installation is proceded by zero to one installation.
  • An object is part of one to many object-agent relationship. Similarly, an agent is part of one to many object-agent relationship. An example object-agent relationship is an agent being the lead artistic creator of an object. Another example is an agent being the owner of record for an object.
  • An object contains zero to many inscriptions. An inscription is contained in one and only one object.
  • An asset is in one to many asset-object relationships. Similarly, an object is in zero to many asset-object relationships. An example asset-object is a video showing an object at an installation.
  • The entities object, installation, inscription and object-agent relationship has one to many rows. In practical terms, this means that all their rows have metada saved on the rows entity.
  • A row contains one to many attributes. An attribute is in one and only one row.
  • A verification verifies one and only one attribute. An attribute is verified by one and only one verification.
  • A reference supports one to many verifications. A verification is supported by one to many references.


Per the typical queries in queries.sql, it is common for users of the database to view records of an object and its current installation. For that reason, indexes are created on the title, title_display and title_alt columns in the objects table to speed the identification of objects by those columns.

For that same reason, indexes are also created on the name, name_display and name_alt columns in the locations table.


The current schema assumes that an attribute will only need one verification by one user. In other words, it assumes that the user who conducted the verification will have 100% accuracy. If verification requires double checking, then both the attribute-verification and verification-user relationships will have to be many-to-many.

The current schema also assumes that (spatially and/or temporally) separated or separable parts of a work of art (i.e., object) are in an inseparable relationship with each other. In other words, the database assumes all those parts to be an integral part of the object. They may have individual titles, but they do not have their own identify or function independently from the object. Thus, the schema cannot support an object made up of individual items which may be displayed separately in different settings or time by the artist.