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OpenWhisk system details

The following sections provide more details about the OpenWhisk system.

OpenWhisk entities

Namespaces and packages

OpenWhisk actions, triggers, and rules belong in a namespace, and optionally a package.

Packages can contain actions and feeds. A package cannot contain another package, so package nesting is not allowed. Also, entities do not have to be contained in a package.

In Bluemix, an organization+space pair corresponds to a OpenWhisk namespace. For example, the organization BobsOrg and space dev would correspond to the OpenWhisk namespace /BobsOrg_dev.

You can create your own namespaces if you're entitled to do so. The /whisk.system namespace is reserved for entities that are distributed with the OpenWhisk system.

Fully qualified names

The fully qualified name of an entity is /namespaceName[/packageName]/entityName. Notice that / is used to delimit namespaces, packages, and entities. Also, namespaces must be prefixed with a /.

For convenience, the namespace can be left off if it is the user's default namespace.

For example, consider a user whose default namespace is /myOrg. Following are examples of the fully qualified names of a number of entities and their aliases.

Fully qualified name Alias Namespace Package Name
/whisk.system/cloudant/read /whisk.system cloudant read
/myOrg/video/transcode video/transcode /myOrg video transcode
/myOrg/filter filter /myOrg filter

You will be using this naming scheme when you use the OpenWhisk CLI, among other places.

Entity names

The names of all entities, including actions, triggers, rules, packages, and namespaces, are a sequence of characters that follow the following format:

  • The first character must be an alphanumeric character, a digit, or an underscore.
  • The subsequent characters can be alphanumeric, digits, spaces, or any of the following: _, @, ., -.
  • The last character can't be a space.

More precisely, a name must match the following regular expression (expressed with Java metacharacter syntax): \A([\w]|[\w][\w@ .-]*[\[email protected]]+)\z.

Action semantics

The following sections describe details about OpenWhisk actions.


Action implementations should be stateless, or idempotent. While the system does not enforce this property, there is no guarantee that any state maintained by an action will be available across invocations.

Moreover, multiple instantiations of an action might exist, with each instantiation having its own state. An action invocation might be dispatched to any of these instantiations.

Invocation input and output

The input to and output from an action is a dictionary of key-value pairs. The key is a string, and the value a valid JSON value.

Invocation ordering of actions

Invocations of an action are not ordered. If the user invokes an action twice from the command line or the REST API, the second invocation might run before the first. If the actions have side effects, they might be observed in any order.

Additionally, there is no guarantee that actions will execute atomically. Two actions can run concurrently and their side effects can be interleaved. OpenWhisk does not ensure any particular concurrent consistency model for side effects. Any concurrency side effects will be implementation-dependent.

At-most-once semantics

The system supports at-most-once invocation of actions.

When an invocation request is received, the system records the request and dispatches an activation.

The system returns an activation ID (in the case of a nonblocking invocation) to confirm that the invocation was received. Notice that even in the absence of this response (perhaps due to a broken network connection), it is possible that the invocation was received.

The system attempts to invoke the action once, resulting in one of the following four outcomes:

  • success: the action invocation completed successfully.
  • application error: the action invocation was successful, but the action returned an error value on purpose, for instance because a precondition on the arguments was not met.
  • action developer error: the action was invoked, but it completed abnormally, for instance the action did not detect an exception, or a syntax error existed.
  • whisk internal error: the system was unable to invoke the action. The outcome is recorded in the status field of the activation record, as document in a following section.

Every invocation that is successfully received, and that the user might be billed for, will eventually have an activation record.

Activation record

Each action invocation and trigger firing results in an activation record.

An activation record contains the following fields:

  • activationId: The activation ID.
  • start and end: Timestamps recording the start and end of the activation. The values are in UNIX time format.
  • namespace and name: The namespace and name of the entity.
  • logs: An array of strings with the logs that are produced by the action during its activation. Each array element corresponds to a line output to stdout or stderr by the action, and includes the time and stream of the log output. The structure is as follows: TIMESTAMP STREAM: LOG_OUTPUT.
  • response: A dictionary that defines the keys success, status, and result:
    • status: The activation result, which might be one of the following values: "success", "application error", "action developer error", "whisk internal error".
    • success: Is true if and only if the status is "success"
  • result: A dictionary that contains the activation result. If the activation was successful, this contains the value that is returned by the action. If the activation was unsuccessful, result contains the error key, generally with an explanation of the failure.

JavaScript actions

Function prototype

OpenWhisk JavaScript actions run in a Node.js runtime, currently version 6.2.0.

Actions written in JavaScript must be confined to a single file. The file can contain multiple functions but by convention a function called main must exist and is the one called when the action is invoked. For example, the following is an example of an action with multiple functions.

function main() {
    return { payload: helper() }
function helper() {
    return new Date();

The action input parameters are passed as a JSON object as a parameter to the main function. The result of a successful activation is also a JSON object but is returned differently depending on whether the action is synchronous or asynchronous as described in the following section.

Synchronous and asynchronous behavior

It is common for JavaScript functions to continue execution in a callback function even after a return. To accommodate this, an activation of a JavaScript action can be synchronous or asynchronous.

A JavaScript action's activation is synchronous if the main function exits under one of the following conditions:

  • The main function exits without executing a return statement.
  • The main function exits by executing a return statement that returns any value except a Promise.

Here is an example of a synchronous action.

// an action in which each path results in a synchronous activation
function main(params) {
  if (params.payload == 0) {
  } else if (params.payload == 1) {
     return {payload: 'Hello, World!'};
  } else if (params.payload == 2) {
    return whisk.error();   // indicates abnormal completion

A JavaScript action's activation is asynchronous if the main function exits by returning a Promise. In this case, the system assumes that the action is still running, until the Promise has been fulfilled or rejected. Start by instantiating a new Promise object and passing it a callback function. The callback takes two arguments, resolve and reject, which are both functions. All your asynchronous code goes inside that callback.

The following is an example on how to fulfill a Promise by calling the resolve function.

function main(args) {
     return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
       setTimeout(function() {
         resolve({ done: true });
       }, 100);

The following is an example on how to reject a Promise by calling the reject function.

function main(args) {
     return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
       setTimeout(function() {
         reject({ done: true });
       }, 100);

It is possible for an action to be synchronous on some inputs and asynchronous on others. The following is an example.

  function main(params) {
      if (params.payload) {
         // asynchronous activation
         return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                  resolve({ done: true });
                }, 100);
      }  else {
         // synchronous activation
         return {done: true};

Notice that regardless of whether an activation is synchronous or asynchronous, the invocation of the action can be blocking or non-blocking.

Additional SDK methods

The whisk.invoke() function invokes another action. It takes as an argument a dictionary that defines the following parameters:

  • name: The fully qualified name of the action to invoke,

  • parameters: A JSON object that represents the input to the invoked action. If omitted, defaults to an empty object.

  • apiKey: The authorization key with which to invoke the action. Defaults to whisk.getAuthKey().

  • blocking: Whether the action should be invoked in blocking or non-blocking mode. Defaults to false, indicating a non-blocking invocation.

  • next: An optional callback function to be executed when the invocation completes. If next is not supplied, whisk.invoke() returns a promise.

    The signature for next is function(error, activation), where:

    • error is false if the invocation succeeded, and a truthy value (a value that translates to true when evaluated in a Boolean context) if it failed, usually a string that describes the error.
    • On errors, activation might be undefined, depending on the failure mode.
    • When defined, activation is a dictionary with the following fields:
      • activationId: The activation ID:
      • result: If the action was invoked in blocking mode: The action result as a JSON object, else undefined.

    If next is not provided, then whisk.invoke() returns a promise.

    • If the invocation fails, the promise will reject with an object describing the failed invocation. It will potentially have two fields:
      • error: An object describing the error - usually a string.
      • activation: An optional dictionary that may or may not be present depending on the nature of the invocation failure. If present, it will have the following fields:
        • activationId: The activation ID:
        • result: If the action was invoked in blocking mode: The action result as a JSON object, else undefined.
    • If the invocation succeeds, the promise will resolve with a dictionary describing the activation with fields activationId and result as described above.

    Below is an example of a blocking invocation that utilizes the returned promise:

      name: 'myAction',
      blocking: true
    .then(function (activation) {
        // activation completed successfully, activation contains the result
        console.log('Activation ' + activation.activationId + ' completed successfully and here is the result ' + activation.result);
    .catch(function (reason) {
        console.log('An error has occured ' + reason.error);
        if(reason.activation) {
          console.log('Please check activation ' + reason.activation.activationId + ' for details.');
        } else {
          console.log('Failed to create activation.');

The whisk.trigger() function fires a trigger. It takes as an argument a JSON object with the following parameters:

  • name: The fully qualified name of trigger to invoke.

  • parameters: A JSON object that represents the input to the trigger. If omitted, defaults to an empty object.

  • apiKey: The authorization key with which to fire the trigger. Defaults to whisk.getAuthKey().

  • next: An optional callback to be executed when the firing completes.

    The signature for next is function(error, activation), where:

    • error is false if the firing succeeded, and a truthy value if it failed, usually a string that describes the error.
    • On errors, activation might be undefined, depending on the failure mode.
    • When defined, activation is a dictionary with an activationId field that contains the activation ID.

    If next is not provided, then whisk.trigger() returns a promise.

    • If the trigger fails, the promise will reject with an object describing the error.
    • If the trigger succeeds, the promise will resolve with a dictionary with an activationId field containing the activation ID.

The whisk.getAuthKey() function returns the authorization key under which the action is running. Usually, you do not need to invoke this function directly because it is used implicitly by the whisk.invoke() and whisk.trigger() functions.

JavaScript runtime environments

JavaScript actions are executed by default in a Node.js version 6.2.0 environment. The 6.2.0 environment will also be used for an action if the --kind flag is explicitly specified with a value of 'nodejs:6' when creating/updating the action. The following packages are available to be used in the Node.js 6.2.0 environment:

  • apn v1.7.5
  • async v1.5.2
  • body-parser v1.15.1
  • btoa v1.1.2
  • cheerio v0.20.0
  • cloudant v1.4.1
  • commander v2.9.0
  • consul v0.25.0
  • cookie-parser v1.4.2
  • cradle v0.7.1
  • errorhandler v1.4.3
  • express v4.13.4
  • express-session v1.12.1
  • gm v1.22.0
  • log4js v0.6.36
  • iconv-lite v0.4.13
  • merge v1.2.0
  • moment v2.13.0
  • mustache v2.2.1
  • nano v6.2.0
  • node-uuid v1.4.7
  • nodemailer v2.5.0
  • oauth2-server v2.4.1
  • pkgcloud v1.3.0
  • process v0.11.3
  • pug v2.0.0
  • request v2.72.0
  • rimraf v2.5.2
  • semver v5.1.0
  • sendgrid v3.0.11
  • serve-favicon v2.3.0
  • v1.4.6
  • v1.4.6
  • superagent v1.8.3
  • swagger-tools v0.10.1
  • tmp v0.0.28
  • twilio v2.9.1
  • watson-developer-cloud v1.12.4
  • when v3.7.7
  • ws v1.1.0
  • xml2js v0.4.16
  • xmlhttprequest v1.8.0
  • yauzl v2.4.2

The Node.js version 0.12.14 environment will be used for an action if the --kind flag is explicitly specified with a value of 'nodejs' when creating/updating the action. The following packages are available to be used in the Node.js 0.12.14 environment:

  • apn v1.7.4
  • async v1.5.2
  • body-parser v1.12.0
  • btoa v1.1.2
  • cheerio v0.20.0
  • cloudant v1.4.1
  • commander v2.7.0
  • consul v0.18.1
  • cookie-parser v1.3.4
  • cradle v0.6.7
  • errorhandler v1.3.5
  • express v4.12.2
  • express-session v1.11.1
  • gm v1.20.0
  • jade v1.9.2
  • log4js v0.6.25
  • merge v1.2.0
  • moment v2.8.1
  • mustache v2.1.3
  • nano v5.10.0
  • node-uuid v1.4.2
  • oauth2-server v2.4.0
  • process v0.11.0
  • request v2.60.0
  • rimraf v2.5.1
  • semver v4.3.6
  • serve-favicon v2.2.0
  • v1.3.5
  • v1.3.5
  • superagent v1.3.0
  • swagger-tools v0.8.7
  • tmp v0.0.28
  • watson-developer-cloud v1.4.1
  • when v3.7.3
  • ws v1.1.0
  • xml2js v0.4.15
  • xmlhttprequest v1.7.0
  • yauzl v2.3.1

Docker actions

Docker actions run a user-supplied binary in a Docker container. The binary runs in a Docker image based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTD, so the binary must be compatible with this distribution.

The action input "payload" parameter is passed as a positional argument to the binary program, and the standard output from the execution of the program is returned in the "result" parameter.

The Docker skeleton is a convenient way to build OpenWhisk-compatible Docker images. You can install the skeleton with the wsk sdk install docker CLI command.

The main binary program is copied to the dockerSkeleton/client/action file. Any companion files or library can exist in the dockerSkeleton/client directory.

You can also include any compilation steps or dependencies by modifying the dockerSkeleton/Dockerfile. For example,you can install Python if your action is a Python script.


All the capabilities in the system are available through a REST API. There are collection and entity endpoints for actions, triggers, rules, packages, activations, and namespaces.

These are the collection endpoints:

  • https://{BASE URL}/api/v1/namespaces
  • https://{BASE URL}/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/actions
  • https://{BASE URL}/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/triggers
  • https://{BASE URL}/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/rules
  • https://{BASE URL}/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/packages
  • https://{BASE URL}/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/activations

The {BASE URL} is the OpenWhisk API hostname (for example,,, and so on).

For the {namespace}, the character _ can be used to specify the user's default namespace (that is, email address).

You can perform a GET request on the collection endpoints to fetch a list of entities in the collection.

There are entity endpoints for each type of entity:

  • https://{BASE URL}/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}
  • https://{BASE URL}/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/actions/[{packageName}/]{actionName}
  • https://{BASE URL}/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/triggers/{triggerName}
  • https://{BASE URL}/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/rules/{ruleName}
  • https://{BASE URL}/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/packages/{packageName}
  • https://{BASE URL}/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/activations/{activationName}

The namespace and activation endpoints support only GET requests. The actions, triggers, rules, and packages endpoints support GET, PUT, and DELETE requests. The endpoints of actions, triggers, and rules also support POST requests, which are used to invoke actions and triggers and enable or disable rules. Refer to the API reference for details.

All APIs are protected with HTTP Basic authentication. The Basic authentication credentials are in the AUTH property in your ~/.wskprops file, delimited by a colon. You can also retrieve these credentials in the CLI configuration steps.

The following is an example that uses the cURL command to get the list of all packages in the whisk.system namespace:

    "name": "slack",
    "binding": false,
    "publish": true,
    "annotations": [
        "key": "description",
        "value": "Package that contains actions to interact with the Slack messaging service"
    "version": "0.0.9",
    "namespace": "whisk.system"

The OpenWhisk API supports request-response calls from web clients. OpenWhisk responds to OPTIONS requests with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing headers. Currently, all origins are allowed (that is, Access-Control-Allow-Origin is "*") and Access-Control-Allow-Headers yield Authorization and Content-Type.

Attention: Because OpenWhisk currently supports only one key per account, it is not recommended to use CORS beyond simple experiments. Your key would need to be embedded in client-side code, making it visible to the public. Use with caution.

System limits

OpenWhisk has a few system limits, including how much memory an action uses and how many action invocations are allowed per hour. The following table lists the default limits.

limit description configurable unit default
timeout a container is not allowed to run longer than N milliseconds per action milliseconds 60000
memory a container is not allowed to allocate more than N MB of memory per action MB 256
logs a container is not allowed to write more than N MB to stdout per action MB 10
concurrent no more than N concurrent activations per namespace are allowed per namespace number 100
minuteRate a user cannot invoke more than this many actions per minute per user number 120
hourRate a user cannot invoke more than this many actions per hour per user number 3600
codeSize the maximum size of the actioncode not configurable, limit per action MB 48
parameters the maximum size of the paramters that can be attached not configurable, limit per action/package/trigger MB 1

Per action timeout (ms) (Default: 60s)

  • The timeout limit N is in the range [100ms..300000ms] and is set per action in milliseconds.
  • A user can change the limit when creating the action.
  • A container that runs longer than N milliseconds is terminated.

Per action memory (MB) (Default: 256MB)

  • The memory limit M is in the range from [128MB..512MB] and is set per action in MB.
  • A user can change the limit when creating the action.
  • A container cannot have more memory allocated than the limit.

Per action logs (MB) (Default: 10MB)

  • The log limit N is in the range [0MB..10MB] and is set per action.
  • A user can change the limit when creating or updating the action.
  • Logs that exceed the set limit are truncated and a warning is added as the last output of the activation to indicate that the activation exceeded the set log limit.

Per action artifact (MB) (Fixed: 48MB)

  • The maximum code size for the action is 48MB.
  • It is recommended for a JavaScript action to use a tool to concatenate all source code including dependencies into a single bundled file.

Per activation payload size (MB) (Fixed: 1MB)

  • The maximum POST content size plus any curried parameters for an action invocation or trigger firing is 1MB.

Per namespace concurrent invocation (Default: 100)

  • The number of activations that are currently processed for a namespace cannot exceed 100.
  • The default limit can be statically configured by whisk in consul kvstore.
  • A user is currently not able to change the limits.

Invocations per minute/hour (Fixed: 120/3600)

  • The rate limit N is set to 120/3600 and limits the number of action invocations in one minute/hour windows.
  • A user cannot change this limit when creating the action.
  • A CLI call that exceeds this limit receives an error code corresponding to TOO_MANY_REQUESTS.

Size of the parameters (Fixed: 1MB)

  • The size limit for the parameters on creating or updating of an action/package/trigger is 1MB.
  • The limit cannot be changed by the user.
  • An entity with too big parameters will be rejected on trying to create or update it.

Per Docker action open files ulimit (Fixed: 64:64)

  • The maximum number of open file is 64 (for both hard and soft limits).
  • The docker run command use the argument --ulimit nofile=64:64.
  • For more information about the ulimit for open files see the docker run documentation.

Per Docker action processes ulimit (Fixed: 512:512)

  • The maximum number of processes available to a user is 512 (for both hard and soft limits).
  • The docker run command use the argument --ulimit nproc=512:512.
  • For more information about the ulimit for maximum number of processes see the docker run documentation.