Release date: August 10, 2017
Auto-refresh :
-A, --auto <# hours>
When auto parameters are passed, gcreds will Auto-refresh temporary credentials
in the local awscli config without the user having to authenticate again. Durations
up to 12 hours may be used. gcreds may still be used without auto refresh to generate
temporary credentials that expire in 1 hour. -
Configure Mode :
-C, --config
By invoking the configure option, parameters may be passed automatically to gcreds
Two parameters are currently supported:- default_profile: sets the default iam profile to be used so that -p, --profile
option does not need to be provided - default_color scheme: color scheme can be changed to improve visibility on screens
with white backgrounds, a problem in previous releases.
- default_profile: sets the default iam profile to be used so that -p, --profile
awscli Update Facility :
-u, --awscli
When iam credentials must be updated, corruption is common for gcreds users because
of the way gcreds makes backup copies of local awscli configuration files. gcreds now
includes a menu-driven option for updating awscli safely via gcreds. -
help_menu : clean up and rewrite of help menu
- gcreds still needs integration testing in the following environments to
determine full compatibility:- Redhat Enterprise Linux 7
- Amazon Linux 03.2017
- SUSE Enterprise Linux 12
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