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Udacity Deep Reinforcement Learning Project: Tennis

Project Overview

In this project, I experimented with the Unity ML-Agents Tennis environment. I used MADDPG algorithm in my project (paper link). This is a variant of the DDPG algorithm for multi-agent environments.

Project Files

  • This file contains the maddpg() method which is used to train the RL agent
  • This file contains the Agent class, which is responsible for interacting with the environment, store experiences in memory and train the actor networks and critic network.
  • This file contains the actor and critic network architecture used by the agent.
  • This file contains the ReplayBuffer class, which stores the experiences. The ReplayBuffer class is modified so that it can be used in a multi-agent environment.
  • This file can run a trained agent on the visual Tennis environment.
  • log/tensorboard: This folder contains the tensorboard graph of a successful training run.
  • checkpoints: This folder contains the states of actor networks and critic network of a successful training run.

Every RL project should have well-defined state, action and reward spaces. For this project, the state, action and reward spaces are described below:

  • State-space: The Tennis environment is a world created using Unity. The environment consists of two moveable rackets, and a ball. State-space is an array representation of the environment consisting of 24 floating-point values.
  • Action-space: The action space consists of 2 continuous variables for each agent. The actions determine the movement of the racket and both are in the range -1 to 1.
  • Reward-space: Rewards are separate for each racket agent. Each time a racket is able to send the ball over the net, it gets +0.1 point. If a racket lets the ball drop, it receives -0.01 reward.
  • Agent's goal: The goal of each agent is to send the ball over the net as many times as it can. In this project, the environment is considered solved, when an agent is capable of achieving 0.5 score on average for the last 100 episodes.

Getting Started

The easiest way to run this project is to create a conda environment and install necessary libraries. Here're the steps:

  • Create a conda environment using the following code: conda create --name RLEnv python=3.6
  • Then activate the conda environment: conda activate RLEnv
  • Next install pytorch. Pytorch installation codes for conda can be found here. I used this code:
    conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
  • Install unityagents: pip install unityagents
  • Install tensorboardx: conda install -c conda-forge tensorboardx
  • Install protobuf: pip install -U protobuf

That's it for installation. The Tennis environment which is not included in this github project is also required. It can be found here.


To Train the Agent

To train the agent, all the files and folders mentioned in the Project Files, should be saved in a directory. Then the file should be run using a python 3 interpreter. Two things to note while running the project for training:

  • The assumes that the Unity ML-Agents Tennis environment is in the same directory as itself. The location of the environment directory can be updated in line no 13 of the file.
  • The RUN_NAME (line 10 of corresponds to a specific run, and creates a tensordboard graph and checkpoint file with the given value. Different runs should have different RUN_NAME values.

To Run a Trained Agent

Trained agents (network states) are stored in the checkpoints folder, containing the names Test1actor1.pth, Test1actor2.pth and Test1critic.pth. To run a trained agent, update the RUN_ENV_PATH and RUN_NAME in the file (line 7 and 8) if necessary and run the file using a python 3 interpreter.


Please check the report file for the implementation and result details.