Input data are EFLALO and TACSAT data formats (see VMStools R library on github) and need to be put in the EflaloAndTacsat folder. Two very small example are provided.
Workflow itself is split in two parts: ** BenthisWorkflow2020.r is used to obtain a gridded swept area from interpolating bottom contacting gears tracks, ** couplingInterpolatedVmsToLandings2020.r is of use to obtain spatial origin of catches (landings) by dispatching landings back to interpolated VMS positions
Equivalent but separated coding is provided for vessels using Pelagic Gears (e.g. OTM, PTM or PS).
fuelEfficiencyGraphs2020.r provides a routine for plotting Value Per Unit Fuel and other ratios per aggregation of fleet-segments and FAO areas
quickmap2020.r provides a routine for mapping the gridded data per fishery and species
2 example shell scripts to run on a High Performance Computing (HPC) service are also provided as such a workflow can be both time and memory consuming
Background map in use was made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @ naturalearthdata.com