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Fuzzware Comparison to State of the Art

In this experiment we evaluate coverage on P2IM and uEmu targets.

Running the experiment

In its most basic form, reproduce the experiments by running:


However, running it this way will take too long for the experiment to conclude within a resonable amount of time (105 days, see below). This is why some parallelization will be required for a reasonable experiment run time.

Parallelization can be achieved in two ways:

  1. On-host parallelization: The number of experiments to run in parallel can be configured by supplying an argument to ./
  2. SSH-based parallelization: Split running the experiment on a separate SSH-accessible host for each target (21 hosts are required for the default configuration). See the main README and the install helper for installation instructions. See and for running the experiment on remote instances and collecting the results afterwards.
  3. Mixing and matching: The provided scripts can be mixed and matched, for example to distribute the experiments across a smaller set of medium-sized machines. However, this requires adapting the scripts and command-line arguments. To get started modifying the scripts (or just re-writing them according to your wishes from scratch), refer to the wrapper (which allows running only a subset of targets with configurable on-host parallelization), and to see how the ssh wrapper scripts in ../helper_scripts are invoked.

Expected Result

Fuzzing will generate project directories under uEmu/<target>/fuzzware-project-run-XX and P2IM/<target>/fuzzware-project-run-XX (e.g., uEmu/LiteOS_IoT/fuzzware-project-run-01). These directories adhere to the standard fuzzware project layout. After statistics generation, the project directory will contain aggregated data within the stats subdirectory, also according to the standard fuzzware project layout.

Running will aggregate data from the different stats subdirectories, output the relevant data to stdout, and place plots in a plots directory next to this README file..

Computation Resources


  • Maximum without parallelization: 105 days with a single fuzzing instance + additional trace generation time. RAM: 4GB RAM per parallel instance (2GB per instance could suffice as well)

Estimated Run Time details: The full experiment takes quite a bit of computation resources. We run every one of the 21 targets for 24 hours, and repeat the runs 5 times.

This gives a total CPU time for fuzzing of 21 * 5 = 105 days worth of fuzzing time.

The experiment can be parallelized on the granularity of each 24-hour fuzzing run.

For our own evaluation, we split the experiments among batches of 21 dual core cloud machines in parallel, resulting in roughly 5 days of experiment time.


To differentiate between TCG translation blocks and actual coverage, we pre-generated lists of valid basic blocks for each target. These lists have been generated using IDAPython. The script used to generate the basic block valid lists can be found under fuzzware/scripts/idapython in the fuzzware installation directory.

Test Procedure

The experiment is performed by in the following steps:

  1. Run 24-hour fuzzing runs on each target. This is done using the fuzzware pipeline utility and results in a Fuzzware project directory.
  2. Generate the statistics for each Fuzzware project directory. This is done using the fuzzware genstats utility.
  3. Based on the statistics generated for each Fuzzware project directory, aggregate the data from Fuzzware projects' stats directories again to calculate averages, as well as draw plots. This is done using

Note: The runtime for the experiments is prohibitively long if not parallelized. As a result, one will likely split the execution and aggregate data afterwards. For the final aggregation, it is not required to copy the full project directories from remote servers. The larger directories mainXXX and mmio_states can be omitted. However, the fuzzware project directory location should be maintained when copying subdirectories such as the stats directory from a remote server. As such, when copying the stats directory for the third run of the uEmu/LiteOS_IoT target, place it under uEmu/LiteOS_IoT/fuzzware-project-run-03/stats before running