voice controlled speech therapy tool for my son
to do
if (transcript === word.innertext) { //mark as correct and progress forward } else { //mark as incorrect - speak('im sorry young master, that wasnt quite right, please try again') }
gamify system with multiple static pages based on level
with each increased level the
if (event.results[current][0].confidence > .9) { document.querySelector("#rhett_listening").textContent = event.results[current][0].transcript; //+ "confidence" + event.results[current][0].confidence; } level goes up
- bronze = .9
- silver = .95
- gold = 1
for each sound / word / sentence / phrase correct a counter goes up and stores (number + currentword) in localstorage
have a progress bar at top of screen with coloured trophy at right side
upon completion of level have a popup