Releases: exoframejs/exoframe
Releases · exoframejs/exoframe
Endpoint as deployment flag
- Allow specifying endpoint as a deploy command flag.
This means you can just runnpx exoframe -e '' -t 'token'
in your CI instead of doing global installs.
Small QoL stuff
- Allow specifying alternate config file during deployment
- Allow non-interactive secret manipulation
- Allow non-interactive config manipulation
- Allow using
exoframe rm
with deploy token - Allow removing deployments using URL
Funcion deployments release
- Add function deployments
- Document env vars usage in docker-compose
- Exit with non-zero code when deployment fails
- Add linting npm scripts and run it in travis
Maintenance release
- Use node 10.x for pkg and travis
- Update dependencies to latest versions
- Add some docs about docker-compose and Traefik rules
- Doc typos and syntax fixes
Plugins, volumes and images release
- Docker Swarm support on server is now a plugin (see plugin docs for more info)
- Add plugins support
- Add method to get secret value
- Add way to get exoframe-server logs
- Add support for volumes for deployments
- Add way to deploy projects from image and image tar file
- Multiple documentation improvements
Secrets release
- Add basic secrets support