- Underfitting
- too simple
- unable captures the trends in the data
- exhibits too much bias
- Overfitting
- too complex
- fitting the noise in the data
- fitting random statistical fluctuations inherent in the “sample” of training data
- does not have enough bias
- Consider a hypothesis h and its
- Error rate over training data: error_train(h)
- True error rate over all data: error_true(h)
- We say h overfits the training data if
- error_true(h) > error(h, D_train)
- Amount of overfitting
- error_true(h)-error_train(h)
- Do not grow tree beyond some maximum depth
- Do not split if splitting criterion is below some threshold
- Stop growing when the split is not statistically signifcant
- Grow the entire tree, then prune
- Use a third validation set
- DTs are one of the most popular classification methods for practical applications
- DTs can be applied to a wide variety of problems including classification, regression, density estimation, etc
- Def: Classification
- D = {x^i, y^i}_{i=1}^N
- Every i x ∈ R^M (real valued vectors of length M)
- Every y^i ∈ {1,2,...,L}
- M = number of features
- N = number of examples = |D|
- Def: Binary Classification
- Above where y^i ∈ {0,1}
- |y| = 2
- Def:
- Hypothesis (aka. Decision Rule)
- for Binary Class
- h : R^M -> {+, -}
- Train time: learn h
- Test time: Given x, predict y = h(x)
- Hypothesis (aka. Decision Rule)
- Ex: 2D Binary Class (M = 2, |y| = 2)
- Linear Decision Boundary
- Nonlinear Decision Boundary
# K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
def train(D):
store D
def predict(x):
Assign the most common label of the nearest k points in D
KNN requires a distance function
- g: R^M × R^M -> R
Euclidean distance
- g(u, v) = sqrt(Σ(u_m-v_m)^2)
Manhattan distance
- g(u, v) = Σ|u_m-v_m|
What is the inductive bias of KNN?
- Similar points should have similar labels
- Feature scale could influence classification results
- model
- model parameters
- learning algorithm
- hyperparameters