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Coordinate Systems

Michel Breyer edited this page Apr 25, 2020 · 12 revisions

Robotic systems consist of many parts (links) connected with revolute, prismatic, fixed, floating, or planar joints. The configuration of each link can be represented with a set of 6 coordinates, three coordinates for translation and three coordinates for orientation. It is common practice to associate each link with a coordinate frame rigidly attached to a point on the body.

Transformation Matrix

Often we want to transform the coordinates of a point between coordinate systems. Let A and B be two arbitrary coordinate systems. Let pB be the coordinates of a point p with respect to coordinate system B.

The coordinates of p with respect to the coordinate system A are then given by

Naming Convention

Symbol Code Meaning

Common Frame Names

Name Description
world Fixed world reference frame, mostly used in simulation.
task Dynamically defined reference frame for a manipulation task, e.g. corner of a table.
base Base coordinate system located at the base of the robot.
tool0 Robot tool mounting point.
TCP Center point of the tool.
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