- add a new staticmethod which can convert pinyin to upper, lower or capitalize. lxneng#28
- Removed extraneous "!" being appended to non 'a' vowel replacements when show_tone_marks=True; also added simple unitest.main() for non-nose users lxneng#30
- replace open() calls with io.open() for Python 3 compatibility, fix UnicodeDecodeError
- change u730E 猎 to LIE4
- improve readme
- adjust default pinyin for character '什' and '么', 什么 => 'shén-me'
- 修复一些常用字的拼音标注
- change README and get_initials; add get_initial [tangsty]
- change README and get_initials; add get_initial [tangsty]
- add download status image to README.rst [lxneng]
- add travis status image to README.rst [lxneng]
- add .travis.yml [lxneng]
- 添加测试 [lxneng]
- 解决翻译中英文混合句子问题 [lxneng]