Enter text to classify, empty to quit: later friend
P(spam | "later friend"): 1.3958381774904292%
P(ham | "later friend"): 98.60416182250957%
"later friend" is not spam
Enter text to classify, empty to quit: free nokia mobile
P(spam | "free nokia mobile"): 99.990687845424%
P(ham | "free nokia mobile"): 0.009312154575997407%
"free nokia mobile" is spam
Enter text to classify, empty to quit:
- Build a Spam Classifier using Naive Bayes
- Use the provided setup, make sure to
- Use
for training - Implement the required probability calculation formulas
- Carefully think about what you can pre-calculate during start-up to save time when classifying
- Your application should be able to handle millions of texts
- Focus on correct implementation of the required formulas
- Use the provided CLI to manually test your application (see
) - Ensure that the provided test cases run successfully (see