Implement TF-IDF scoring
Enter query, empty to quit: salzburg
Found 28 results, showing top 5
Archbishopric_of_Salzburg.txt: 39629.857142857145
salzburg: 39629.857142857145
Herbert_von_Karajan.txt: 10808.142857142857
salzburg: 10808.142857142857
Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart.txt: 10808.142857142857
salzburg: 10808.142857142857
Alfons_Schuhbeck.txt: 3602.714285714286
salzburg: 3602.714285714286
Carl_Maria_von_Weber.txt: 3602.714285714286
salzburg: 3602.714285714286
Enter query, empty to quit: austria germany
Found 1713 results, showing top 5
Anschluss.txt: 3891.5421630618653
austria: 3729.5704225352115
germany: 161.97174052665383
Austria.txt: 3794.359118745873
austria: 3729.5704225352115
germany: 64.78869621066153
Germany.txt: 2686.44960062236
austria: 710.3943661971831
germany: 1976.0552344251766
Treaty_of_Versailles.txt: 2650.6333143368884
austria: 1775.9859154929577
germany: 874.6473988439307
Prussia.txt: 1858.6827548463548
austria: 1243.1901408450703
germany: 615.4926140012846
- Implement TF-IDF scoring
- This means OR search
- Use the provided setup, make sure to read
- Display top 5 results
- For each result show total score and per-term score
- The sum of all term scores must equal the total score
- Depending on your tokenization the exact scores may differ
- Focus on correct implementation of the required algorithms and data structures
- Avoid long iterations, lookups should be fast.
- Bonus points:
- Implement TF normalization
- Parallelize indexing
- Surprise me