- Django
- Alerting (E-Mail) on 500 status code.
- Collect (and test) code for changes in datapoint at central location and add tests. Is currently distributed over api_admin_ui and api_main.signals
- Find solution if example value is NaN,+Inf or - Inf. Maybe just a try except and store these as text?
- Alerting (Prom AlertManager) if datapoint values have certain values or have not been updated for a certain time.
- Document return objects and codes for errors of REST interface.
- Add Websocket Push Interface.
- Fix adding Controller Admin Pages, there seems to be while defining controlled_datapoints.
- Django
- Controllers
- Python
- Rename to something more goal oriented, i.e. that describes rather what the controller does.
- Python
- Monitors:
- Move MQTT message monitor to Tools