Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): block sequence entries are not allowed in this context at line 1 column 36
aliases: "<% tp.file.title.split(" - ")[1] %>"
[!toc]- TOC
[!cols | 31 + notl + ncborder + noborder]
[[<% tp.file.title %>#<% tp.file.title.split(" - ")[1] %> profile|<% tp.file.title.split(" - ")[1] %> profile]]
TABLE WITHOUT ID L.text as Summary FROM "08 Writing" WHERE = FLATTEN file.lists as L WHERE contains(meta(L.section).subpath, "Summary")
## Questions >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Basic|Basic]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Basic]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Goals|Goals]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Goals]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Relationships and conflicts|Relationships and conflicts]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Relationships and conflicts]] ## Profile >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Basic info|Basic info]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Basic Info]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Classifications|Classifications]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Classifications]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Physical appearance|Physical appearance]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Physical appearance]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Stats|Stats]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Stats]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Attributes|Attributes]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Attributes]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Character personalities|Personality]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Character personalities]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Character health|Health]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Character health]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Character careers|Careers]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Character careers]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Character preferences|preferences]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Character preferences]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Relationships|Relationships]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Relationships]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Character life stages|Life Stages]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Character life stages]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Character perspectives|Perspectives]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Character perspectives]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Character background|Background]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Character background]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Character developments|Developments]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Character developments]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Society|Society]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Society]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Activities|Activities]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Activities]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#History|History]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#History]] >[!note | scroll]- [[<% tp.file.title %>#Related info|Related info]] ---------- :luc_arrow_down_circle: >![[<% tp.file.title %>#Related info]]
>[!note | scroll30em h4-cbx] Info >```dataviewjs
dv.view("01 Meta/01.03 Scripts/writing_character/profile")
- ⭐ one summary line write here
- ⭐ another summary line write here
- personality type - Enneagram
- personality type - MBTI
- distinctive skills/abilities
- what is their greatest fear?
- what is their misbelief about the world?
- what happened in this character's past to make them believe this lie?
- what do they most often criticize other for?
- how do they respond to emotional pain?
- top three things he/she values most in life?
- is there an object he/she can't bear to part with and why?
- describe a typical outfit for him/her from top to bottom
- what is his/her method of manipulation?
- how is your character dissatisfied with their life?
- what does your character believe will bring them true happiness or contentment?
- what definitive step could they take to turn their dream into reality?
- how was their fear kept them from taking this action already?
- how does your protagonist feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of?
- in a few words, describe the MC's relationship with this other character
- what are some points of conflict in their relationship?
- what do they agree on? what do they disagree on?
- do they keep any secrets from each other? if so, what and why?
- how did they meet and how long have they known each other?
- how will their relationship change over the course of the story?
- character_official_name:: [[<% tp.file.title %>|<% tp.file.title.split(" - ")[1] %>]]
- character_official_name_meaning::
- character_official_name_pronunciation::
- character_alias_name::
- character_alias_name_meaning::
- character_alias_name_pronunciation::
- character_name_backstory::
- character_creature::
- character_role::
- character_gender::
- character_race::
- character_people::
- character_birthday::
- character_deathday::
- character_birth_significance::
- character_astrological_sign::
- character_nationality::
- character_ethnicity::
- character_language::
- character_voice::
- character_sexuality::
- character_general_appearance::
- character_actual_age::
- character_apparent_age::
- character_lifespan::
- character_face::
- character_eye::
- character_eye_color::
- character_hair::
- character_hair_color::
- character_size::
- character_weight::
- character_height::
- character_build::
- character_skin::
- character_skin_color::
- character_fur::
- character_fur_color::
- character_body_mark::
- character_distinguishing_feature::
- character_limitation::
- character_other_feature::
- character_speech::
- character_fashion::
- character_posture::
- character_birthmark::
- character_dominant_hand::
- character_locomotion::
- character_persona::
- character_health_point::
- character_magic_point::
- character_skill::
- character_strength::
- character_weakness::
- character_dexterity::
- character_constitution::
- character_agility::
- character_vitality::
- character_wisdom::
- character_intelligence::
- character_charisma::
- character_spirit::
- character_special_ability::
- character_special_limitation::
- character_special_ability_power_source::
- character_attack::
- character_special_attack::
- character_attack_success_rate::
- character_attack_failure_rate::
- character_speed::
- character_defense::
- character_damage::
- character_temperament::
- character_ability::
- character_armor_class::
- character_natural_weapon::
- character_weapon::
- judge, juror, manor,
- character_speed::
- character_tool::
- character_ability::
- character_magic::
- character_power::
- character_power_source::
- character_value::
- legendary, myth, god, rare, artifact, etc.
- character_class::
- character_initial_level::
- character_max_level::
- melee,
- character_combat_type::
- character_combat_range::
- character_wielding::
- character_limitation::
- character_restriction::
- arcana domain, light domain
- character_domain::
- character_personality_type::
- character_temperament::
- character_greatest_fear::
- character_event_that_would_cause_turmoil::
- character_at_ease_when::
- character_priority::
- character_philosophy::
- character_source_of_strength::
- character_source_of_weakness::
- character_soft_spots::
- character_struggles::
- character_goal::
- character_motivation::
- character_talent::
- character_reaction_to_crisis::
- character_reaction_to_change::
- character_common_problem::
- character_trail::
- character_attitude::
- character_mood::
- character_flaw::
- character_good_habit::
- character_bad_habit::
- character_pet_peev::
- character_favourite::
- character_sin::
- character_energy_level::
- character_memory_level::
- character_disability::
- character_phobia::
- character_addiction::
- character_general_aptitude::
- character_mental_strength::
- character_mental_weakness::
- character_physical_strength::
- character_physical_weakness::
- character_past_illness::
- character_surgery::
- character_accident::
- character_stability::
- character_allergy::
- character_first_job::
- character_current_job::
- character_past_job::
- character_profession::
- character_current_organization::
- character_past_organization::
- character_work_ethic::
- character_fav_color::
- character_fav_diet::
- character_fav_music::
- character_fav_food::
- character_fav_literature::
- character_fav_expression::
- character_fav_curse::
- character_fav_entertainment::
- character_fav_quote::
- character_fav_transportation::
- character_fav_drink::
- character_fav_place::
- character_fav_activity::
- character_fav_others::
- character_happy_when::
- character_sad_when::
- character_hobby::
- character_fav_animal::
- character_interest::
- character_ancestor::
- character_descendant::
- character_parent::
- character_extended_family::
- character_best_friend::
- character_friend::
- character_foe::
- character_sibbling::
- character_offspring::
- character_pet::
- character_nature::
- character_best_ally::
- character_ally::
- character_worst_enemy::
- character_enemy::
- character_current_partner::
- character_ex_partner::
- character_first_love::
- character_aspiring_love::
- character_soul_mate::
- character_significant_event::
- character_childhood::
- character_adolescence::
- character_young_adult::
- character_adult::
- character_coming_of_age::
- character_significant_experience::
- character_change_throughout_life::
- character_major_regret::
- character_life_lesson::
- character_religion::
- character_upbringing::
- character_core_value::
- character_moral::
- character_main_residence::
- character_other_residence::
- character_original_land::
- character_habitat::
- character_lifespan::
- character_raised_in::
- character_education::
- character_milestone::
- character_achievement::
- character_failure::
- character_lifestyle::
- character_attire::
- character_culture::
- charl_main_goal::
- character_minor_goal::
- character_desire::
- character_lie::
- character_fault_belief::
- character_mistake::
- character_prejudice::
- character_life_lesson::
- character_dream_life::
- character_worst_nightmare::
- character_fav_memory::
- character_least_fav_memory::
- character_need::
- character_want::
- character_dont_want::
- character_current_obstacle::
- character_secret::
- character_worldview::
- character_personal_hero::
- character_internal_conflict::
- character_external_conflict::
- character_what_others_think_of_them::
- character_self_image::
- character_what_they_wish_they_could_change::
- character_what_they_wish_they_could_have::
- character_what_gets_them_fired_up::
- character_worth_taking_risk::
- character_things_they_take_for_granted::
- character_what_inspires_them::
- character_doubt::
- character_what_makes_them_feel_alive::
- character_what_makes_them_want_to_do_better::
- character_what_do_they_want_to_be_remembered_for::
- character_how_will_the_character_change::
- character_power::
- character_immediate_goal::
- character_long_term_goal::
- character_power_level::
- character_first_appearance::
- character_last_appearance::
- character_mentor::
- character_inspired_by::
- character_influenced_by::
- character_most_important_person::
- character_prized_possession::
- character_race::
- character_wealth::
- character_population::
- character_language::
- character_education::
- character_culture::
- character_dogma::
- character_attitude::
- character_culture::
- character_religion::
- character_favored_deity::
- character_worship::
- character_ritual::
- calendar::
- character_main_goal::
- character_goal::
- character_public_agenda::
- character_tactic::
- character_activity::
- character_product::
- character_industry::
- character_import::
- character_export::
- character_technology::
- character_trade::
- character_created_date::
- character_extinction_date::
- character_origin::
- character_creation::
- character_creator::
- character_modifier::
- character_destroyer::
- character_reputation::
- character_event::
- character_evolution::
- character_lore::
- calendar::
- chapter::
- creature::
- general::
- inspiration::
- location::
- object::
- organization::
- people::
- scene::
- system::