ClojureScript drag and drop library.
To install, add the following to your project :dependencies
[g7s/skidder "0.1.0"]
is a system that you can start, stop and listen for changes
[skidder.core :as skidder]))
(skidder/start! :html5)
When skidder starts it adds some (required) event listeners. Those listeners will be removed when the system stops
skidder is built around protocols. The most important
protocols are DragSource
, DropTarget
, StateInfo
and Connector
A drag source is anything that can be dragged (usually a DOM node). Implementors of
the DragSource
protocol will have to implement the following functions
(ds-type [this] "Return the type of this drag source.")
(can-drag? [this state-info ds-id] "Return whether this drag source can be dragged.")
(on-begin-drag [this state-info ds-id] "Called when the drag begins. The returned value will be available at the drop result.")
(on-end-drag [this state-info ds-id] "Called when the drag ends.")
- Will be checked against a drop target'saccepts
- If this function returnsfalse
then the element will not be dragged.on-begin-drag
- Because its return value will be available when its dropped on a target, you should return drag source data that you might need to execute some action on drop.
A drop target is anything that can accept a drag source element (usually a DOM node). Implementors
of the DropTarget
protocol will have to implement the following functions
(exclusive? [this] "Return whether this drop target should be treated as an exclusive one.")
(accepts [this] "Return a set of drag source types that this drop target accepts.")
(can-drop? [this state-info ds-id dt-id] "Return whether a drop can happen on this drop target.")
(on-hover [this state-info dt-id] "Called when a hover happens on this drop target.")
(on-enter [this state-info dt-id] "Called when an enter happens on this drop target.")
(on-leave [this state-info dt-id] "Called when a leave happens on this drop target.")
(on-drop [this state-info ds-id dt-id] "Called when a drop happens on this drop target.")
- If an exclusive drop target is contained inside another drop target then the drop will happen only on this drop targeton-hover
- This will be called very often when above a target so don't do anything expensive in there
When a skidder system starts it holds information about all kinds of things like which
drag sources are registered, which drop targets are registered, is a dragging operation in progress?,
is it hovering over some drop target? etc. To see what queries are available for the state information
you can refer to the StateInfo
protocol. One can get the state information from skidder
(assuming that the system has started)
The connector is used to connect a drag source or a drop target to a DOM element. One can access the connector of a started system from skidder
skidder provides a :html5
connector that makes use of the HTML5 Drag and Drop API.
Suppose that we have a React application and we want to incorporate the skidder library. First we need a way to create and register a drag source and a drop target:
(ns react.example
[skidder.protocols :as p]
[skidder.core :as skidder]))
(defn map->ds
"Given a map return a reified drag source."
[{:keys [type can-drag? begin-drag end-drag]}]
(ds-type [this] type)
(can-drag? [this si ds-id]
(if can-drag?
(can-drag? si ds-id)
(on-begin-drag [this si ds-id]
(when begin-drag
(begin-drag si ds-id)))
(on-end-drag [this si ds-id]
(when end-drag
(end-drag si ds-id)))))
(defn register-ds
"Register a drag source and return its \"unique\" id."
(let [ds-id (str (gensym "DS__"))]
(p/add-ds! (p/ds-reg (skidder/state-info)) ds ds-id)
(defn map->dt
"Given a map return a reified drop target."
[{:keys [accepts exclusive can-drop? hover enter leave drop]}]
(exclusive? [this] exclusive)
(accepts [this] accepts)
(can-drop? [this si ds-id dt-id]
(if can-drop?
(can-drop? si ds-id dt-id)
(on-hover [this si dt-id]
(when hover
(hover si dt-id)))
(on-enter [this si dt-id]
(when enter
(enter si dt-id)))
(on-leave [this si dt-id]
(when leave
(leave si dt-id)))
(on-drop [this si ds-id dt-id]
(when drop
(drop si ds-id dt-id)))))
(defn register-dt
"Register a drop target and return its \"unique\" id."
(let [dt-id (str (gensym "DT__"))]
(p/add-dt! (p/dt-reg (skidder/state-info)) dt dt-id)
Next we need a way to connect a drag source / drop target to a DOM element. This can be accomplished for example with the use of a React Hook that will use the connector and return a React ref for the DOM element that we want to connect:
(defn use-ds
"React hook for a drag source."
(let [ds-ref (js/React.useRef nil)
dispose-fn (js/React.useRef nil)]
(fn []
(let [start (fn []
(when-some [node (.-current ds-ref)]
(if (skidder/started?)
(let [ds-id (register-ds (map->ds spec))
disconn (p/connect-ds (skidder/connector) ds-id node)]
(set! (.-current dispose-fn)
(fn []
(let [si (skidder/state-info)]
(when-not (p/dragging? si ds-id)
(p/remove-ds! (p/ds-reg si) ds-id)))
(set! (.-current dispose-fn) nil))))
stop (fn []
(when-let [dispose (.-current dispose-fn)]
remove (skidder/on-system-change {:start start
:stop stop})]
(fn []
#js [spec])
(defn use-dt
"React hook for a drop target."
(let [dt-ref (js/React.useRef nil)
dispose-fn (js/React.useRef nil)]
(fn []
(let [start (fn []
(when-some [node (.-current dt-ref)]
(if (skidder/started?)
(let [dt-id (register-dt (map->dt spec))
disconn (p/connect-dt (skidder/connector) dt-id node)]
(set! (.-current dispose-fn)
(fn []
(p/remove-dt! (p/dt-reg (skidder/state-info)) dt-id))))
(set! (.-current dispose-fn) nil))))
stop (fn []
(when-let [dispose (.-current dispose-fn)]
remove (skidder/on-system-change {:start start
:stop stop})]
(fn []
#js [spec])
Then it is trivial to add drag and drop functionality to your React components
(rum/defc cheese
(let [cheese-ref (use-ds {:type :cheese
:begin-drag (constantly weight)})]
[:.cheese {:ref cheese-ref}
(rum/defc mouse
(let [mouse-ref (use-dt {:accepts #{:cheese}
:enter (fn []
(js/console.log "Gimme! Gimme!"))
:leave (fn []
(js/console.log "HEY! Right here!"))
:drop (fn [state-info ds-id _]
(let [weight (p/drag-data state-info ds-id)]
(js/console.log (str "Yum Yum! " weight " grams of cheese!"))))})]
[:.mouse {:ref mouse-ref}
Copyright © 2020 Gerasimos
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at