- Data:
- Binary feature vectors, Binary labels
$x \in {0,1}^M$ $y \in {0,1}$
- Generative Story:
$y \sim Bernoulli(\phi)$ - $ x_1 \sim Bernoulli(\theta_{y,1}) $
- $ x_2 \sim Bernoulli(\theta_{y,2}) $
- ...
- $ x_M \sim Bernoulli(\theta_{y,M}) $
- Model:
$p_{Φ,θ}(x,y)$ $= p_{\Phi,\theta}(x_1, x_2, ..., x_M, y)$ $= p_\Phi(y) \prod_{m=1}^M p_\theta(x_m|y)$ $= [(\Phi)^y (1-\Phi)^{(1-y)} \prod_{m=1}^M (\theta_{y,m})^{x_m}(1-\theta_{y,m})^{(1-x_m)}]$
- Training: Find the class-conditional MLE parameters
- Count Variables:
$N_{y=1} = \Sigma_{i=1}^{N} I_A(y^{(i)}=1)$ $N_{y=0} = \Sigma_{i=1}^{N} I_A(y^{(i)}=0)$ $N_{y=0,x_m=1} = \Sigma_{i=1}^{N} I_A(y^{(i)}=0 \wedge x_m^{(i)}=1)$
MLE estimators:
$\Phi = \frac{N_{y=1}}{N}$ $\theta_{0,m} = \frac{N_{y=0,x_m=1}}{N_{y=0}}$ $\theta_{1,m} = \frac{N_{y=1,x_m=1}}{N_{y=1}}$ $\forall m \in {1,...,M}$
- suppose we never observe the word “unicorn” in a real news article.
- Now suppose we observe the word “unicorn” at test time.
- What is the posterior probability that the article was a real article?
- Generative Story:
- The parameters are drawn once for the entire dataset
$$\bold{for} \space m \in {1,...,M}: \ \space \space \bold{for} \space y \in {0,1}:\ \space \space \space \space \theta_{m,y} \sim Beta(\alpha, \beta) \ \bold{for} \space i \in {1,...,N}: \ \space \space y^{(i)} \sim Bernoulli(\Phi) \ \space \space \bold{for} \space m \in {1,...,M}:\ \space \space \space \space x_m^{(i)} \sim Bernoulli(\theta_{y^{(i)},m})$$
- Likelihood
$$\ell_{MAP}(\Phi,\theta) \ = log[p(\Phi,\theta|\alpha,\beta)p(D|\Phi,\theta)] \ = log[(p(\Phi|\alpha,\beta)\prod_{m=1}^M p(\theta_{0,m}|\alpha,\beta))(\prod_{i=1}^N p(x^{(i)},y^{(i)}|\Phi,\theta))]$$
- MAP Estimators
- Take derivatives, set to zero and solve
$\Phi = \frac{N_{y=1}}{N}$ $\theta_{0,m} = \frac{(\alpha-1)+N_{y=0,x_m=1}}{(\alpha-1)+(\beta-1)+N_{y=0}}$ $\theta_{1,m} = \frac{(\alpha-1)+N_{y=1,x_m=1}}{(\alpha-1)+(\beta-1)+N_{y=1}}$
- Support: Integer vector (word IDs)
$x=[x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_M]$ where$x_m \in {1,\cdots,K}$ a word id - Generative Story:
$$\bold{for} \space i \in {1,...,N}: \ \space \space y^{(i)} \sim Bernoulli(\Phi) \ \space \space \bold{for} \space j \in {1,...,M_i}:\ \space \space \space \space x_j^{(i)} \sim Multinomial(\theta_{y^{(i)},1})$$
- Model:
$$p_{\Phi,\theta}(x,y) = p_\Phi(y) \prod_{k=1}^K p_{\theta_k}(x_k|y) \ = (\Phi)^y(1-\Phi)^{(1-y)} \prod_{j=1}^{M_i} \theta_{y,x_j}$$
- Support:
$x \in R^K$ - Model: Product of prior and the event model
$$p(x,y) = p(x_1,\cdots,x_K,y) = p(y)\prod_{k=1}^K p(x_k|y)$$ - Gaussian Naive Bayes assumes that
$p(x_k|y)$ is given by a Normal Distribution
- Model:
- The only change is that we permit y to range over C classes
$$p(x,y) = p(x_1,\cdots,x_K,y) = p(y)\prod_{k=1}^K p(x_k|y)$$ - Now,
$y \sim Multinomial(\Phi,1)$ and we have a separate conditional distribution$p(x_k|y)$ for each of the C classes
- Support: Depends on the choice of event model,
$P(X_k|Y)$ - Model: Product of prior and the event model
$P(X,Y) = P(Y) \prod_{k=1}^K P(X_k|Y)$
- Training: Find the class-conditional MLE parameters
- For P(Y), we find the MLE using all the data. For each
$P(X_k|Y)$ we condition on the data with the corresponding
- For P(Y), we find the MLE using all the data. For each
- Classification: Find the class that maximizes the posterior
$\hat{y} = argmax_y p(y|x) (posterior) \ = argmax_y \frac{p(x|y)p(y)}{p(x)} (by \space Bayes's \space rule) \ = argmax_y p(x|y)p(y)$
Generative Classifiers
- Ex: Naive Bayes
- Define a joint model of the observations x and the labels y:
$p(x,y)$ - Learning maximizes (joint) likelihood
- Use Bayes's Rule to classify based on the posterior:
$p(y|x) = p(x|y)p(y)/p(x)$
Discriminative Classifiers
- Ex: Logistic Regression
- Directly model the conditional:
$p(y|x)$ - Learning maximizes conditional likelihood
Generative | Discriminative | |
MLE | $\prod_i p(x^{(i)},y^{(i)} | \theta)$ |
MAP | $p(\theta) \prod_i p(y^{(i)} |
- Finite Sample Analysis
- Assume that we are learning from a finite training dataset
- If model assumptions are correct: Naive Bayes is a more efficient learner (requires fewer samples) than Logistic Regression
- If model assumptions are incorrect: Logistic Regression has lower asymtotic error, and does better than Naive Bayes
- Learning (Parameter Estimation)
- Naive Bayes
- Parameters are decoupled -> Closed form solution for MLE
- Logistic Regression
- Parameters are coupled -> No closed form solution - must use iterative optimization techniques instead
- Naive Bayes
- Learning (MAP Estimation of Parameters)
- Bernoulli Naive Bayes
- Parameters are probabilities -> Beta prior (usually) pushes probabilities away from zero/ one extremes
- Logistic Regression:
- Parameters are not probabilities -> Gaussian prior encourages parameters to be close to zero
- Bernoulli Naive Bayes
- Naive Bayes vs. Logistic Regression
- Naive Bayes: Features x are assumed to be conditionally independent given y. (i.e. Naive Bayes Assumption)
- Logistic Regression: No assumptions are made about the form of the features x. They can be dependent and correlated in any fashion.
- Most of the models we’ve seen so far were for classification
- Given observations:
$x=(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_k)$ - Predict a label:
- Given observations:
- Many real-world problems require structured prediction
- Given observations:
$x=(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_k)$ - Predict a structure:
- Given observations:
$\hat{\vec{y}} = argmax_{\vec{y}} p(\vec{y}|\vec{x})$ where$\vec{y} \in Y$ and$|Y|$ is very large - Some classification problems benefit from latent structure