- Sort output tables from differential abundance analysis by t-statistics instead of p-value
- Allow ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap arguments to be passed on by plotMissingValuesHeatmap
- Add option to limit plotMissingValuesHeatmap to rows with at least one missing value
- Add option to make imputation plots as density plots instead of histograms
- Add more details regarding the source of feature collections to report
- Add center.median.shared and center.mean.shared normalization methods
- Add maxComplexSimilarity argument to plotVolcano
- Update PomBase and WormBase conversion tables
- Add contamination filtering to Spectronaut (presence of contam_ prefix)
- Add filtering by score and number of peptides to Spectronaut workflow
- Filter by modifications after the normalization in PD-TMT peptide groups workflow
- Add details about DIA-NN command line to report
- Add column with links to ComplexPortal query to link table
- Include pathways from MSigDB among supported feature collections
- Update DIA-NN example data
- Expand input data paths in run*Analysis() functions
- Add support for importing Spectronaut PG pivot files
- Add initial support for reading Spectronaut setup.txt files
- Add BioGRID column in link table
- Add summary statistic for the number of detected features
- Significantly expand the built-in complex database by adding complexes from the Complex Portal and hu.MAP 2.0
- Hide box plot legends if there are too many groups
- Add MinProbGlobal imputation method
- Add makeInteractiveVolcano argument to plotVolcano
- Fix sample column name in DIA-NN import
- Adapt DIA-NN log import to handle vector output
- Add argument addHeatmaps to run functions, to allow suppression of heatmaps for large data sets
- Remove samples with no detected features
- Add support for Spectronaut protein group output
- Add support for displayName column in sample annotation table
- Add extraFeatureCols argument for specification of user-defined feature annotation columns
- Extract information about Top N ions for FragPipe
- Replace ggseqlogo dependency with motifStack
- Adapt missing value plots to work with both proportions and percentages
- Consolidate tool-specific templates into a single template
- Add support for DIA-NN protein group data
- Change default value of singleFit to TRUE everywhere, for consistency
- Bug fix in filtering plot when only one criterion is available
- Move QC plot function
- Add argument to allow limiting the labeling to only features with positive/negative logFCs
- Add function to generate heatmaps
- Add function to create summary of abundance values for significant features
- Add argument to define the assays(s) to use for exported values and barplots
- Harmonize treatment of merged groups in runTest and plotVolcano
- Sort exported test results by p-value instead of logFC
- Expand the set of allowed species
- Combine download buttons and pagelength selection for tables
- Add check and stop if no features are left after filtering
- Add option to export link table to csv
- Add summary table with sequence windows to PTM workflow
- Add shiny app to generate sequence logos for PTMs
- Add link to workflow overview in table of contents
- Include link to top feature sets for each comparison in table of contents
- Add scale and subset_row arguments to doPCA
- Move definition of feature IDs after the filtering
- Extract FragPipe decoy pattern from the config file
- Remove features with too few non-imputed values before doing PCA
- Retain a few more rowData columns for MaxQuant
- Fix extraction of fixed modifications for MQ v2.2
- Add max peptide mass and min peptide length to MQ report
- Add Top3 to the valid iColPatterns
- Include Top3 abundances in MQ result tables if available
- Change approach for injecting values into the Rmd file, to avoid the need to duplicate escapes
- Allow the user to set the column to colour by in the PCA
- Include 'extra' columns in output from runPTMTest
- Allow '^Abundance.' iColPattern
- Suggest closest iColPattern if the provided one is invalid
- Adapt readFragPipeInfo to handle different FragPipe versions
- Add filtering function for FragPipe
- Add option to use sample weights for limma
- Move modifications filters from the PDTMTptm to the PDTMT PeptideGroups workflow
- Add interactiveGroupColumn argument
- Safeguard against non-functional connection to STRING server
- Allow disabling score/number of peptides/PTMs filters
- Don't fail if interactiveDisplayColumns are not present in data
- Use Perl-compatible regular expressions when matching link table columns
- Include Sequence column in final SCE for PD-TMT data
- Add idCol and labelCol arguments to PTM workflow
- Change default behaviour of fixFeatureIds when column name is given to not make output unique
- Add stringVersion and stringDir arguments, allowing the use of local STRING files
- Make filter functions more robust to missing columns
- Add possibility to write excluded features to a file
- Represent link table columns as integers/factors when appropriate
- Allow displaying any column in rowData(sce) in the interactive volcano plot tooltip
- In the case of long labels, attempt to auto-adapt text size in PCA coefficient and logFC plots
- Add overview and crosslinks in the beginning of the reports
- Include bar plot of significant features in pdf output
- Allow iColPattern without Sample for PDTMT
- Make plot axis labels less ambiguous
- Add signifDigits argument to makeDbLinkTable, and round to 4 significant digits in the templates
- Include the maximum number of missed cleavages in PDTMT tables
- Let maxNbrComplexesToPlot determine also the maximum number of top feature sets displayed in the reports
- Bugfix for sample plot ordering in complex bar plots
- Add bar plot for significant features
- Bring FragPipe workflows up to date
- Add individual PTM volcano plots to table of content
- Add modificationsCol and keepModifications arguments to PTM workflow
- Increase control level in deparsing to allow e.g. multi-line functions
- Fill feature sets plot by direction
- Suppress legend in PCA plot if there are too many groups
- Add option to only retain master proteins in PDTMT Proteins workflow
- Allow inclusion of extra columns in the link table
- Change correlation heatmap appearance
- Provide the possibility to run the workflows without statistical tests
- Allow specifying the iColPattern without escaped periods
- Add interactiveDisplayColumns arguments to volcano plots
- Include test results and comparison list in returned SummarizedExperiment
- Expand the PCA plots with scree plots and coefficient plots
- Add option to label any/only significant features in volcano plot
- Add einprotLabel column to link table
- Combine PTM tests into a single function
- Lift out PTM tests into separate functions
- Change interface to defining protein ID column in PTM workflow
- Add tour to iSEE script
- Use only spike features with no missing values for normalization
- Add stringIdCol argument
- Lift out filtering and SA plots into separate functions
- Change handling of feature identifiers - new arguments idCol, labelCol
- Check STRING connection, skip STRING analysis in case of problems
- Add idCol argument to PD-TMT workflow
- Add samSignificance argument to runTest
- Bugfix in PTM workflow to correctly access comparisons
- Add function to map UniProtIDs to gene symbols
- Include STRING networks also for PD-TMT workflow
- Allow t-test for PD-TMT workflow
- Allow also Abundances.grouped for PD data
- Allow custom names of comparisons
- Show only features that are significant in at least one comparison in upset plot
- Expand capabilities of test (a group can belong to more than one merged group, a group can be tested against its complement)
- Move normalization to a separate function
- Allow estimating normalization factors from spike features
- Move normalization before imputation
- Use eBayes rather than treat if minlFC = 0
- Allow using proDA for differential abundance testing
- Allow the user to specify which PD quantification file to use
- Allow running PD workflow without pdAnalysis file
- Add first version of PD-TMT PTM workflow
- Update readFragPipeInfo to use log file instead of config file
- Swap UpsetR for ComplexUpset for simplicity
- Include individual volcano plots in table of contents
- Update link to download CORUM complexes
- Reset paths
- Switch to ComplexUpset for filtering plot
- Use PMID for custom complexes if available
- Add decoy filtering for FragPipe output
- Don't do upset plots with only one non-empty set
- Add FragPipe analysis workflow
- Allow subtraction of background as a means of batch correction
- Expand description of EMM plots
- Move references to bib file
- Add support for reading FragPipe quantifications
- Allow specifying the columns to use as primary/secondary feature IDs
- Allow running MQ workflow without XML file
- Bugfix for features with p-value = 0 in the volcano plots
- Switch to a more modular implementation
- Allow providing a sample annotation table in TMT workflow
- Allow providing a sample annotation table in MQ workflow
- Display (up to 6) samples with different symbols in complexes barplots
- Bugfix - use correct filter column names in TMT workflow
- Allow filtering by (Sequest HT) score also for TMT workflow
- Automatically generate QC pdf for TMT workflow
- Make PCA plots interactive
- Export volcano plots for significant complexes in TMT workflow
- Add possibility to include interactive volcano plots in MQ workflow
- Add direct links to PomBase and WormBase
- Add link table to TMT workflow
- Extract more information from the pdAnalysis file
- Add possibility to include interactive volcano plots in TMT workflow
- Add hierarchical clustering of samples to TMT workflow
- Export all feature collection test results to text files
- Subset all feature collections to features in the filtered data set (MQ + TMT)
- Add PD-TMT workflow
- Export text file with iBAQ values (+mean/sd) for all significant features (across comparisons)
- Add table with direct links to UniProt pages for majority protein IDs
- Update STRING to v11.5
- Add function to list available complex DBs
- Add STRING plots for each comparison
- Shorten column labels in exported heatmap
- Export centered heatmap to pdf
- Add upset plot for significant proteins across comparisons
- Add mergeGroups argument to create merged sample groups
- Use semicolon instead of comma as separator for PMIDs in complex db
- Include additional complex info in camera output also for t-test
- Add more checks of input arguments to runMaxQuantAnalysis
- Expand feature collections to include all variants found in the data set for a given gene
- Internal improvements for increased robustness
- Fix display of samples to include/exclude in summary table
- Bugfix: fix parsing error for long lines
- Collapse duplicates in complex db
- Add path to complex db as argument to runMaxQuantAnalysis
- Change path to submission list
- Rotate axis labels in complex bar plots
- Initial version