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Tools for querying, visualizing, and modeling network graphs on the Helium blockchain.


Helium's Blockchain API is an effective way to view historical data stored on-chain, but the ledger-based format is less useful for feeding directly into network models. In this project, we propose to build a framework for a graph-based representation of blockchain activity, including Proof of Coverage and Token Flow. By capturing the natural adjacency between hotspots and accounts, we will be able to build machine learning models to, for instance, identify likely "gaming" behavior and predict coverage maps based on hotspot placement.

More details in the full project proposal.


To run use these tools, you will need a running instance of helium-arango-http, a REST API that serves queries of an ArangoDB database.

Quick setup

Note: Because it is meant as a demonstration of a variety of different network analysis/deep learning tools, this repository is not optimized in terms of dependencies. The most stark example of this is that both TensorFlow (for Spektral) and Torch (torch-geometric) are present in requirements.txt because we supply adapters for both. My recommendation is that you fork this repo and only keep the dependencies/functions that you need. If you are not planning to do any deep learning, there's no need to download the full TF/Torch wheels!

Clone the repository and initialize a virtual environment with requirements.txt, e.g.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Another Note: By default, the CPU-only version of PyTorch 1.10 is installed. If you want to use a CUDA-compatible GPU to train graph neural networks, make sure to adjust accordingly.


The helium_arango_analysis.client.HeliumArangoHTTPClient base class is a requests based wrapper for the routes provided by the HTTP API. Initialize the client by providing the URL to the endpoint, e.g.

from helium_arango_analysis.client import HeliumArangoHTTPClient as Client

client = Client('http://localhost:8000/')

Getting Graphs

Because the ArangoDB instance natively stores blockchain data as nodes and edges, the API focuses on queries that address adjacencies in the Helium Network, such as those between accounts (token flow) and hotspots (witness receipts). With this representation, we can leverage graph-based analyses to extract insights about network activity.

Get Witness Graph in H3 Hex

import h3
hex = h3.h3_to_parent('882a847063fffff', 5)
nodes, edges = client.get_witness_graph_in_hex(hex=hex).values()

# nodes are hotspots
# {'_key': '112nUEtrKPrgWtczpbira7aDU5271qduDfJm8Y2WSXjWwpkAHdgJ',
#  '_id': 'hotspots/112nUEtrKPrgWtczpbira7aDU5271qduDfJm8Y2WSXjWwpkAHdgJ',
#  '_rev': '_dO9xXdG--T',
#  'address': '112nUEtrKPrgWtczpbira7aDU5271qduDfJm8Y2WSXjWwpkAHdgJ',
#  'owner': '14FUSqWYcWfQd7KQjrDSPXehsxvtJqxFf2q2QdxakbH4597KCz9',
#  'location': '8c2a847004b05ff',
#  'last_poc_challenge': 217323,
#  'last_poc_onion_key_hash': 'ZHXuud7wao-NWT7_66JHx9G5vyHxQgLjlST8Y7uteqQ',
#  'witnesses': {},
#  'first_block': 134960,
#  'last_block': 217359,
#  'nonce': 3,
#  'name': 'big-maroon-ant',
#  'first_timestamp': '2019-12-13 22:42:18+00:00',
#  'reward_scale': None,
#  'elevation': 0,
#  'gain': 12,
#  'location_hex': '882a847005fffff',
#  'mode': 'GatewayMode.full',
#  'payer': '14fzfjFcHpDR1rTH8BNPvSi5dKBbgxaDnmsVPbCjuq9ENjpZbxh',
#  'status': 'online',
#  'geo_location': {'coordinates': [-79.93777048403096, 40.411233460016334],
#   'type': 'Point'}}

# edges are witness receipts with distances
# {'_from': '112nUEtrKPrgWtczpbira7aDU5271qduDfJm8Y2WSXjWwpkAHdgJ',
#  '_to': '11rraissynzdXzuvR9C9zsiPuZCMsJ33jMszpNqafKhCN8T1LtJ',
#  'snr': 0,
#  'rssi': -108,
#  'distance_m': 4332.713990650966}

Token Flow Graph to Top Payees

# get token flow graph from top token recipients over a week
now_ts = 1582396185
week_ago_ts = now_ts - 3600*24*7
nodes, edges = client.get_top_payees_graph(limit=50, min_time=week_ago_ts, max_time=now_ts).values()

# nodes are accounts
# {'address': '13ucSyoF1gDE2PYuHdCuxRFDy8RbnGSoqaS7RqBNe5U5KgLjNk3',
#  'dc_balance': 0,
#  'dc_nonce': 0,
#  'security_balance': 0,
#  'balance': 55300000000000,
#  'nonce': 0,
#  'first_block': 140062,
#  'last_block': 212402,
#  'staked_balance': 0,
#  '_id': 'accounts/13ucSyoF1gDE2PYuHdCuxRFDy8RbnGSoqaS7RqBNe5U5KgLjNk3',
#  '_key': '13ucSyoF1gDE2PYuHdCuxRFDy8RbnGSoqaS7RqBNe5U5KgLjNk3',
#  '_rev': '_dO9xW0W--J'}

# edges are payments
# {'_to': '13A7h7obhgFgey8rpZJm6PCnp2EumsG6YX1fKDhGhSmkeKLudgj',
#   '_from': '14Kr1J64L2BZHRc2Ncvginn5BvrAmnUYuoFwf7Ywe6WnTLtPugM',
#   'total_amount': 61920100000000.0,
#   'num_payments': 70}

Adapters (NetworkX, torch-geometric, and Spektral)


NetworkX provides a wide range of algorithms, layouts, and visualization tools to help model graphs. We provide an adapter to construct NetworkX graphs from the HTTP responses. From there, you can directly extract metrics such as Pagerank and Betweenness Centrality.

# convert a graph to networkx Directed Graph
from networkx import is_directed, betweenness_centrality
from helium_arango_analysis.adapters import create_networkx_graph

witness_graph = create_networkx_graph(nodes, edges, name='Witnesses in Pittsburgh')
# True

bc = betweenness_centrality(witness_graph)
# {'112nUEtrKPrgWtczpbira7aDU5271qduDfJm8Y2WSXjWwpkAHdgJ': 0.012254901960784312,
#  '112AVskHifCVhotTAzS167r9yei9qfiYSBCSBm33TtoxpfRMsLwa': 0.13112745098039214,
#  '112NWnxeXBSrFmQgpCDKYvkoGTtTsyD2uy6xDV1yEyT21vQ7C9qD': 0.1256127450980392,

torch-geometric (PyTorch)

torch-geometric is a popular library for deep learning on geometric datasets. Use the convert_nx_to_torch_geometric adapter to convert graphs into objects that can be used to train and evaluate graph neural networks.

from helium_arango_analysis.adapters import convert_nx_to_torch_geometric

tg_witness_graph = convert_nx_to_torch_geometric(witness_graph,
                                                 group_node_attrs=['elevation', 'gain'],
                                                 group_edge_attrs=['snr', 'rssi', ])
print(f'Num nodes: {tg_witness_graph.num_nodes}\n'
      f'Num edges: {tg_witness_graph.num_edges}\n'
      f'Num node features: {tg_witness_graph.num_node_features}\n'
      f'Num edge features: {tg_witness_graph.num_edges}')
# Num nodes: 18
# Num edges: 42
# Num node features: 2
# Num edge features: 42

Spektral (TensorFlow)

Spektral is TensorFlow's library for graph-based deep learning. To ease the creation of training datasets, we have an adapter in helium_arango_analysis.spektral_utils that allows you to create objects with specified node/edge features and outputs. With the [] class, you can then load a lists of graphs for use in custom models. For example, to create a Spektral Graph that uses hotspot gain & elevation as node features, rssi, snr, and distance_m as edge features, and rewards_5d as output:

from helium_arango_analysis.spektral_utils import create_networkx_graph

from helium_arango_analysis.spektral_utils import make_spektral_graph
tf_witness_graph = make_spektral_graph(nodes, edges,
                                       node_features=['elevation', 'gain'],
                                       edge_features=['rssi', 'snr', 'distance_m'],


Visualization is a work in progress, as I am playing with a few different libraries to try to figure out the best way to plot the graphs. NetworkX provides basic, matplotlib-esque functionality with nx.draw(G), and the plotting submodule defines some experimental functions using plotly and pyvis.

from helium_arango_analysis.plotting import plot_witness_graph_plotly, plot_graph_simple

plot_witness_graph_plotly(witness_graph) # opens interactive plotly graph in your browser

plot_graph_simple(witness_graph) # pyvis

More usage examples in

Related Work


This project is supported by a grant from the Decentralized Wireless Alliance.