Find all documents containing the terms and satisfying the conditions:
fh AND salzburg
mmt OR mma
mmt AND NOT mma
(information AND retrieval) OR search
- Documents
- Books, chapters, pages, web pages, news posts...
- Document collection, Corpus
- All the documents
- Terms
- Like words, but maybe FH Salzburg and A1 as well
(information AND retrieval) OR search
- #1: a book about information retrieval → Match
- #2: a book about the search for information → Match
- #3: a book about information → No Match
Notes: Audience question
Make sure that the Elastic Stack is running.
Then try boolean retrieval in the Elasticsearch console.
- Information need
- What the user is looking for:
I want to learn about information retrieval and search
- Query
- How the user talks to the computer:
(information AND retrieval) OR search
Voice assistants, ChatGPT bridge the gap between information need and query