- Program that can 'listen' to any short melody, recreate it.
- Run on Raspberry Pi 3
- Written in Python using Google Cloud Voice
- Utilizing USB Microphone and MIDI input
- Pi servo controls beak of an origami bird!
- Servo wiring:
- bottom (brown) wire of servo -> Header 5
- middle (red) wire of servo -> Header 1
- top (orange) wire of servo -> GPIO (Header 8)
- Bird model: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZfz_5NCYGg
- Kinetic Origami example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOoS45YFl5k
- Servo wiring:
- program initializes with command 'Tequila'
- Inspired by the Neuropsychology of birdsong creation
- Bird Whistling Tequila source: The Jon and Zach Show, 2/25/1999 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyVJzcA1Kds)
- Name inspired by the novel To Kill a Mockingbird
- Melody translated into a white-throated sparrows song, by transposing the original soundbite across all keys
- White Throated Sparrow original sample from the Cornell Macaulay Lab online repository