- What if we have zero knowledge of the environment
$Q^*(s,a)$ be true expected discounted future reward for taking action$a$ at state$t$ - $V^(s) = max_a Q^(s,a)$
- $Q^(s,a) = R(s,a) + \gamma \sum_{s'} p(s'|s,a)V^(s') \ = R(s,a) + \gamma \sum_{s'} p(s'|s,a)[max_{a'} Q(s',a')] $
- => $\pi^(s) = argmax_a Q^(s,a)$
- If we can learn $Q^$, we can define $\pi^$ without
$R(s,a)$ and$p(s'|s,a)$
Case #1: Deterministic Environment
$p(s'|s,a) =$ $1, if \space f(s,a)=s'$ $0, otherwise$
$Q^*(s,a) = R(s,a) + \gamma [max_{a'} Q(f(s,a),a')]$ -
Algo #1:
- Initialize
$Q(s,a) = 0, \forall s,a$
- Initialize
- Do forever
- a. Select action
$a$ and execute - b. Receive reward
$r$ - c. Observe next state
$s'$ - d. Update the table entry
$Q(s,a)$ $Q(s,a) \larr r + \gamma max_{a'} Q(s',a')$
$r$ and$s$ are given by the environment when the agent interacts with it) -
(produces a training example <s,a,r,s'>)
$\epsilon$ -greedy variant of Algo #1:- Choose hyperparameter
$\epsilon$ - New step 2a:
- with probability
$(1-\epsilon)$ - select action
$a = max_{a'} Q(s,a')$ - exploit
- select action
- with probability
$(\epsilon)$ - select random action
$a \in A$ - explore
- select random action
- with probability
- Choose hyperparameter
Case #2: Nondeterministic Environment
- $p(s'|s,a) are stochastic
- Algo #2:
- Exactly the same as Algo #1 except for step 2d
- New step 2d:
- update table entry
$Q(s,a)$ $Q(s,a) \larr (1-\alpha_n)Q(s,a) + \alpha_n(r+\gamma max_{a'} Q(s',a'))$ - where
$\alpha_n = \frac{1}{1+visits(s,a,n)}$ - visits(s,a,n) = # of visits to <s,a> up to and including step n
- that is current value in table + q-learning update rule from Algo #1
- mistrust the updates b/c of stochasticity
- update table entry
$Q$ converges to$Q^*$ with probability 1- assuming
- each <s,a> is visited infinitely often
$0 \leq \gamma < 1$
- rewards are bounded
$|R(s,a)| < \beta$
- rewards are bounded
- Initial
$Q$ values are finite
- Initial
- assuming
Q-Learning is exploration insensitive
- any state visitation strategy will work assuming 1
- takes thousands of iteration to converge in practice
- TD Gammon -> Alpha Go
- Play Atari with Deep RL
- Setup: RL system observes the pixels on the screen
- It receives rewards as the game score
- Actions decide how to move the joystick / buttons
- What if our state space S is too large to represent with a table?
- Use a parametric function to approximate the table entries
- Key Idea:
- Use a neural network
$Q(s,a;\theta)$ to approximate$Q^*(s,a)$ - Learn the parameters
$\theta$ via SGD with training examples$<s_t,a_t,r_t,s_{t+1}>$
- Use a neural network
$\ell(\theta) = \sum_{s \in S} \sum_{a \in A} (Q^*(s,a) - Q(s,a;\theta))^2$ -
$S$ to large$Q^*$ unknown
- Initialize
$\theta^{(0)}$ - Do forever:
$t=1,2,3,\cdots$ - Receive example <s,a,r,s'>
- Define squared error loss
$\ell(\theta^{(t)},\theta^{(t-1)}) = (([r+\gamma max_{a'} Q(s',a';\theta^{(t-1)}])-Q(s,a;\theta^{(t)}))^2$ - the first term is y = target (TD-target) and we want
$Q(s,a;\theta)$ to be this value (same as RHS of Q-Learning updating rule)$Q(s,a;\theta) \larr r + \gamma max_{a'} Q(s',a';\theta)$ - which is impossible
- the second term is current NN estimate of table entry
- Take step opposite the gradient
$\theta^{(t)} \larr \theta^{(t-1)} - \nabla_{\theta^{(t)}} \ell(\theta^{(t)},\theta^{(t-1)})$ - where
$\nabla_{\theta^{(t)}}\ell(\theta^{(t)},\theta^{(t-1)}) = -2 (y-Q(s,a;\theta^{(t)}))\nabla_{\theta^{(t)}} Q(s,a;\theta^{(t)})$ - the second term is TD-error
- the third term is computed by backpropagation
- Problems with online updates for deep q-learning
- not i.i.d. as SGD would assume
- Quickly forget rare experiences that might later be useful to learn from
- Uniform Experience Replay
- Keep a replay memory
$D={e_1,e_2,\cdots,e_N}$ of N most recent experiences$e_t = <s_t,a_t,r_t,s_{t+1}>$ - Alternate two steps:
- Repeat T times: randomly sample
$e_i$ from D and apply a Q-Learning update to$e_i$ - Agent selects an action using
$\epsilon$ -greedy policy to receive new experience that is added to$D$
- Repeat T times: randomly sample
- Keep a replay memory
- Prioritized Experience Replay
- similar to Uniform ER, but sample so as to prioritize experiences with high error