- Sigmoid / Logistic Function
$\frac{1}{1 + \exp{(-\alpha)})}$
- Tanh
- Like logistic function but shifted to range
$[-1, +1]$
- Like logistic function but shifted to range
- reLU often used in vision tasks
- rectified linear unit
- Linear with cutoff at zero
$max(0, wx+b)$ - Soft version:
$\log{(\exp{(x)} + 1)}$
- Quadratic Loss
- the same objective as Linear Regression
- i.e. MSE
- Cross Entropy
- the same objective as Logistic Regression
- i.e. negative log likelihood
- this requires probabilities, so we add an additional "softmax" layer at the end of our network
- steeper
Forward | Backward | |
Quadratic | ||
Cross Entropy | $J = y^\log{(y)} + (1-y^)\log{(1-y)}$ | $\frac{dJ}{dy} = \frac{y^}{y} + \frac{(1-y^)}{y-1}$ |
- Softmax:
$y_k = \frac{\exp{(b_k)}}{\sum_{l=1}^{K} \exp{(b_l)}}$ - Loss:
$J = \sum_{k=1}^K y_k^* \log{(y_k)}$
- Def #1 Chain Rule
$y = f(u)$ $u = g(x)$ $\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{dy}{du}·\frac{du}{dx}$
- Def #2 Chain Rule
$y = f(u_1,u_2)$ $u_2 = g_2(x)$ $u_1 = g_1(x)$ $\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{dy}{du_1}·\frac{du_1}{dx} + \frac{dy}{du_2}·\frac{du_2}{dx}$
- Def #3 Chain Rule
$y = f(u)$ $u = g(x)$ $\frac{dy}{dx} = \sum_{j=1}^J \frac{dy_i}{du_j}·\frac{du_j}{dx_k}, \forall i,k$ - Backpropagation is just repeated application of the chain rule
- Computation Graphs
- not a Neural Network diagram
- Backprop Ex #1
$y = f(x,z) = \exp(xz) + \frac{xz}{\log(x)} + \frac{\sin(\log(x))}{xz}$ - Forward Computation
- Given
$x = 2, z = 3$ $a = xz, b = log(x), c = sin(b), d = exp(a), e = a / b, f = c / a$ $y = d + e + f$
- Given
- Backgward Computation
$gy = dy/dy = 1$ $gf = dy/df = 1, de = dy/dc = 1, gd = dy/gd = 1$ $gc = dy/dc = dy/df·df/dc = gf(1/a)$ $gb = dy/db = dy/de·de/db + dy/dc·dc/db = (ge)(-a/b^2) + (gc)(cos(b))$ $ga = dy/da = dy/dc·de/da + dy/dd·dd/da + dy/df·df/da = (ge)(1/b) + (gd)(exp(a)) + (gf)(-c/a^2)$ $gx = (ga)(z) + (gb)(1/x)$ $g_z = (ga)(x)$
- Updates for Backprop
$gx = \frac{dy}{dx} = \sum_{k=1}^K \frac{dy}{du_k}·\frac{du_k}{x} = \sum_{k=1}^K (gu_k)(\frac{du_k}{dx})$ - Reuse forward computation in backward computation
- Reuse backward computation within itself
- Consider a 2-hidden layer neural nets
- parameters are
$\theta = [\alpha^{(1)}, \alpha^{(2)}, \beta]$ - SGD training
- Iterate until convergence:
- Sample
$i \in {1, \cdots, N}$ - Compute gradient by backprop
$g\alpha^{(1)} = \nabla \alpha^{(1)}J^{(i)}(\theta)$ $g\alpha^{(2)} = \nabla \alpha^{(2)}J^{(i)}(\theta)$ $g\beta = \nabla \beta J^{(i)}(\theta)$ $J^{(i)}(\theta) = \ell(h_\theta(x^{(i)}), y^{(i)})$
- Step opposite the gradient
$\alpha^{(1)} \leftarrow \alpha^{(1)} - \gamma g\alpha^{(1)}$ $\alpha^{(2)} \leftarrow \alpha^{(2)} - \gamma g\alpha^{(2)}$ $\beta \leftarrow \beta - \gamma g\beta$
- Sample
- Iterate until convergence:
- Backprop Ex #2: for neural network
- Given: decision function
$\hat{y} = hθ(x) = \sigma((\alpha^{(3)})^T)·\sigma((\alpha^{(2)})^T·\sigma((\alpha^{(1)})^T·x))$ - loss function $J = \ell(\hat{y},y^) = y^\log(\hat{y}) + (1-y^*)\log(1-\hat{y})$
- Forward
- Given
$x, \alpha^{(1)}, \alpha^{(2)}, \alpha^{(3)}, y^*$ $z^{(0)} = x$ - for
$i = 1, 2, 3$ $u^{(i)} = (\alpha^{(1)})^T·z^{(i-1)}$ $z^{(i)} = \sigma(u^{(i)})$
- Given
$\hat{y} = z^{(3)}$ $J = \ell(\hat{y}, y^*)$
- Given: decision function