This describes the format and gives simple examples for getting started with the GBIF monthly snapshots stored on AWS.
Data are stored in Parquet format files in AWS S3 in five regions: af-south-1, ap-southeast-2, eu-central-1, sa-east-1 and us-east-1. The buckets are as follows:
Region | S3 URI | Amazon Resource Name (ARN) | Browse |
af-south-1 | s3://gbif-open-data-af-south-1/ |
arn:aws:s3:::gbif-open-data-af-south-1 |
Browse |
ap-southeast-2 | s3://gbif-open-data-ap-southeast-2/ |
arn:aws:s3:::gbif-open-data-ap-southeast-2 |
Browse |
eu-central-1 | s3://gbif-open-data-eu-central-1/ |
arn:aws:s3:::gbif-open-data-eu-central-1 |
Browse |
sa-east-1 | s3://gbif-open-data-sa-east-1/ |
arn:aws:s3:::gbif-open-data-sa-east-1 |
Browse |
us-east-1 | s3://gbif-open-data-us-east-1/ |
arn:aws:s3:::gbif-open-data-us-east-1 |
Browse |
Within that bucket, the periodic occurrence snapshots are stored in occurrence/YYYY-MM-DD
, where YYYY-MM-DD
corresponds to the date of the snapshot.
The snapshot includes all CC0, CC-BY and CC-BY-NC licensed data published through GBIF.
Each snapshot contains a citation.txt
with instructions on how best to cite the data, and the data files themselves in Parquet format: occurrence.parquet/*
Therefore, the data files for the first snapshot are at
and the citation information is at
The Parquet file schema is described here. Most field names correspond to terms from the Darwin Core standard, and have been interpreted by GBIF's systems to align taxonomy, location, dates etc. Additional information may be retrived using the GBIF API.
Field¹ | Type | Nullable | Description |
gbifid | BigInt | N | GBIF's identifier for the occurrence |
datasetkey | String (UUID) | N | GBIF's UUID for the dataset containing this occurrence |
publishingorgkey | String (UUID) | N | GBIF's UUID for the organization publishing this occurrence. |
occurrencestatus | String | N | See dwc:occurrenceStatus. Either the value PRESENT or ABSENT . Many users will wish to filter for PRESENT data. |
kingdom | String | Y | See dwc:kingdom. This field has been aligned with the GBIF backbone taxonomy. |
phylum | String | Y | See dwc:phylum. This field has been aligned with the GBIF backbone taxonomy. |
class | String | Y | See dwc:class. This field has been aligned with the GBIF backbone taxonomy. |
order | String | Y | See dwc:order. This field has been aligned with the GBIF backbone taxonomy. |
family | String | Y | See dwc:family. This field has been aligned with the GBIF backbone taxonomy. |
genus | String | Y | See dwc:genus. This field has been aligned with the GBIF backbone taxonomy. |
species | String | Y | See dwc:species. This field has been aligned with the GBIF backbone taxonomy. |
infraspecificepithet | String | Y | See dwc:infraspecificEpithet. This field has been aligned with the GBIF backbone taxonomy. |
taxonrank | String | Y | See dwc:taxonRank. This field has been aligned with the GBIF backbone taxonomy. |
scientificname | String | Y | See dwc:scientificName. This field has been aligned with the GBIF backbone taxonomy. |
verbatimscientificname | String | Y | The scientific name as provided by the data publisher |
verbatimscientificnameauthorship | String | Y | The scientific name authorship provided by the data publisher. |
taxonkey | Integer | Y | The numeric identifier for the taxon in GBIF's backbone taxonomy corresponding to scientificname . |
specieskey | Integer | Y | The numeric identifier for the taxon in GBIF's backbone taxonomy corresponding to species . |
typestatus | String array | N³ | See dwc:typeStatus. |
countrycode | String | Y | See dwc:countryCode. GBIF's interpretation has set this to an ISO 3166-2 code. |
locality | String | Y | See dwc:locality. |
stateprovince | String | Y | See dwc:stateProvince. |
decimallatitude | Double | Y | See dwc:decimalLatitude. GBIF's interpretation has normalized this to a WGS84 coordinate. |
decimallongitude | Double | Y | See dwc:decimalLongitude. GBIF's interpretation has normalized this to a WGS84 coordinate. |
coordinateuncertaintyinmeters | Double | Y | See dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters. |
coordinateprecision | Double | Y | See dwc:coordinatePrecision. |
elevation | Double | Y | See dwc:elevation. If provided by the data publisher, GBIF's interpretation has normalized this value to metres. |
elevationaccuracy | Double | Y | See dwc:elevationAccuracy. If provided by the data publisher, GBIF's interpretation has normalized this value to metres. |
depth | Double | Y | See dwc:depth. If provided by the data publisher, GBIF's interpretation has normalized this value to metres. |
depthaccuracy | Double | Y | See dwc:depthAccuracy. If provided by the data publisher, GBIF's interpretation has normalized this value to metres. |
eventdate | Timestamp | Y | See dwc:eventDate. GBIF's interpretation has normalized this value to an ISO 8601 date with a local time. |
year | Integer | Y | See dwc:year. |
month | Integer | Y | See dwc:month. |
day | Integer | Y | See dwc:day. |
individualcount | Integer | Y | See dwc:individualCount. |
establishmentmeans | String | Y | See dwc:establishmentMeans. |
occurrenceid | String | Y² | See dwc:occurrenceID. |
institutioncode | String | Y² | See dwc:institutionCode. |
collectioncode | String | Y² | See dwc:collectionCode. |
catalognumber | String | Y² | See dwc:catalogNumber. |
recordnumber | String | Y | See dwc:recordNumber. |
recordedby | String array | N³ | See dwc:recordedBy. |
identifiedby | String array | N³ | See dwc:identifiedBy. |
dateidentified | Timestamp | Y | See dwc:dateIdentified. An ISO 8601 date. |
mediatype | String array | N³ | See dwc:mediaType. May contain StillImage , MovingImage or Sound (from enumeration, detailing whether the occurrence has this media available. |
issue | String array | N³ | A list of issues encountered by GBIF in processing this record. |
license | String | N | See dwc:license. Either CC0_1_0 , CC_BY_4_0 or CC_BY_NC_4_0 . |
rightsholder | String | Y | See dwc:rightsHolder. |
lastinterpreted | Timestamp | N | The ISO 8601 date when the record was last processed by GBIF. Data are reprocessed for several reasons, including changes to the backbone taxonomy, so this date is not necessarily the date the occurrence record last changed. |
¹ Field names are lower case, but in later snapshots this may change to camelCase, for consistency with Darwin Core and the GBIF API.
² Either occurrenceID
, or institutionCode
+ collectionCode
+ catalogNumber
, or both, will be present on every record.
³ The array may be empty.
Snapshots from 2021-04-13 included only CC0 and CC-BY data.
From 2022-04-01, snapshots include all data (CC0, CC-BY, CC-BY-NC). Filter using the license
column if you need to exclude CC-BY-NC data.
From 2022-05-01, the timestamp fields eventDate
, dateIdentified
and lastIntepreted
have a timestamp type, rather than the previous string type. The fields identifiedby
, recordedby
and typestatus
are changed from a string type to a string array.
You will need to install the libraries, for example using PIP (pip install boto3 pyarrow
). You can then run this Python script:
import io
import boto3
import botocore
from botocore import UNSIGNED
from botocore.config import Config
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
BUCKET_NAME = 'gbif-open-data-us-east-1'
# Just read a single (~100MB) chunk of the table
PATH = 'occurrence/2021-04-13/occurrence.parquet/000000'
buffer = io.BytesIO()
s3 = boto3.resource('s3', config=Config(signature_version=UNSIGNED))
s3_object = s3.Object(BUCKET_NAME, PATH)
table = pq.read_table(buffer)
df = table.to_pandas()
df.groupby(by='kingdom')['gbifid'].count().reset_index(name='count').sort_values(['count'], ascending=False)
gbifid datasetkey ... mediatype issue
0 2305838350 ad43e954-dd79-4986-ae34-9ccdbd8bf568 ... [] [COUNTRY_DERIVED_FROM_COORDINATES, GEODETIC_DA...
1 2305838837 ad43e954-dd79-4986-ae34-9ccdbd8bf568 ... [] [COUNTRY_DERIVED_FROM_COORDINATES, GEODETIC_DA...
2 2305839278 ad43e954-dd79-4986-ae34-9ccdbd8bf568 ... [] [COUNTRY_DERIVED_FROM_COORDINATES, GEODETIC_DA...
3 2305839610 ad43e954-dd79-4986-ae34-9ccdbd8bf568 ... [] [COUNTRY_DERIVED_FROM_COORDINATES, GEODETIC_DA...
4 2305840564 ad43e954-dd79-4986-ae34-9ccdbd8bf568 ... [] [COUNTRY_DERIVED_FROM_COORDINATES, GEODETIC_DA...
kingdom count
0 Animalia 1017889
8 incertae sedis 168685
5 Plantae 70203
4 Fungi 23234
2 Bacteria 16506
3 Chromista 8389
7 Viruses 3549
1 Archaea 1398
6 Protozoa 658
Athena provides a pay-per-query SQL service on Amazon, particularly well suited for producing summary counts from GBIF data. The following steps describe how to get started using Athena on the GBIF dataset.
- Create an S3 bucket in one of the five regions above to store the results of the queries you will execute
- Open Athena and change to that region
- Follow the prompt to choose the location where query results should be stored
- Create a table, by pasting the following command in the query window (change the location to use the snapshot of interest to you, and change
to the region you are using)
`gbifid` bigint,
`datasetkey` string,
`occurrenceid` string,
`kingdom` string,
`phylum` string,
`class` string,
`order` string,
`family` string,
`genus` string,
`species` string,
`infraspecificepithet` string,
`taxonrank` string,
`scientificname` string,
`verbatimscientificname` string,
`verbatimscientificnameauthorship` string,
`countrycode` string,
`locality` string,
`stateprovince` string,
`occurrencestatus` string,
`individualcount` int,
`publishingorgkey` string,
`decimallatitude` double,
`decimallongitude` double,
`coordinateuncertaintyinmeters` double,
`coordinateprecision` double,
`elevation` double,
`elevationaccuracy` double,
`depth` double,
`depthaccuracy` double,
`eventdate` timestamp,
`day` int,
`month` int,
`year` int,
`taxonkey` int,
`specieskey` int,
`basisofrecord` string,
`institutioncode` string,
`collectioncode` string,
`catalognumber` string,
`recordnumber` string,
`identifiedby` array<string>,
`dateidentified` timestamp,
`license` string,
`rightsholder` string,
`recordedby` array<string>,
`typestatus` array<string>,
`establishmentmeans` string,
`lastinterpreted` timestamp,
`mediatype` array<string>,
`issue` array<string>)
STORED AS parquet
- Execute a query
SELECT kingdom, count(*) AS c
FROM gbif_20220501
GROUP BY kingdom;
Results (these figures are from an older snapshot):
kingdom | c | |
1 | Plantae | 193391585 |
2 | incertae sedis | 4223619 |
3 | Archaea | 226905 |
4 | Fungi | 12210273 |
5 | Viruses | 42019 |
6 | Bacteria | 13313089 |
7 | Animalia | 1064194305 |
8 | Protozoa | 793176 |
9 | Chromista | 9440667 |
- Your results should show in the browser, and will also be stored as CSV data in the S3 bucket you created
- The amount of data scanned will be shown, which is used to calculate the billing (44.89MB, which is a fraction of a cent for this query, see Amazon Athena pricing)
A monthly snapshot is roughly 180GB in size.
The AWS buckets are public, and can be accessed anonymously using the S3 API, AWS CLI tool, or tools like rclone.
aws --no-sign-request --region eu-central-1 s3 ls s3://gbif-open-data-eu-central-1/occurrence/
# rclone configuration
type = s3
provider = AWS
env_auth = false
access_key_id =
secret_access_key =
region = eu-central-1
endpoint =
location_constraint =
acl = private
server_side_encryption =
storage_class =
# rclone commands
rclone ls anons3:gbif-open-data-eu-central-1
rclone sync -v anons3:gbif-open-data-eu-central-1/occurrence/2021-04-13/ ./gbif_2021-04-13/
The SNS endpoints can be used to follow changes.