A guide to setting up your Xee environment
In order to create a developer account, please go to our developer space, XeeDEV and:
- Sign in with your Xee account if you have one
- Create a Xee account if you have not
As simple as that !
Once you're connected to our developer space, you can manage your clients.
A client is an "application" that can access our API, it is like a key to the platform.
To get a client, you'll have to fill a form with some basic information:
- Your app name
- An app description
- At least a redirect_uri (the URL we'll trigger for the login)
- A logo url
- The scopes you want
You'll get:
- A client id which will identify your application on Xee's platform
- A client secret which is like the password of your application, keep it safe, we can't get it twice.
And you'll be ready to go :)
Once you've created your client on the platform, you can go on dealing with our API. But what is the best to do as we have:
- Android SDK
Well, see there
In this case, you'll deal with our API directly, you can enjoy our API Documentation.
Note: Be aware of the redirect_uri you gave, it should match your domain's name.
Well, thats a good point, but, not an end, the thing is:
Do you need a third party server ?
We'll, if you do not know, this is simple, here some example to help you decide:
- if your app will be on more than a system, and you want sync between your servers, then you'll need a third party server.
- if you want to deal with your service on the mobile (not xee's one directly), then you'll need a third party server.
- in fact, as soon as you want the Xee data to be out of the mobile app, you'll need a third party server.
Nice, in this case, this is the same thing for web app so you'll deal with our API directly, you can enjoy our API Documentation.
Note: Be aware of the redirect_uri you gave, it should match your domain's name.
Great, you'll can either deal with our API. Or you can use the Android SDK we made for you!
Note: Be aware of the redirect_uri you gave, it must be
Fantastic, you'll can either deal with our API. Or you can use the iOS SDK we made for you!
Note: Be aware of the redirect_uri you gave, it must be