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VisualNN is an online collaborative platform to build, visualize and train deep learning models via a simple drag-and-drop interface. We build it based on Fabrik. It allows researchers to collectively develop and debug models using a web GUI that supports importing, editing and exporting networks to popular frameworks like Caffe, Keras, and TensorFlow.

pandoc --latex-engine=xelatex -V mainfont=SimSun --template=pm-template.latex 组件介绍.md -o temp.pdf

Installation Instructions

Setting up VisualNN on your local machine is very easy.

  1. First set up a virtualenv. Fabrik runs on Python2.7.

    sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev python-virtualenv
    virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/Fabrik --python=python2.7
    source ~/Fabrik/bin/activate
  2. Clone the repository via git

    git clone --recursive && cd Fabrik
  3. Rename settings/ as settings/ and change credentials in settings/

    cp settings/ settings/
    • Change the hostname to localhost in settings/ line 15. It should now look like this:
    'HOST': os.environ.get("POSTGRES_HOST", 'localhost'), 
  4. Install redis server

    sudo apt-get install redis-server
    • Change the hostname to localhost in settings/ line 115.

      "CONFIG": {
          # replace redis hostname to localhost if running on local system
          "hosts": [("localhost", 6379)],
          "prefix": u'fabrik:',
    • Replace celery result backend in settings/ line 122 with localhost.

      CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'redis://localhost:6379/0'
    • Change celery broker URL and result backend hostname to localhost in ide/, line 8.

      app = Celery('app', broker='redis://localhost:6379/0', backend='redis://localhost:6379/0', include=['ide.tasks'])
  5. If you already have Caffe, Keras and TensorFlow installed on your computer, skip this step.

  • For Linux users
    • Install Caffe, Keras and Tensorflow

      cd Fabrik/requirements
      yes Y | sh
    • Open your ~/.bashrc file and append this line to the end

      export PYTHONPATH=~/caffe/caffe/python:$PYTHONPATH
    • Save, exit and then run

      source ~/.bash_profile
      cd ..
  1. Install dependencies pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

  2. Install postgres >= 9.5

  • Setup postgres database

    • Start postgresql by typing sudo service postgresql start

    • Now login as user postgres by running sudo -u postgres psql and type the commands below:

      CREATE DATABASE fabrik;
      CREATE USER admin WITH PASSWORD 'fabrik';
      ALTER ROLE admin SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
      ALTER ROLE admin SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
      ALTER ROLE admin SET timezone TO 'UTC';
    • Exit psql by typing in \q and hitting enter.

  • Migrate

    python makemigrations caffe_app
    python migrate
  1. Install node modules

    npm install
    npm install --save-dev json-loader
    sudo npm install -g [email protected]
    • Run the command below in a separate terminal for hot-reloading, i.e. see the changes made to the UI in real time.
    webpack --progress --watch --colors
  1. Start celery worker

    celery -A ide worker --app=ide.celery_app  --loglevel=info

    The celery worker needs to be run in parallel to the django server in a separate terminal.

  2. Start django application

    python runserver

    You should now be able to access Fabrik at http://localhost:8000.


python runserver


  • Use example/tensorflow/GoogleNet.pbtxt for TensorFlow import
  • Use example/caffe/GoogleNet.prototxt for Caffe import
  • Use example/keras/vgg16.json for Keras import