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Lecture 20 Hidden Markov Models (Part II)

High-order HMMs

  • 1st-order HMM (i.e. bigram HMM)
  • 2nd-order HMM (i.e. trigram HMM)
  • 3rd-order HMM
  • Hidden States - y
    • The joint probability of the observations and the hidden states in an HMM is given by $P(X=x,Y=y) = C_{y_1}[\prod_{t=1}^T A_{y_t,x_t}][\prod_{t=1}^{T-1} B_{y_t,y_{t+1}}]$
  • Observations - x
    • The probability of the observations (marginal probability) in an HMM is given by $P(X=x) = \sum_{y \in Y} p(x=\vec{x},y=\vec{y})$

3 Problems for an HMM


  • Compute the probability of a given sequence of observations
  • $p(\vec{x}) = \sum_{\vec{y} \in Y_{\vec{x}}} p(\vec{x},\vec{y})$

Viterbi Decoding

  • Find the most likely sequence of hidden states, given a sequence of observations
  • $\hat{y} = argmax_{\vec{y} \in Y_{\vec{x}}} p(\vec{y}|\vec{x})$


  • Compute the marginal distribution for a hidden state, given a sequence of observations
  • $p(y_t=k|\vec{x}) = \sum_{\vec{y}=y_\vec{x} s.t. y_t=k} p(\vec{y}|\vec{x})$

Examples of 3 Problems

y1 y2 y3
x1 x2 x3
  1. Evaluation: $p(x_1,x_2,x_3)=\sum_{y_1} \sum_{y_2} \sum_{y=3} p(x_1,x_2,x_3,y_1,y_2,y_3)$
  2. Viterbi Decoding: $\hat{y_1}, \hat{y_2}, \hat{y_3} = argmax_{\vec{y}} p(y_1,y_2,y_3|x_1,x_2,x_3)$
  3. Marginals: $p(y_2=V|x_1,x_2,x_3) = \sum_{y_1} \sum_{y_3} p(y_1,y_2,y_3|x_1,x_2,x_3)$
  4. Joint distribution: $p(x_1,x_2,x_3,y_1,y_2,y_3) = p(y_1)p(x_1|y_1)p(x_2|y_2)p(x_3|y_3)p(y_2|y_1)p(y_3|y_2)$
  5. $p(\vec{y}|\vec{x}) = \frac{p(\vec{x},\vec{y})}{p(\vec{x})}$
  6. For $|\vec{y}|=T$ and $y_t \in {1,\cdots,K}$ there are $K^T$ possible values of $\vec{y}$

Forward-Backward Algorithm

Dataset for Supervised Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging

Sample1 n v p d n $y^{(1)}$
time flies like an arrow $x^{(1)}$
Sample2 n n v d n $y^{(2)}$
time flies like an arrow $x^{(2)}$

Brute-Force Algorithm

def eval(vec_x):
    p_x = 0                # p(vec_c)
    for y in all_y(vec_x): # y_x
        p_x += joint(x, y) # p(x,y)
    return p_x

Forward-Backward Algorithm

Forward-Backward Search Space


  • Key Idea: the current tag holds all the information for the next tag scoring
  • Viterbi Algorithm: Most Probable Assignment
    • Numbers associated with edges and nodes of path
    • Most probable assignment = path with highest product
    • p(v a n) = (1/Z) * product weight of one path
  • Marginal probability $p(Y_2=a|X)$ = (1/Z) * total weight of all paths through a
  • Find Marginals
    • $\alpha_2(n)$ = total weight of these path prefixes
    • $\beta_2(n)$ = total weight of these path suffixes
    • found by dynamic programming: matrix-vector products
    • Product of $\alpha_2(n)$ and $\beta_2(n)$ gives $ax+ay+az+bx+by+bz+cx+cy+cz$ = total weight of paths, which is more efficient
    • We also need $A(pref., n)$, the opinion of the emission probability at this variable
    • total weight of all paths through n = $\alpha_2(n) A(pref.,n) \beta_2(n)$
    • sum = Z (total weight of all paths) => $p(\vec{x}) = \sum_{\vec{y}} p(\vec{x},\vec{y})$
    • Divided by Z to get marginal probability $p(y_i|\vec{x})$

Forward-Backward Algorithm

  • Define:
    • $\alpha_t(k) \simeq p(x_1,\cdots,x_t,y_t=k)$
    • $\beta_t(k) \simeq p(x_{t+1},\cdots,x_T,y_t=k)$
  • Assume:
    • $y_0 = START$
    • $y_{T+1} = END$
  • Initialize
    • $\alpha_0(START) = 1$ $\alpha_0(k) = 0, \forall k \neq START$
    • $\beta_0(END) = 1$ $\beta_{T+1}(k) = 0, \forall k \neq END$
  • (Forward Algo.) For $t = 1,\cdots,T$
    • For $k = 1,\cdots,K$
      • $\alpha_t(k) = p(x_t|y_t=k) \sum_{j=1}^K \alpha_{t-1}(j)p(y_t=k|y_{t-1}=j)$
      • the alphas include the emission probabilities so that we don't multiply them in separately
  • (Backward Algo.) For $t = T,\cdots,1$
    • For $k = 1,\cdots,K$
      • $\beta_t(k) = \sum_{j=1}^K p(x_{t+1}|y_{t+1}=j) \beta_{t+1}(j) p(y_{t+1}=j|y_t=k)$
  • Compute evaluation $p(\vec{x}) = \alpha_{T+1}(END)$
  • Compute marginals $p(y_t=k|\vec{x}) = \frac{\alpha_t(k)\beta_t(k)}{p(\vec{x})}$


