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twe4ked edited this page Mar 18, 2013 · 12 revisions

Filters allow you to run specified files through arbitrary commands at build time.



Setting name and email with environment variables in gitconfig.erb.

# ~/.freshrc
fresh config/gitconfig.erb --file=~/.gitconfig --filter=erb
# ~/.dotfiles/config/gitconfig.erb
name=<%= ENV["NAME"] %>
email=<%= ENV["EMAIL"] %>


Decrypting files with GnuPG.

# ~/.freshrc
fresh encrypted_file.asc --filter=gpg

Lines of files

You can use sed to grab parts of a file. Here is an example of getting rbenv initialization lines. We've also locked the file to a certain git ref in case the line numbers change.

# ~/.freshrc
fresh jasoncodes/dotfiles shell/profile --ref=452fb01 --filter='sed -n 224,227p'
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