Name : HD44780_LCD_PCF8574_PICO
Description :
- Library to support the HD44780 LCD , (I2C PCF8574 "backpack" interface)
- STM32 library C.
- Backlight, scroll, cursor and entry-mode control.
- Custom character support + print class for numerical data.
- Hardware I2C.
- Tested on size 16x02 + 20x04 (but may work on other sizes eg 16X4 but not tested).
- Port of my Arduino library at link.
- STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.10.1
- HAL, C, compiler gcc GNU 11
- IC used: STM32F303K8T6 Nucleo-32
Author: Gavin Lyons
The example files are in example folder. BY default the main is set to 16x02. Swap out the file for 20x04 LCD.
- examples/16X02main.cpp Test sequence for 16x02 LCD.
- examples/20X04main.cpp Test sequence for 20x04 LCD.
I2C pins used are
- I2C_1_SDA = PB7
- I2C_1_SCL = PB6
A print method is included using vsprint to print numerical data. In order to use floating point numbers you need to add -u _printf_float to project properties , C build , settings , MCU Gcc Linker , misc , other flags section.
For detailed graphical description of entry modes , cursor types, custom characters and more see here link
Output of custom character test in testrun example file on 16x02 display.
20x04 display.