- [maint] add soname versions to libraries (#166)
- [maint] Apply clang-format-10 (#173)
- Contributors: Tyler Weaver
- [feature] Add optional parent frame to iMarker (#159)
- [feature] Publish cuboid with size as a vector3 or Eigen::Vector3d (#125)
- [feature] Normalize interactive marker quaternions. (#132)
- [feature] normalize before publish (#131)
- [feature] New helper function getIdentityPose() (#122)
- [feature] Windows bring up. (#116)
- [feature] For ABCD planes: better comments, ensure the plane equation is satisfied. (#120)
- [feature] Make rviz_visual_tools publish triangle mesh and tf_visual_tools clean published transforms (#117)
- [feature] Publish plane from Ax+By+Cz+D=0 equation (#119)
- [feature] Remove default arguments to make function calls not ambiguous (#112)
- [feature] Initizalize quaternions in demo to avoid warning (#111)
- [fix] rviz warnings about scale and uninitialized quaternions (#129)
- [fix] publishCylinder namespace (#109)
- [fix] node type in demo launch files (#110)
- [maint] Adding missing dependency (interactive_markers) (#168)
- [maint] clang-tidy (#158)
- [maint] replace tf_conversions with tf2 (#151)
- [maint] bump cmake version (#150)
- [maint] remove trailing whitespaces (#130)
- [maint] Apply clang-tidy (#127)
- [maint] Switch to moveit_ci, apply clang-format (#124)
- [maint] Use LOGNAME for logging re:moveit styel (#106)
- Contributors: AndyZe, Bjar Ne, Dave Coleman, Jafar Abdi, JafarAbdi, Michael Görner, Mike Lautman, Sean Yen, Victor Lamoine, Yu, Yan, d-walsh
- Fix Eigen::Affine3d for Melodic (using Eigen::Isometry3d) (#105)
- Improve documentation (#100)
- Fix some catkin_lint warnings and rename targets output (#98)
- Update README Kinetic to Melodic (#102)
- Add Melodic build farm badges (#99)
- Add ccache support (#93)
- no ros::spinOnce() (#82)
- Deprecate old functions for ROS Melodic (#91)
- Improve package with catkin_lint (#89)
- Add OGRE dependency (#88)
- Automoc requires at least cmake version 2.8.6 (#86)
- Fix Travis badge (#84)
- The code already uses AUTOMOC (#76)
- Contributors: Dave Coleman, Jochen Sprickerhof, Michael Görner, Simon Schmeisser, Victor Lamoine
- Actually link qt code into the gui library (#74)
- Contributors: Michael Goerner
- Addresses Issue #49 - Default Constructor Not Nodelet Friendly
- Added option to pass in a node handle in the constructor that defaults to
- Reset marker should publish initialized quaternion
- Improve code quality - add const, static, C++11 features, clang-format
- Create demo executable for IMarkerSimple
- Improve memory efficiency of functions
- Contributors: Dave Coleman, Geoffrey Chiou, Victor Lamoine
- Normalize quaternion before storage
- Fix for ambiguous function call to publishAxis
- Add linking to visualization tools library for imarker_simple
- Added arrow pub to take two points
- Document clang-tidy
- catkin lint
- roslint applied
- Clang-format again
- Clang-tidy ALL
- C++11 optimizations
- Fix deprecated calls to convertFromXYZRPY
- Add new convertPoseSafe() function
- New convertFromXYZRPY() function to avoid deprecation warning
- Allow to enable frame locking in the markers/markers arrays
- Update license year
- IMarkerSimple: set name and pose
- New printTransformFull() function
- Removed deprecated warning
- New class for easily using 6dof imarkers
- More options to tf_visual_tools
- Update README.md
- Contributors: Andy McEvoy, Dave Coleman, Fadri Furrer, Victor Lamoine
- Add dependency on QT5 for Ubuntu Zesty/Lunar support
- Allow publishPath with std_msgs::ColorRGBA
- Make INFO msg DEBUG
- Contributors: Dave Coleman, Victor Lamoine
- Consolidated publishing into RemoteReciever class
- Improve console output
- Add RvizGui and KeyTool
- Enable remote control from withing rviz_visual_tools
- New publishPath() function
- Shorten number of lines printTranslation() requires
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
- BREAKING CHANGE: Make batch publishing enabled by default
- Removed enableInternalBatchPublishing()
- Removed triggerInternalBatchPublishAndDisable()
- Deprecated triggerBatchPublish() in favor of function name trigger()
- Deprecated triggerBatchPublishAndDisable()
- Ability to trigger every x markers that are in queue, ideal in for loops
- New waitForMarkerPub() function that takes timeout
- Add std::move
- Added Docker for Kinetic
- Added delay to demo to allow rviz to load in Docker
- Change the sphere marker type from SPHERE_LIST to SPHERE - This makes irregularly scaled spheres (i.e. ellipsoids) to be rendered correctly.
- Contributors: Dave Coleman, Miguel Prada
- Catkin depend on eigen and tf conversions
- New warning
- Added EulerConvention enum
- Added new convertFromXYZRPY() function
- Added new tests
- Contributors: Dave Coleman, Enrique Fernandez
- Switched publishPath() to use cylinders
- Added new publishLineStrip() function
- Added new publishPath() functions
- Added new publishAxis() functions
- Update screenshot
- Broke publishPath() API for recent addition - incorrect Eigen vector used
- New publishPath() function for Affine3d
- New publishAxis() functions that use scale
- New publishAxisInternal() function for more efficient publishing
- New publishAxisPath() function for showing a series of coordinate axis
- Added warning for batch publishing when not enabled
- Bug fix in publishLines() for id incrementing
- New scaleToString() function
- Bug fix for scaling in coordinate axis
- Improved demo to have multiple scales visualized
- Revert "Remove graph msgs"
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
- Improve Travis script
- Upgrade to Eigen3 per ROS Kinetic requirements
- New screenshot
- Refactored entire scaling method - all sizes of shapes have been affected
- Renamed scales
- Removed const reference for primitive types in function headers
- Cleaned up getScale() function
- New publishSpheres function
- Two new tests & screenshot
- Deprecated size REGULAR
- Number scale sizes
- New intToRvizScale() function
- New publishSpheres() functions for showing list of lines AND colors
- New publishLines() functions for using LINE_LIST
- New publishCylinder() function that uses scales
- Bug fix for getVectorBetweenPoints() when vector is all zeros
- New printTranslation() function
- added intToRvizColor() for interfaces that do not directly depend on Rviz Visual Tools, such as OMPL
- publishPath with vector of colors
- Update demo
- New variant of publishPath with vector of colors
- New publishSphere() helper
- Add eigen_stl_containers
- Add missing breaks in switch statement
- Add namespace to ease debugging ROS messages
- Do not pass Eigen structures by value
- Fix all vector<Eigen> to EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d as recommended by @VictorLamoine
- Hide upstream package cast warning
- Overload new operator for Eigen structures
- Changing the angles will change the opening angle of the cone
- Better way to turn on C++11, maybe?
- Removed deprecated code for Kinetic
- Began converting to C++11
- Fix dead link to the documentation
- New waitForMarkerPub() function
- Fix bug in waitForSubscriber() introduced in previous commit
- Added blocking constraint option in function waitForSubscriber
- New publishLine() variant
- ID for publishing rectangles
- Optimize clearing and resizing vectors
- Increase random color sampling attempts
- Move variable declaration
- Latched publisher
- publishAxisLabeled arguments
- Include path, boost typedef and class name are now up to date with the code.
- New publishLine() variant
- Optional latched publisher
- ID for publishing rectangles
- Optimize clearing and resizing vectors
- Increase random color sampling attempts
- Move variable declaration
- publishAxisLabeled arguments order
- Adds Publish Labeled Axis
- Contributors: Abhijit Makhal, Dave Coleman, Naveed Usmani, Sow Papa Libasse, Victor Lamoine
- Created much better demo, added new screenshot
- Numbered colors so that they can be matched in OMPL
- New publishLine() function variants
- Psychedelic mode
- Prevent publishing empty marker arrays
- Improved warning and error correction
- New publishSphere function
- Ability to set marker topic after constructor
- Ability to force waiting for topic to connect
- Added new posesEqual() function
- Updated publishArrow() function
- New publishPath function
- New publishLine function
- New publishCylinder that accepts two points
- New publishText function
- Removed redundant namespace names
- New convertPointToPose function
- Reduced output
- Renamed line_marker_ to line_strip_marker_
- Faster method for waiting for subscriber thread
- Untested publishPath() modification
- Fix to correctly use optional alpha color property
- Change getColorScale to work from 0->1 instead of 0->100
- Additional parameters to publishCuboid()
- New color scale function for generated interpolated colors from RED->GREEN (1->100)
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
- Allow publishArrow functions to specify ID
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
- Renamed test to demo
- Fix bug in random number generator
- Noted a TODO
- Documentation
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
- Formatting
- Removed unused var
- roslint fixes
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
- catkin lint cleanup
- Updated travis badge
- Updated README
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
- Updated README
- Add badges
- Default true for enableBatchPublishing()
- Renamed convertXYZRPY() to convertFromXYZRPY()
- Changed roll pitch yall convention (fix)
- Added preliminary unit tests
- Hide include dependencies
- New convertToXYZRPY function
- Decrease wait time for topics to subscribe
- New publishSphere and publishArrow functions
- Added new thread safe pose conversion function
- Auto format with clang
- New publishSphere with frame_id function
- New print transform functions
- Fixed RPY error
- New convert Affine3d to roll pitch yaw function
- New tf_visual_tools functionality to help debug transforms
- New parameter server isEnabled feature
- Add id for wireframe cuboids
- Namespaced publishWireframeCuboid
- Helper function for publishAxisLabeled
- New getBoolMap() function
- New convertXYZRPY() function
- Fix warnings
- Fixed yellow
- Fix internal publish bug
- Check for empty parameter
- New delayed publishing internal mode
- added publishCuboid function for Eigen::Affine3d
- New string vector param reading
- added publishCuboid function for Eigen::Affine3d
- Show whole param path
- Added publish plane and cone
- Renamed to publishAxisLabled()
- New publishWireframeRectangle function
- Fixed publishZArrow direction
- New publishAxisWithLabel() function
- Removed mute functionality
- New publishWireframeRectangle() function
- Improved memory reuse by utilizing member variables for conversion functions
- Fixed ordering of functions in file
- Added alpha values to fix planning scene visualization
- Add WireframCuboid function to show oriented bounding boxes as computed ...
- Made more function parameters passed by reference
- Add color to wireframe
- Add WireframCuboid function to show oriented bounding boxes as computed from PCL.
- New generateRandomCuboid() function
- Fixed formatting, added a PoseStamped version to publish[X|Y|Z]Arrow() functions
- publishMesh() now has optional ID specification
- Fixed generateRandomPose() bug
- Added Eigen version of generateRandomPose()
- changed floats to double in random pose struct, added publish block function to take pose
- Updated rviz_visual_tools API
- Deprecated publishRectangle() in favor of publishCuboid()
- Added cyan and magenta
- Added maintainer
- Removed random pose bounds member variable in favor of using a funciton parameter
- Added publish arrow functions
- Added dark grey color
- New publishLine function takes two Vector3's
- added functionality to change bounds of random pose
- New publishArrow function that allows stamped pose for arbitrary parent frames
- added ArrayXXf to hold bounds on random pose
- new publishLine function takes two Vector3's
- Made yellow brighter
- added marker array to rviz and modified generate random pose to give actual random pose
- New publishArrow() functions
- New batch publishing method - allows markers to be published in batches to reduce ROS messages being published
- added method for displaying cuboids
- added a clear overlay
- New publishMesh function
- Added Brown, Pink, and Lime Green colors
- Copyright year
- Contributors: Dave Coleman, Andy McEvoy, Jorge Canardo Alastuey
- New publishLine function
- New publishText() function with Eigen pose
- New publishAxis() feature
- New publishRectangle() functions
- New publishCylinder() functions
- New convertPoint() functions
- API: Renamed publishTest() to publishTests()
- Fix CMakeLists
- New convertPoint() function
- New DEFAULT color to allow color selection to be disabled
- Fix install space
- Fix for publishRectangle() - zero scale size
- Added new size const values
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
- Renamed VisualTools to RvizVisualTools
- Removed unnecessary dependency
- Bugfix
- Reduced debug output
- New waitForSubscriber() function that checks for first subscriber to a publisher
- New generateEmptyPose() function helper
- Consolidated publishing rviz messages to central publishMarker() function
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
- Added new publishSpheres function
- Renamed rviz_colors to colors and rviz_scales to scales
- Initial commit, forked from moveit_visual_tools
- Contributors: Dave Coleman