Multi-language data and models
Yoruba language data and models
Chinese language data and models
Anything related to spacy-legacy
Loggers and spacy-loggers
Meta topics, e.g. repo organisation and issue management
Issues related to the statistical models
This issue needs more information
Adding support for new languages to spaCy.
Discussion and contributions related to nightly builds
Issues related to macOS / OSX
Issues related to the pip package manager
aarch64 architecture support
Apple M1 architecture support
Issues related to using spaCy with the Prodigy annotation tool
spaCy projects and project templates
Proposal specs for new features
Consistency, reproducibility, determinism, and randomness
The issue was addressed / answered
Scaling, serving and parallelizing spaCy
New, missing or incorrect tests
spaCy's machine learning library Thinc
Third-party packages and services
Training and updating models
Issues related to typing or typing tools
Changes to the Universe directory of third-party spaCy code.