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Differences between Matlab and Python implementations

eftychios pnevmatikakis edited this page Feb 1, 2017 · 6 revisions

NoRMCorre is implemented both in Matlab (this package), and in Python as part of the CaImAn package. While the algorithm is the same in both cases and the results almost identical, there are several minor differences in the two implementations and their features. We highlight these differences on the following table

Feature/Property Matlab Python
online template updating YES NO
available shifts FFT FFT, bicubic
handles 3d data YES NO
optical flow calculation NO YES
overlap included in the size variable NO YES
FFT windowing YES NO
parallelization method for each mini batch process
different frames in parallel
process different
mini batches in parallel
variable for grid size grid_size strides
overlap included in grid size NO YES
total size of each patch grid_size + 2*overlap strides