- Implement a simple function which returns sin(x)
- Plots of y=sin(x) are good data for c*.
- Medical Diagnosis
- N = 5, M = 4
i | sick (y^(i)) | sneezing | caughing | doctor | fox | x
- | - | - | - | - | - | - 1 | - | Y | N | N | N | x^(1) 2 | - | N | Y | N | N | x^(2) 3 | + | Y | Y | N | N | x^(3) 4 | - | Y | Y | Y | N | x^(4) 5 | + | N | Y | N | Y | x^(5)
- Problem setting
- Set of possible inputs X
- Set of possible outputs Y
- Unknown target function c^*: X->Y
- Set of candidate hypotheses H={h|h:X->Y}
Learner is given:
- Training examples D={(x^(1),y^(1)),...,(x^(n),y^(n))} of unknown target function c*, where y^(i) =c*(x^(i))
Learner Produce:
- Hypothesis h∈H that best approximates c^*
To evaluate:
- Loss function l=y×y->R mesures how "bad" y^=h(x) are compared to c*(x)
- Practioner chooses functions
- Ex: Regression y∈R l(y,y^)=(y-y^)^2 "squared loss"
- Ex: Classification y is discrete l(y,y^)=0 if y=y^ 1 otherwise "zero-one loss"
- Definition: Error Rate
- Let D be a dataset and h∈H be a hypothesis
- error(D,h) = \sigma_{i=1}^{|D|} Π(y^(i)≠h(x))
- error(D,h)∈[0,1] and can use this to measure some notion of a "best" approximation.
Learner is given:
- Another dataset D^{test}={(x^(1),y^(1)),...,(x^(n),y^(n))}
- What is our average liss on D^{test}
def train(D):
store dataset D
def h(x):
if Εx^(i)∈D s.t. x^(i)=x:
return y^(i)
return y∈Y randomly
Q: Does memorization = learning? A: Yes, but not a form of generalization.
def train(D):
store v=majority_vote(D)
return the class y∈Y that appears most often in D
def h(x):
return v
def train(D):
pick an attribute, m
divide dataset D on m
two votes:
def h(x):
if x_m==0:
return v^(0)
else x_m==1:
return v^(1)
- Problem setting
- Set of possible inputs x
- Set of possible outputs y
- Unknown target function c*: X->Y
- Set of candidate hypotheses H={h|h:x->y}
- Input space
- Output space
- Unknown target function
- Hypothesis space
- Training examples