- Initial support for Basic Scenarios (WHO=0)
- Thermo: extended OperationMode enumeration (added link between "complex" OperationMode and "base" mode)
- Support for Burglar Alarm (WHO=5)
- checks to Where base class constructor
- getWhatParams()
- DEPRECATED getCommandParams()
- [zigbee] Fixes #27: shutter status request blocking USB processing in older gateways
- Support for AUX discovery
- Thermo: support for LocalOffset
- Thermo: support for WEEKLY and SCENARIO
- [zigbee] improved error handling
- code cleanup
- moved to Log4j-2 binding for SLF4J
- Thermo: refactored WhatThermo, isStandAlone param
- Support for AUX (WHO=9)
- Support for CEN and CEN+ (WHO=15/25)
- CamelCase for all enums
- new method name requestActuatorsStatus
- Thermo: support for PROGRAM and HOLIDAY
- CamelCase for enums in Thermo message
- updated VALVE_OR_ACTUATOR_STATUS (14, 15, 16)
- Maven is unable to find javadoc command
- ignored unsupported frames in response instead of returning error
- Initial support for Thermoregulation (WHO=4) with WereThermo, Thermoregulation and ThermoregulationDigagnostic classes NOTE for this release only Thermostats in standalone installations have been tested
- project description
- removed .gitignore
- removed test-jar causing bundle conflict
- OpenConnector.sendCommandSynch is now synchronized to avoid cmd fails while opening a new CMD connection (fixes #12)
- update groupId and POM for publication to Maven Central via OSSRH (fixes #13)
- Initial support for Energy Management (WHO=18)
- Spotless check and JavaDoc maven plugins
- Add support for OPEN password nonce with any number of digits (fixes #1 again)
- [zigbee] Disconnect serial port if USB dongle returns NACK during connection (fixes #7)
- [zigbee] Fixed (again) fixInvertedUpDownBug() not converting commands
- removed warn logs when reconnecting command connection
- renamed dimmer levels in Lighting WHAT enum
- [zigbee] Fixed fixInvertedUpDownBug() not converting commands
- [zigbee] Handling of disconnection/reconnection of ZigBee USB Gateway from USB port
- Frame length and bad char checks to BaseOpenMessage
- added isCurrentlyOwned()/is serial port checks in USBConnector
- Bumped nrjavaserial to 5.2.1
- Import-Package in bundle manifest to accept gnu.io versions [3.12,6)
- Updated dependencies versions
, andhandshake
sub-logs in BUSConnector- checkFirmwareVersion() check to USBConnector
- [zigbee] fixInvertedUpDownBug() to invert UP/DOWN for older ZigBee USB gateways
- [zigbee] Response to device info 2-UNITS for buggy older ZigBee USB gateways
- [zigbee] Discovery of 2-UNITS Zigbee switch modules
- Improved message parsing for late parsing and sub-parts and related tests; changed isCommand() to abstract
- [zigbee] Improved USBConnector for concurrent events and request/response interleaving
- GatewayManagement.requestModel()
- Detection of green switch (WHAT 34/39). Limit dimmers detection to WHAT=2-10 values.
- Add support for OPEN password nonce with less than 8 digits (fixes #1)
- Added check to verify gw is still reachable after MON rcv timetout expires before closing MON connection
- Support for WHO=2 Automation
- OpenConnector.getLastCmdFrameSentTs() and OpenGateway.isCmdConnectionReady()
- Support for numeric (OPEN) and alphanumeric (HMAC) passwords
- Changed monKeepaliveTimer to schedule to avoid MON message flood after standby
First public version of openwebnet4j