This sample retrieves a list of all subscriber's entitled data sets.
To run the sample, install the AWS SDK for PHP and install dependencies via Composer.
$ composer install
To run the sample, set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
$ php all-entitled-datasets.php
prod-zg4u6tpyxud5i/7ae12084f47ea658ab62ee90edd513dd: NYC Property Sales 2014
Over 80,000 property sales in New York City in 2014
prod-zg4u6tpyxud5i/05964b659bbcb607d43c0d5845838e7f: NYC Property Sales 2015
Over 80,000 property sales in New York City in 2015
prod-zg4u6tpyxud5i/fc19d00c8780199e4fccd21f4834c905: NYC Property Sales 2018
A table of 80,000+ New York City property sales occurring in 2018, organized by borough, including sale price and sale date.
prod-zg4u6tpyxud5i/7d8f73e3c5acdde79fd2874dd98afdcd: NYC Property Sales 2016
Over 80,000 property sales in New York City in 2016
prod-zg4u6tpyxud5i/50782dc315b94e46fdbd4a12cec6820e: NYC Property Sales 2017
Records of over 80,000 property sales transactions.