- BatchGetItemAsync
- BatchWriteItemAsync
- CreateBackupAsync
- CreateGlobalTableAsync
- CreateTableAsync
- DeleteBackupAsync
- DeleteItemAsync
- DeleteTableAsync
- DescribeBackupAsync
- DescribeGlobalTableAsync
- DescribeTableAsync
- GetItemAsync
- ListBackupsAsync
- ListGlobalTablesAsync
- ListTablesAsync
- PutItemAsync
- QueryAsync
- RestoreTableFromBackupAsync
- ScanAsync
- TransactGetItemsAsync
- TransactWriteItemsAsync
- UpdateGlobalTableAsync
- UpdateItemAsync
- UpdateTableAsync
- ✅ RequestItems
- ReturnConsumedCapacity
- ✅ Responses
- ✅ UnprocessedKeys
- ConsumedCapacity
- ✅ RequestItems
- ReturnConsumedCapacity
- ReturnItemCollectionMetrics
- ✅ UnprocessedItems
- ConsumedCapacity
- ItemCollectionMetrics
- There is an example of how to implement backups in the README
- There is an example of how to implement backups in the README
- ✅ GlobalTableName
- ✅ ReplicationGroup
- GlobalTableDescription
- ✅ CreationDateTime
- ✅ GlobalTableArn
- ✅ GlobalTableName
- ✅ GlobalTableStatus
- ReplicationGroup - Partial support
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexName
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ✅ RegionName
- ✅ ReplicaStatus
- KMSMasterKeyId
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ReplicaInaccessibleDateTime
- ReplicaStatusDescription
- ReplicaStatusPercentProgress
- ReplicaTableClassSummary
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ AttributeDefinitions
- ✅ DeletionProtectionEnabled
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexName
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ Projection
- OnDemandThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughput
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ LocalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ StreamSpecification
- ✅ TableName
- BillingMode
- OnDemandThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughput
- ResourcePolicy
- SSESpecification
- TableClass
- Tags
- TableDescription
- ✅ AttributeDefinitions
- ✅ CreationDateTime
- ✅ DeletionProtectionEnabled
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ Backfilling
- ✅ IndexArn
- ✅ IndexName
- ✅ IndexStatus
- ✅ ItemCount
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ Projection
- IndexSizeBytes
- OnDemandThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughput
- ✅ GlobalTableVersion
- ✅ ItemCount
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ LatestStreamArn
- ✅ LatestStreamLabel
- LocalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexArn
- ✅ IndexName
- ✅ ItemCount
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ Projection
- IndexSizeBytes
- Replicas - Partial support
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexName
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ✅ RegionName
- ✅ ReplicaStatus
- KMSMasterKeyId
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ReplicaInaccessibleDateTime
- ReplicaStatusDescription
- ReplicaStatusPercentProgress
- ReplicaTableClassSummary
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ StreamSpecification
- ✅ TableArn
- ✅ TableId
- ✅ TableName
- ✅ TableStatus
- ArchivalSummary
- BillingModeSummary
- OnDemandThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughput
- RestoreSummary
- SSEDescription
- TableClassSummary
- TableSizeBytes
- There is an example of how to implement backups in the README
- There is an example of how to implement backups in the README
- ✅ ConditionalOperator
- ✅ ConditionExpression
- ✅ Expected
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeNames
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeValues
- ✅ Key
- ✅ ReturnValues
- ✅ TableName
- ReturnConsumedCapacity
- ReturnItemCollectionMetrics
- ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- ✅ Attributes
- ConsumedCapacity
- ItemCollectionMetrics
- ✅ TableName
- TableDescription
- ✅ AttributeDefinitions
- ✅ CreationDateTime
- ✅ DeletionProtectionEnabled
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ Backfilling
- ✅ IndexArn
- ✅ IndexName
- ✅ IndexStatus
- ✅ ItemCount
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ Projection
- IndexSizeBytes
- OnDemandThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughput
- ✅ GlobalTableVersion
- ✅ ItemCount
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ LatestStreamArn
- ✅ LatestStreamLabel
- LocalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexArn
- ✅ IndexName
- ✅ ItemCount
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ Projection
- IndexSizeBytes
- Replicas - Partial support
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexName
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ✅ RegionName
- ✅ ReplicaStatus
- KMSMasterKeyId
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ReplicaInaccessibleDateTime
- ReplicaStatusDescription
- ReplicaStatusPercentProgress
- ReplicaTableClassSummary
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ StreamSpecification
- ✅ TableArn
- ✅ TableId
- ✅ TableName
- ✅ TableStatus
- ArchivalSummary
- BillingModeSummary
- OnDemandThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughput
- RestoreSummary
- SSEDescription
- TableClassSummary
- TableSizeBytes
- There is an example of how to implement backups in the README
- There is an example of how to implement backups in the README
- ✅ GlobalTableName
- GlobalTableDescription
- ✅ CreationDateTime
- ✅ GlobalTableArn
- ✅ GlobalTableName
- ✅ GlobalTableStatus
- ReplicationGroup - Partial support
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexName
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ✅ RegionName
- ✅ ReplicaStatus
- KMSMasterKeyId
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ReplicaInaccessibleDateTime
- ReplicaStatusDescription
- ReplicaStatusPercentProgress
- ReplicaTableClassSummary
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ TableName
- Table
- ✅ AttributeDefinitions
- ✅ CreationDateTime
- ✅ DeletionProtectionEnabled
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ Backfilling
- ✅ IndexArn
- ✅ IndexName
- ✅ IndexStatus
- ✅ ItemCount
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ Projection
- IndexSizeBytes
- OnDemandThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughput
- ✅ GlobalTableVersion
- ✅ ItemCount
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ LatestStreamArn
- ✅ LatestStreamLabel
- LocalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexArn
- ✅ IndexName
- ✅ ItemCount
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ Projection
- IndexSizeBytes
- Replicas - Partial support
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexName
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ✅ RegionName
- ✅ ReplicaStatus
- KMSMasterKeyId
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ReplicaInaccessibleDateTime
- ReplicaStatusDescription
- ReplicaStatusPercentProgress
- ReplicaTableClassSummary
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ StreamSpecification
- ✅ TableArn
- ✅ TableId
- ✅ TableName
- ✅ TableStatus
- ArchivalSummary
- BillingModeSummary
- OnDemandThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughput
- RestoreSummary
- SSEDescription
- TableClassSummary
- TableSizeBytes
- ✅ AttributesToGet
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeNames
- ✅ Key
- ✅ ProjectionExpression
- ✅ TableName
- ConsistentRead
- ReturnConsumedCapacity
- ✅ IsItemSet
- ✅ Item
- ConsumedCapacity
- There is an example of how to implement backups in the README
- There is an example of how to implement backups in the README
- ✅ ExclusiveStartGlobalTableName
- ✅ Limit
- ✅ RegionName
- ✅ GlobalTables
- ✅ LastEvaluatedGlobalTableName
- ✅ ExclusiveStartTableName
- ✅ Limit
- ✅ LastEvaluatedTableName
- ✅ TableNames
- ✅ ConditionalOperator
- ✅ ConditionExpression
- ✅ Expected
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeNames
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeValues
- ✅ Item
- ✅ ReturnValues
- ✅ TableName
- ReturnConsumedCapacity
- ReturnItemCollectionMetrics
- ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- ✅ Attributes
- ConsumedCapacity
- ItemCollectionMetrics
- ✅ AttributesToGet
- ✅ ConditionalOperator
- ConsistentRead - Partial support. All reads are consistent
- ✅ ExclusiveStartKey
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeNames
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeValues
- ✅ FilterExpression
- ✅ IndexName
- ✅ KeyConditionExpression
- ✅ KeyConditions
- ✅ Limit
- ✅ ProjectionExpression
- ✅ QueryFilter
- ✅ ScanIndexForward
- ✅ Select
- ✅ TableName
- ReturnConsumedCapacity
- ✅ Count
- ✅ Items
- ✅ LastEvaluatedKey
- ✅ ScannedCount
- ConsumedCapacity
- There is an example of how to implement backups in the README
- There is an example of how to implement backups in the README
- ✅ AttributesToGet
- ✅ ConditionalOperator
- ConsistentRead - Partial support. All reads are consistent
- ✅ ExclusiveStartKey
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeNames
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeValues
- ✅ FilterExpression
- ✅ IndexName
- ✅ Limit
- ✅ ProjectionExpression
- ✅ ScanFilter
- ✅ Select
- ✅ TableName
- ReturnConsumedCapacity
- Segment
- TotalSegments
- ✅ Count
- ✅ Items
- ✅ LastEvaluatedKey
- ✅ ScannedCount
- ConsumedCapacity
- ✅ TransactItems
- ReturnConsumedCapacity
- ✅ Responses
- ConsumedCapacity
- ✅ ClientRequestToken
- TransactItems
- ConditionCheck
- ✅ ConditionExpression
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeNames
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeValues
- ✅ Key
- ✅ TableName
- ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- Delete
- ✅ ConditionExpression
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeNames
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeValues
- ✅ Key
- ✅ TableName
- ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- Put
- ✅ ConditionExpression
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeNames
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeValues
- ✅ Item
- ✅ TableName
- ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- Update
- ✅ ConditionExpression
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeNames
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeValues
- ✅ Key
- ✅ TableName
- ✅ UpdateExpression
- ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- ConditionCheck
- ReturnConsumedCapacity
- ReturnItemCollectionMetrics
- ItemCollectionMetrics
- ✅ ItemCollectionKey
- SizeEstimateRangeGB - Partial support. A constant value can be configured
- ConsumedCapacity
- ✅ GlobalTableName
- ✅ ReplicaUpdates
- GlobalTableDescription
- ✅ CreationDateTime
- ✅ GlobalTableArn
- ✅ GlobalTableName
- ✅ GlobalTableStatus
- ReplicationGroup - Partial support
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexName
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ✅ RegionName
- ✅ ReplicaStatus
- KMSMasterKeyId
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ReplicaInaccessibleDateTime
- ReplicaStatusDescription
- ReplicaStatusPercentProgress
- ReplicaTableClassSummary
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ AttributeUpdates
- ✅ ConditionalOperator
- ✅ ConditionExpression
- ✅ Expected
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeNames
- ✅ ExpressionAttributeValues
- ✅ Key
- ✅ ReturnValues
- ✅ TableName
- ✅ UpdateExpression
- ReturnConsumedCapacity
- ReturnItemCollectionMetrics
- ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
- ✅ Attributes
- ConsumedCapacity
- ItemCollectionMetrics
- ✅ AttributeDefinitions
- ✅ DeletionProtectionEnabled
- GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates
- Create
- ✅ IndexName
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ Projection
- OnDemandThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughput
- ✅ Delete
- Update
- Create
- ReplicaUpdates
- Create
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexName
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ✅ RegionName
- KMSMasterKeyId
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- TableClassOverride
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ Delete
- Update
- Create
- ✅ StreamSpecification
- ✅ TableName
- BillingMode
- OnDemandThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughput
- SSESpecification
- TableClass
- TableDescription
- ✅ AttributeDefinitions
- ✅ CreationDateTime
- ✅ DeletionProtectionEnabled
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ Backfilling
- ✅ IndexArn
- ✅ IndexName
- ✅ IndexStatus
- ✅ ItemCount
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ Projection
- IndexSizeBytes
- OnDemandThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughput
- ✅ GlobalTableVersion
- ✅ ItemCount
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ LatestStreamArn
- ✅ LatestStreamLabel
- LocalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexArn
- ✅ IndexName
- ✅ ItemCount
- ✅ KeySchema
- ✅ Projection
- IndexSizeBytes
- Replicas - Partial support
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ IndexName
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ✅ RegionName
- ✅ ReplicaStatus
- KMSMasterKeyId
- OnDemandThroughputOverride
- ProvisionedThroughputOverride
- ReplicaInaccessibleDateTime
- ReplicaStatusDescription
- ReplicaStatusPercentProgress
- ReplicaTableClassSummary
- GlobalSecondaryIndexes
- ✅ StreamSpecification
- ✅ TableArn
- ✅ TableId
- ✅ TableName
- ✅ TableStatus
- ArchivalSummary
- BillingModeSummary
- OnDemandThroughput
- ProvisionedThroughput
- RestoreSummary
- SSEDescription
- TableClassSummary
- TableSizeBytes
Partial support. If an AmazonDynamoDBClient
is built from a global database, then Replicas will be accurate. Otherwise this value will be empty