This is a resubmission. In this version I have:
- Removed the old FLM function
- Updated FLM1 function and its documentation, which is now the FLM function
- Added FLMCI function to construct confidence intervals for functional linear models
- Changed @docType package to _PACKAGE in R/pkgname.R
- Added title and legend to CreateModeOfVarPlot function
- Updated figure titles in several plot functions (capitalize only the first word)
- local R installation, macOS R 4.4.1
- win-builder (devel and release)
on macOS: 0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
on windows: 0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
I have run R CMD check on macOS on downstream dependencies of fdapace: fdaconcur, fdadensity,fdapaceShiny, fdaPOIFD, fdarep, fgm, frechet, ftsa, KFPCA, longke, longsurr, MJMbamlss, mrct, SLFPCA and WRI.
All packages passed except fdaconcur, which produced an error due to the replacement of FLM1 with FLM. I have informed the maintainer of fdaconcur (we are in the same research group) about this change, and he will update the package to call fdapace::FLM
in the next version.
I have read and agree to all CRAN policies.