This is an integration for dart_frog
to collect errors and automatically report them to Sentry.
Note This is experimental. Use at your own risk.
First add a custom entry point and initialize Sentry as shown in the follwing code snippet. To know more about a custom entry point, read this.
// main.dart
Future<HttpServer> run(Handler handler, InternetAddress ip, int port) async {
await Sentry.init((options) {
..dsn = '<your_dsn_here>'
..tracesSampleRate = 1
return await runZonedGuarded(() {
return serve(handler, ip, port);
}, (error, stack) {
final mechanism = Mechanism(type: 'runZonedGuarded', handled: false);
final throwableMechanism = ThrowableMechanism(mechanism, error);
final event = SentryEvent(
throwable: throwableMechanism,
level: SentryLevel.fatal,
Sentry.captureEvent(event, stackTrace: stack);
Secondly, add the sentryMiddleware
as shown in the following code snippet. Read more about middlewares here.
// _middleware.dart
Handler middleware(Handler handler) {
return handler
// add Sentry middleware