All pull requests should be based off the develop
The Calabash iOS Toolchain uses git-flow.
See these links for information about git-flow and git best practices.
Please see this post for tips on how to make a good commit messages.
We don't use the git-flow tools, but this is useful anyway.
Start your work on a feature branch based off develop.
# If you don't already have the develop branch
$ git fetch origin
$ git co -t origin/develop
# If you already have the develop branch
$ git co develop
$ git pull origin develop
$ git co -b feature/my-new-feature
# Publish your branch and make a pull-request on `develop`
$ git push -u origin feature/my-new-feature
Contributors should not change the version.
# Objective-C Unit tests.
$ make xct
# Building libraries.
$ make all
# Integration tests.
$ scripts/test/run
After the release branch is created:
- No more features can be added.
- All in-progress features and un-merged pull-requests must wait for the next release.
- You can, and should, make changes to the documentation.
- You must bump the version in LPVersionRoute.h. See
The release pull request must be made against the master branch.
Be sure to check CI.
- # Briar jobs.
$ git co -b release/0.19.2
1. Update the
2. Bump the version in calabash/Classes/FranklyServer/Routes/LPVersionRoute.h
3. **IMPORTANT** Bump the version in the badge.
3. Have a look at the to see if it can be updated.
$ git push -u origin release/0.19.2
1. Make a pull request on GitHub on the master branch.
2. Wait for CI to finish.
3. Merge pull request.
$ git co master
$ git pull
$ git tag -a 0.19.2 -m"release/0.19.2"
$ git push origin 0.19.2
$ git co develop
$ git merge --no-ff release/0.19.2
$ git push
$ git branch -d release/0.19.2
Announce the release on the public channels.