The hands-on will be based on a pre-produced QGIS project. Data layers are described in Vesta data info
Relevant references are included below.
All: complete (e.g. symbols for contacts and linear features) and plot (A4) the geologic map of Marcia crater with legend.
Mapping exercise, option A: Are there other units / linear or punctual features you think are relevant to be changed or added in the geologic map of Marcia? Update the geologic map and describe it in a pdf document (text, images: 1-2 pages)
Mapping exercise, option B: Draft a geologic mapping of Calpurnia crater (NE of Marcia), following the observation we applied on Marcia. Describe what you did in a pdf document (text,images: 1-2 pages) You may want to use the 20 mpp LAMO image mosaic over the entire Snowman area.