description | title | | ms.topic | author | ms.reviewer |
Table of Contents |
C++ Reference |
19/11/2023 |
conceptual |
fejo-git |
--- |
- get length of a string
- get access of an individual character within a string
- get access of an part from a string
- search for a character within a string
- return value to indicate that a character was not found in a string
- access values within a string and handle situations
- swap a single character within a string
- append a single character on a string
- append a sindgle character within a string
- delete a single character within a string
- Syntax
- function
- function-with-parameters
- function-with-return-value
- function-with-parameter-and-return-value
- overloaded-functions
- escaping-sign
- output-in-txt-file
- write-in-file
- input-from-a-file
- function-with-parameter-and-return-value
- check-if-file-exists
- read-lines
- array-description
- syntax
- handle-with-arrays
- size-of-an-array
- output-of-all-elements-of-an-arry
- multidimensional-arrays
- array-as-parameter-into-a-function