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Dec 19, 2019

Troubleshooting and Logging with Fn

Even if you've got excellent unit tests (e.g., using the Fn Java JUnit support) things can still go wrong. Your function may throw an exception, or you may be getting back unexpected results? So what can you do to troubleshoot your functions? In this tutorial we'll look at a number of techniques and Fn features you can use to get to the root cause of your problem.

As you make your way through this tutorial, look out for this icon. Whenever you see it, it's time for you to perform an action.

Getting Started

First, let's create a simple Java function called trouble. In a new folder type:

user input

fn init --runtime java trouble

This will create a boilerplate Java hello world function in the trouble folder. Let's cd into that folder.

user input

cd trouble

And let's delete the unit tests so we can concentrate on the troubleshooting techniques rather than keeping the tests up to date.

user input

rm -rf src/test

If you have the tree utility installed you can verify that your structure looks like this:

├── func.yaml
├── pom.xml
└── src
    └── main
        └── java
            └── com
                └── example
                    └── fn

Ok, we're ready to begin!

Verbose Mode

When you run commands like fn build or fn deploy you typically see "progress dots" (i.e., ...) that let's you know some action is taking place. Let's build our function and observe the output.

user input

fn build

You should see something like:

Building image trouble:0.0.1 ........
Function trouble:0.0.1 built successfully.

Perfect! But if your code can't be built successfully, either not compiling or failing unit tests, then you get a helpful error message suggesting you rerun your command with the --verbose/-v flag.

To see this let's break the function so it won't compile. Comment out the return statement in the HelloFunction class' handleRequest function by putting // in front of the return statement so it looks like:

package com.example.fn;

public class HelloFunction {

    public String handleRequest(String input) {
        String name = (input == null || input.isEmpty()) ? "world"  : input;

        //return "Hello, " + name + "!";


Let's build again and checkout the error message.

user input

fn build

Results in:

Building image trouble:0.0.1 .....
Error during build. Run with `--verbose` flag to see what went wrong. eg: `fn --verbose CMD`

Fn: error running docker build: exit status 1

See 'fn <command> --help' for more information. Client version: 0.5.86

Now let's try the build with the --verbose flag, which you need to put immediately after fn:

user input

fn --verbose build

Now we see details of the build and the failure (output abbreviated):

Building image trouble:0.0.1
Sending build context to Docker daemon  10.24kB
Step 1/11 : FROM fnproject/fn-java-fdk-build:jdk11-1.0.102 as build-stage
 ---> cc41c56dd693
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) @ hello ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /function/target/classes
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /function/src/main/java/com/example/fn/[9,5] missing return statement
[INFO] 1 error
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) on project hello: Compilation failure
[ERROR] /function/src/main/java/com/example/fn/[9,5] missing return statement
The command 'mvn package' returned a non-zero code: 1
ERROR: error running docker build: exit status 1

With verbose output we see the entirety of the Maven build which includes an error message telling us we're missing a return statement--as we expected.

When an unexpected error happens, verbose output is the first thing you need to enable to diagnose the issue.

Cause a Runtime Error

Let's update our sample function to throw a Runtime exception. Then we can explore the options for getting details of what happened.

Create the tutorial application to store our test function.

user input

fn create app tutorial

Let's update our HelloFunction so that it writes an error message and then throws an exception in the handleRequst method. Replace the definition of HelloFunction with the following:

package com.example.fn;

public class HelloFunction {

    public String handleRequest(String input) {
        System.err.println("Something wrong is going to happen");
        throw new RuntimeException("Something went horribly wrong!");


With this change let's deploy the function and invoke it. If you haven't got an Fn server running locally you can follow the Install and Start Fn tutorial to get setup.

user input

fn deploy --app tutorial --local
Deploying trouble to app: tutorial
Bumped to version 0.0.2
Building image trouble:0.0.2
Updating function trouble using image trouble:0.0.2...
Successfully created app:  tutorial
Successfully created function: trouble with trouble:0.0.2

You can verified the function is deployed successfully by listing the functions of the 'tutorial' app:

user input

fn ls functions tutorial

Or the slightly more economical:

user input

fn ls f tutorial
NAME     IMAGE          ID
trouble  trouble:0.0.1  01CT1QZFJTNG8G00GZJ0000002

With the function defined let's invoke it and see what happens when if fails:

user input

fn invoke tutorial trouble
Error invoking function. status: 502 message: function failed

This is not much information to go on to debug the problem. What we need to do is look at the logs!

Log to Terminal Window with DEBUG

When working with Fn locally, you have the option to turn on DEBUG logging using the fn start command. This causes detailed information about functions to be output to the terminal where Fn server was started.

To enable DEBUG logging for Fn server, restart the server with the following command:

user input

fn start --log-level DEBUG
2019/12/19 09:26:27 ¡¡¡ 'fn start' should NOT be used for PRODUCTION !!! see
time="2019-12-19T16:26:28Z" level=info msg="Setting log level to" fields.level=DEBUG

Notice in the first couple of messages state that the log level is set to debug.

Now invoke the function again. This time, looks for out put in the terminal window where the server was started.

user input

fn invoke tutorial trouble

Here is the log output for Fn server:

time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=info msg="starting call" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 container_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000004 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="Something wrong is going to happen\n" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 image="fndemouser/trouble:0.0.2" user_log=true
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="An error occurred in function: Something went horribly wrong!\n" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 image="fndemouser/trouble:0.0.2" user_log=true
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Something went horribly wrong! ...\n" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 image="fndemouser/trouble:0.0.2" user_log=true
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="    at com.example.fn.HelloFunction.handleRequest(\n" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 image="fndemouser/trouble:0.0.2" user_log=true
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)\n" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 image="fndemouser/trouble:0.0.2" user_log=true
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)\n" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 image="fndemouser/trouble:0.0.2" user_log=true
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)\n" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 image="fndemouser/trouble:0.0.2" user_log=true
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)\n" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 image="fndemouser/trouble:0.0.2" user_log=true
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="\n" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 image="fndemouser/trouble:0.0.2" user_log=true
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="Got resp from UDS socket" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 resp="&{502 FunctionError 502 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Type:[application/octet-stream]] {0xc420183260} -1 [] true false map[] 0xc42029b700 <nil>}"
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=error msg="api error" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" code=502 error="function failed" fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="docker pause" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000004 container_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000004 cpus= fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 idle_timeout=30 image="fndemouser/trouble:0.0.2" memory=128 stack=Freeze

These key lines shows us what went wrong.

time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Something went horribly wrong! ...\n" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 image="fndemouser/trouble:0.0.2" user_log=true
time="2019-12-19T16:27:55Z" level=debug msg="    at com.example.fn.HelloFunction.handleRequest(\n" action="server.handleFnInvokeCall)-fm" app_id=01DWFFR290NG8G00GZJ0000001 call_id=01DWFFS7QZNG8G00GZJ0000003 fn_id=01DWFFRQVQNG8G00GZJ0000002 image="fndemouser/trouble:0.0.2" user_log=true

A Runtime Exception was thrown on line 7 of the HelloFunction.

Running the Fn server with the DEBUG log level is a great way to track down any issues you are having with your functions.

Log Capture to a Logging Service

When calling a deployed function, Fn captures all standard error output and sends it to a syslog server, if configured. So if you have a function throwing an exception and the stack trace is being written to standard error it's straightforward to get that stack trace via syslog.

We need to capture the logs for the function so that we can see what happens when it fails. To capture logs you need to configure the tutorial application with the URL of a syslog server. You can do this either when you create an app or after it's been created.

When creating a new app you can specify the URL using the --syslog-url option as in:

fn create app tutorial --syslog-url tcp://

Since we've already created the 'tutorial' app, we'll have to update it using fn update app. But before we do that we'll need a syslog server ready to receive log data. For the purposes of this tutorial we'll setup and use a free Papertrail account. Papertrail is a cloud log management service. To get setup:

  1. Sign up for a free Papertrail account
  2. On the Papertrail website, go to 'Settings' (top right hand corner), click on 'Log Destinations', and click 'Create a Log Destination'. Settings Dialog
  3. In the create dialog, under TCP unselect 'TLS' and under both TCP and UDP select 'Plain Text' Create Dialog
  4. Click 'Create'
  5. You'll see the address of your log destination displayed at the top of the page looking something like<PORT>. Copy this value to your clipboard for use in a minute. Log Destination

Ok, now that we have a log destination we can update the syslog url of our application:

user input

fn update app tutorial --syslog-url tcp://[your Papertrail destination]
app tutorial updated

You can confirm that the syslog URL is set correctly by inspecting your application:

user input

fn inspect app tutorial

Which will return JSON looking something like:

	"created_at": "2019-10-13T14:54:45.459Z",
	"id": "01CT1QZFJ7NG8G00GZJ0000001",
	"name": "tutorial",
	"syslog_url": "tcp://",
	"updated_at": "2019-10-13T15:55:50.628Z"

syslog_url looks to be pointing to Papertrail so let's rerun our failing function:

user input

fn invoke tutorial trouble

Of course it still fails. Let's go over to the Papertrail Dashboard and click on our "System" to open a page with the log showing our exception.



You can leave the Papertrail log view open while debugging to monitor the log output in near realtime. Give it a try!

Viewing HTTP Headers with DEBUG=1

If you're interacting with functions via the fn CLI, you can enable debug mode to see the full details of the HTTP requests going to the Fn server and the responses. The fn CLI simply wraps the Fn API to make it easier to manage your applications and functions. You can always use curl but the CLI is much more convenient!

You enable debug mode by adding DEBUG=1 before fn on each command. For example try the following:

user input

DEBUG=1 fn ls apps

Which, with debugging turn on, returns the following:

GET /v2/apps HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 977
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2019 16:45:56 GMT

tutorial	01DQ2STN6KNG8G00GZJ000001Q

All debug output is written to stderr while the normal response is written to stdout so it's easy to capture or pipe either for processing.

Wrapping Up

That's brief intro to troubleshooting techniques for Fn today. We'll update this tutorial should new features become available.

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